100+ Coaching Sentences to Bypass the Conscious Mind -The Love Language of Influence: Building Deep Connections and Persuasion


100+ Sentences to using negotiation, convincing & selling using subtle suggestive language also during Coaching Counseling

In this article you will learn the following

-42 Profoundly Powerful Techniques to Create Hypnotic And Mesmerizing Story-Telling Effects On Your Audience

-5 Examples of Sentences for requesting something of profound value [to you] and also to be used DURING any — negotiation, sales interview OR any conversation of importance — where you want others to take certain action]

-100+ Examples of Coaching Counseling Sentences that you can directly use to bypass the conscious and tap into other people’s subconscious for making them agree to your proposals

ALSO LEARN THE FOLLOWING — FROM MY another article — Language that makes people your fan — https://www.successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog/language-that-makes-people-your-fan

I. Learn The Language Of Love And How To Create Deep Bonding With People Who Are Important To You

II. Learn What Makes Some People Are Able To Attract — Love, Respect, Like And Care

III. Understanding The Importance Of This Love Language -In Building Good Relationships And Understanding

IV. Understand The Different Subconsciously Preferred Style Of Different People

V. 9 Subconscious Love Language-Types And Its Sub-Types — And How To Use Them To Impress And Create Meaningful Connections

Understand, create and use the most subtle suggestive language to convince, negotiate and sell effectively.

Many of the greatest — communicators, public-speakers, top negotiators, and the greatest salespersons use this subtle hypnotic and suggestive language.

This language helps you capture the curiosity and attention of your audiences — and then giving them what their subconscious wants to have.

To be a successful practitioner of this language — you have to master the finesse of this language to bypass other’s conscious mind and connect with the sub-conscious wants, desires and aspirations of your audience.

This language can also be called subtle Conversational Hypnosis or Covert Hypnosis.

The purpose of any suggestive Hypnotic Language is to make any of your requests and demands — look so simple & easy for others to follow and accept the request you are making without resistance.

Simply put — hypnosis is simply a tool to trigger certain thought patterns.

For this to happen — you need to be attentive to the responses and to your audience’s unique personalities — to customize for most value adding results.

Although some unscrupulous scammers, con artists as well as politicians, businesspersons and bureaucrats use them to manipulate, chat, defraud and take advantage of others — this is not the purpose.

You can Convince and persuade others to take a specific set of actions through — presenting logical, emotional reasoning, and credible arguments. — for maximum effectiveness.

Manipulation — involves deceit and trickery and also aiming to control others for personal gain without considering their best interests.

This language technique can be used during any regular conversation with a focus to create a positive change in your listener’s life.

When used correctly — this language enables you to make others accept themselves as they are and leading them to choose the best ways to become happier, healthier, more abundant, more confident and emotionally secure etc.

This is not a mind-control or brain-washing technique and should not be used for that.

42 Profoundly Powerful Techniques to Create Hypnotic And Mesmerizing Story-Telling Effects On Your Audience

1. NOTE — most of the exercises are self-explanatory and implementable as it is — IN CASE IT NEEDS EXPLAINATIONS — YOU CAN FIND THEM IN A RELEVANT ARTICLE IN BOTH OF MY WEBSITES and among 900+ blogs as well as in my 2000+ answers on my Quora page

2. Please use all the techniques, tools and methods given in this article and in my earlier one — ONLY FOR ENABLING, EMPOWRING AND HEALING OTHERS — don’t use them for ulterior, harmful, manipulative and for the purpose of taking advantage of others — BECASE IN LONG RUN IT WILL CAUSE IRREPARABLE HARM AND DAMAGE TO YOU AS WELL

3. Focus on adding maximum positive and meaningful value to others by enabling them to become the best that they can

4. Use all the natural situational distractions available at that moment — like all the sound and noise to bypass their conscious.

5. Use sentences to bypass the natural resistance of your subjects [you can use the words and sentences from the examples given in this article OR create your own]

6. Give multiple stimulus to engage the conscious mind fully so as not be aware of leading suggestions that you give — because our conscious mind can handle only a limited number of demand at any given time & if it is exposed to more than its capacity — your subconscious mind takes over THAT IS THE PURPOSE [you can use the words and sentences from the examples given in this article OR create your own]

7. Learn to give subtle directions to your subject’s unconscious mind triggering an expected [for you] response — using cues to help them see a problem or situation — in very different light to overcome that specific mental block or inhibition

8. Practice NLP visualization techniques on yourself first and then start practicing on people to help them visualize — solutions, different perspectives, ideas to make them feel resourceful and empowered AND also to remove negative mental blocks and thinking habits

9. Learn to Reinforce the positives in others through words and tone to reinforce positivity

10. Learn and use the words in a tone — that makes others calm and creates faith in you

11. Identify and use — words or groups of words — that makes others listen to you with full focus making them completely oblivious to any distractions that might be there

12. Learn to use words like — relax, calm, comfort, focus, success, positive, happy — over and over in your conversation to naturally prime your subject’s unconscious mind to follow those suggestions — EXAMPLE — Every time you take a deep breath — you feel so relaxed and comfortable And noise or sensation that you feel deepens your focus on my words — and your this pleasant experience becomes more profound

13. Learn to use words that make other people recall their past experiences — only the details and not the emotions — to make them see their capabilities and potentials with evidence

14. Learn the technique of creating a massive shock or surprise — for instant bypassing of your audience’s conscious mind by overloading their conscious mind to facilitate takeover by subconscious mind

15. Use effect of multiple positive reinforcement to build-on and reinforce your preceding suggestion — EXAMPLE — You are a non-smoker who exercises, and you are healthy — THEN YOU ADD — you are a great successful person — their subconscious mind using the Law of Compounding Effect — connect all these suggestions as interdependent

16. Use the NLP visualization for creating Powerful anchors — by taking them through Their never-to-be-forgotten experiences -the most powerful, magical and successful moments of their life

17. Use metaphors and similes by using simple predicates and conjunctions in putting ideas together in different ways

18. Learn to create and use — conscious/unconscious dissociation to make very negligent amounts of attention available for conscious processes.

19. When you have become seasoned practitioner — tell people that you are going to try to bypass their conscious mind AND seek their cooperation

20. When you are negotiating or trying to convince someone to sell OR EVEN in your personal relationships — identify the problem, building alternative arguments using the NLP REFRAMING techniques — to identify the problem AND to show to your listener how this is an opportunity to become empowered by using the resources they already have -to transform this problem into a massive opportunity

21. Use conjunctions by combining — what is good right now AND how it can be used to overcome a major problem OR to get a breakthrough outcome — you can use the words as conjunctions — And, As, Because Imagine, and Which means, etc. — the trick is to combine ideas, one after the other — to propel your brain’s habit of learning through association and repetition

22. Three Powerful techniques of stress reduction, overcoming the regret, shame and past failures

23. Pygmalion Effect explains that whatever impression you have about someone — they are likely to exhibit the same behavior when they are around you

24. Practice first yourself and then learn how to help others by making them recall any unpleasant, traumatic experiences in vivid details without those emotions in a detached and disassociated manner

25. Use the NLP visualization technique to make others experience the same feelings and maybe experience the same 5 senses sensations when experiencing a powerful incident of their life

26. Learn to use Self-hypnosis to solve problems, set and achieve goals, receive new ideas and inventions, improve skills — many top-notch artists, writers, composers, inventors and scientists throughout history have created their greatest works using self-hypnosis

27. When you have become the ultimate master — you can use these techniques for stage or public-lace Hypnosis — to make your audience do all kinds of fun things

28. Present your ideas with certainty and conviction to inspire confidence in others.

29. Use compelling stories to illustrate your points and make your message memorable.

30. Engage with empathy and curiosity to build rapport and understand the other person’s perspective.

31. Apply the principle of reciprocity by offering something valuable before asking for a favor.

32. Master nonverbal communication to enhance your persuasive power.

33. Clearly outline the benefits to the other person to make your proposition more attractive.

34. Communicate with clarity by using plain language and avoiding jargon.

35. Seek out new and interesting experiences — People are impressed by those who have unique experiences

36. Be careful not to get overly self-centered when trying to impress others

37. Talent is something you can show off to impress people

38. Try to be well informed-impress people with your knowledge

39. Don’t brag or rub it in people’s faces that you do all these things

40. Remember things people tell you to impress them with your attention to detail

41. Show them that things that are important to them also matter to you

42. Go above and beyond to impress your coworkers and superiors -Find ways to do more with less resources -Coworkers and bosses love to see someone who’s a great team player

5 Examples of Sentences for requesting something of profound value [to you] and also to be used DURING any — negotiation, sales interview OR any conversation of importance — where you want others to take certain action]

1. “I only want you to…” — [anything big also might look like a very simple deal]

2. “I wonder if…” [this type of sentence is a resistance and pressure buster as you are not actually asking them to do anything ONLY WONDERING Yourself] — this also might trigger curiosity — you are actually making them choose what you want them to do by suggesting an open possibility making people more open to considering it

3. “People generally do not know…” [ this actually might make the other person rise to the bait and also because you are not asking them directly their natural guard to make them more open to suggestions]

4. “You might have noticed…” [this is about making assumptions on other person’s behalf — that what you are saying is something that they are already aware about — this is a sneaky suggestive way]

5. “What happens when…” [this sentence analyzes the advantage of something that is actually very beneficial to them]


Most of the sentences are my original ones that I have used during my coaching/Counseling Journey

100+ Examples of Coaching Counseling Sentences that you can directly use to bypass the conscious and tap into other people’s subconscious for making them agree to your proposals

You can create your own sentences by refining the following which work for you — Please Remember to adapt and integrate these language patterns — based on your style, the needs of your clients, and the long-term goals you aim to achieve.

30 Examples of Sentences Subtle embedded suggestions built into something simple

1. Take a deep breath and relax your body -every time you take a deep breath you experience a very relaxed and calm mind

2. Imagine yourself stepping into a state of relaxed calmness

3. Allow your mind to focus on positive thoughts

4. As you continue to relax, you may notice positive changes occurring

5. The more you become aware of the noises & sounds around you — your relaxation becomes deeper naturally

6. With deeper sense of calm — you may see powerful solutions to your problems

7. As you continue to relax, let go of any tension… allowing your muscles to release and unwind completely

8. While you listen to my voice, notice how effortlessly you absorb the positive suggestions… integrating them deeply into your subconscious mind

9. Perhaps you’ll discover that with each session, you become more attuned to your inner wisdom… making choices that align with your true desires and aspirations

10. As you relax now, you may become aware of the profound changes happening within you

11. When you fully embrace the power of your subconscious mind, you unlock a limitless potential for transformation

12. The more you engage with these hypnotic sessions, the deeper your relaxation becomes, allowing for profound inner shifts…”

13. You can easily let go of past experiences that no longer serve you, allowing space for new possibilities and growth

14. Notice how effortlessly you integrate positive suggestions, aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your desired reality

15. Allow yourself to imagine the incredible outcomes that arise when you embrace these suggestions, step by step, leading to lasting change…”

16. When you’re ready to make positive changes, you’ll naturally notice shifts occurring in your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors

17. As you continue to listen, you might discover an inner well of confidence that has always been within you, waiting to be tapped into

18. The more you practice relaxation, the more your mind becomes receptive to positive suggestions, paving the way for lasting transformations.”

19. You already know what it feels like to experience moments of calmness and relaxation… and can you imagine those moments expanding, growing more frequent and profound

20. Think about a time when you achieved a goal that seemed challenging at first… and as you reflect on that experience, what strengths and resources did you tap into that can support you now

21. Consider a situation in which you faced a fear or overcame an obstacle… and as you connect with the courage and resilience within you, how does that empower you to embrace positive change in this moment

22. As you continue to relax deeper and deeper, what positive changes are you noticing within yourself

23. Have you ever wondered how much more you can achieve when you tap into your inner resources and allow your subconscious mind to support your goals

24. What does it feel like to imagine a life where you effortlessly embody the qualities of confidence, resilience, and joy?

25. Imagine yourself in a social setting, feeling calm, confident, and at ease. Notice how effortlessly you engage in conversations and connect with others, radiating a sense of self-assurance and charisma

26. Think ahead to a challenging situation that may arise in the coming days. Now, envision yourself responding with calmness, clarity, and assertiveness, as you navigate the situation with grace and ease

27. Close your eyes and visualize a future event where you’re called upon to showcase your skills and talents. See yourself performing with confidence and excellence, captivating the audience with your presence and expertise

28. From this moment forward, you effortlessly release any self-doubt and embrace a deep belief in your own capabilities and worthiness

29. With each passing day, you find yourself naturally and effortlessly adopting healthier habits that support your physical, mental, and emotional well-being

30. Your subconscious mind is a wellspring of creativity and inspiration. It effortlessly generates brilliant ideas and solutions that propel you towards your goals

3 Examples of Sentences to engage other senses

Read the remaining article as per the following details

This article was originally published as “100+ Sentences to using negotiation, convincing & selling using subtle suggestive language also during Coaching Counseling“ in https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links http://relationshipandhappiness.com/ [2nd] and https://www.quora.com/profile/Subhashis-Banerji [3rd]

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