100 Trusted Tips & Ideas for Social Entrepreneurship From Grassroots to Gamechanger


100 Tips & Ideas on How to Be a Successful Social Entrepreneur

In this article, you will learn the following

26 Tips on How to Become a Successful Social Entrepreneur

36 Ideas for Everyday Social Entrepreneurship

30 significant social issues to create a venture around

8 Sample Differences between Social Entrepreneurs & Business or Industry Entrepreneurs

48 Power Ideas for future Social entrepreneurs in the Age of AI/VR/AR/Blockchain/3D Technology

42 Examples of globally acclaimed social entrepreneurship ventures and social entrepreneurs

Social entrepreneurs are driven by their passion to create positive meaningful differences in the world by solving issues that have the potential to impact on a massive scale.

There are many Social Entrepreneurs as well as social-enterprise — which have a global presence.

Social Entrepreneurs’ mission is about facilitating sustainable development, growth, and solving challenges — in most successful cases.

It is certainly possible to have a profitable social-enterprise — which not only does justice to the social cause but also makes it a cost-effective money-making social-venture.

In the examples given in this article, you will discover how their ideas are made — Many of the Social entrepreneurs create profitable businesses around their core ideas.

Social Entrepreneurs fall under these categories — Community Social Entrepreneur, Non-Profit Social Entrepreneur, Transformational Social Entrepreneur, For-profit Social Entrepreneur, or co-operative.

Many of the Social Entrepreneurs became a Social Entrepreneur — because of their personal significant or disruptive emotional experiences.

8 Sample Differences between Social Entrepreneurs & Business or Industry Entrepreneurs

I. Creating better employment opportunities for the underprivileged

II. Educating the illiterate III. Providing and facilitating better health care for all

IV. Eradicating infectious diseases

V. Providing proper shelter for the homeless VI. Eliminating Poverty

VII. Creating awareness about a social evil

VIII. Supporting small Entrepreneurs through giving resources

36 Ideas for everyday Social Entrepreneurship — please remember many of these can be upscaled to create a socially empowering enterprise — a few of them already being used & SOME THOSE YOU CAN DO IT BY YOURSELF

The ideas given here in this article are given to trigger and enable a springboard phenomenon for your creativity.

1. If you have books [especially academic ones] — which can add value to others — Donate them to the needy or to a library OR open a library for the underprivileged yourself

2. Upcycle a product that could easily be repurposed or repaired

3. Find an existing product responsible for a lot of waste and create a sustainable alternative

4. Start a homemade goods business, and hire and train people from your community who have trouble securing employment

5. Find ways to connect with — both sides of the value chain — that is — the restaurants or airlines — that have leftover foods on a daily basis AND the orphanages, old-age homes, and the NGOs managing them CREATE a mechanism that can feed the hungry and the poorest of poor

6. 30 significant social issues to create a venture around Create a club of like-minded individuals from your organizations, society, and friends

I. To encourage people Not to litter

II. To encourage people Not TO dirty natural resources like — wells, rivers/sea, forests, and mountains

III.Create campaigns to clean all the natural resources like — wells, rivers/sea, forests, and mountains

IV. Create teams that not only plant Trees BUT ALSO ensure that they survive V. Create awareness about animal cruelty

VI. Create awareness about the scarcity of water and not waste

VII. Involve people to ensure that water-conservation water management and water-saving methods are used by everyone

VIII. Find ways to make people use more natural power

IX. Cleaning and personal hygiene awareness

X. Awareness of the importance of education

XI. Educating the underprivileged

XII. Start teaching those skills that you are proficient into people who can gain livelihood through these skills

XIII. Collect and distribute used YET wearable clothes to the needy

XIV. Help people who don’t have resources — to make them organize and conduct events at a low cost — like marrying their children

XV. Create awareness about what skills are needed to make them job-attractive

XVI. Find ways to provide clean drinking water to those who don’t have access to it

XVII. Connect the job-seekers with employers

XVIII. Connect the philanthropic organization to the small entrepreneurs to facilitate financing

XIX. Mentoring small entrepreneurs to help them succeed

XX. Create awareness about the most advanced ways of agriculture and farming AND how profitable it can become — use the right business techniques and tools

XXI. Provide medical supplies and resources to underdeveloped areas XXII. Make people and societies aware of the plight and need of all the physically challenged

XXIII. Create awareness about mental health issues TO PUT THE EMPHASIS that seeking help is not bad AND create awareness about the Taboos

XXIV. Create awareness about the quacks and unverified claims about the usefulness of any treatment

XXV. Expose various frauds and scams that are happening

XXVI. Arrange through various forums so that the needy get the right legal help XXVII. Create ways to design and build ultra-low-cost hoses for poor

XXVIII. Facilitate the meritorious and deserving get scholarship programs that fund the education of talented individuals

XXIX. Create a chain that can provide daily essentials for a low-cost

XXX. Create awareness about social taboos and women and child exploitation

48 Power ideas for future social-entrepreneurs in the age of AI/VR/AR/Blockchain/3D Technology

1. Use AI — Artificial Intelligence, VR-Virtual Reality, AR-Augmented Reality, etc. to create platforms that can provide personalized therapy to help people cope with anxiety and stress

2. Create a platform — which teaches — how to use AI, VR, AR and how to train yourself to get jobs

3. Create different models and help people get involved in vertical farming to provide fresh produce

4. Make people use renewable, clean, and green energy wherever possible to reduce dependency on fossil fuels

5. Using AI — creating smart prosthetic-limbs to improve accessibility and independence for people with physical disabilities

6. Again using AI to create voice-controlled interfaces for people with visual and hearing impairment

7. Use blockchain technology to create a secure, transparent microfinancing platform that empowers individuals in developing economies to access loans and build credit

8. Create immersive training programs in AI, VR, AR, etc. to equip people with job skills relevant to the existing and emerging market scenarios

9. Creating an online Circular Economy platform that connects businesses and consumers for the exchange of used goods and materials, promoting resource efficiency and reducing waste

10. Create forums and platforms that connect NGOs and social enterprises with under-resourced communities for targeted assistance and resource allocation

11. Create mobile training centers for farmer’s training, skill training, etc.

12. Create an app that provides AI-powered mental health support and connects users to local therapists and support groups

13. Using 3D printing technology to create mechanisms, especially in disaster-prone areas — to rapidly produce essential supplies like shelters, prosthetics, water purification devices, etc. — during a calamity or crisis

14. Create platforms that fight the menace of — Propaganda, hate-speech, disinformation/ misinformation, fake news, the spread of rumors, religious intolerance, etc.

15. Develop community-based solar, wind, or geothermal microgrids to reduce dependence on centralized power grids vulnerable to climate disruptions

16. Find ways to reduce pollution with sustainable environmentally friendly methods

17. Find ways to deal with stubble-burning issues in ways to increase profit and convenience among the framers who do that

18. Find ways to turn the daily waste generated into say energy

19. Find ways to substitute plastic through creating material which are 100% bio-degradable.

20. Design AI-powered learning platforms that tailor educational experiences to individual learning styles and career aspirations

21. Develop VR experiences that raise awareness about social issues like climate change, injustice, poverty, or human rights violations -Create engaging games that tackle social challenges

22. Help Develop social enterprises that transform waste materials into valuable products like upcycling plastic waste into furniture OR reducing the use of pesticides and chemicals in farming

23. Promoting art therapy workshops to promote mental health awareness and creating a powerful tool for healing

24. Using drones to deliver critical supplies and medical aid in disaster zones, especially in remote areas OR where no other transportation is possible

25. Creating a very user-friendly and convenient app and software that can translate spoken language in to your language AND also into sign language in real-time

26. Create platforms that help people to experience different cultures firsthand, fostering empathy and understanding between diverse populations and ALSO educating tourists about the destinations they visit

27. Involving local communities to promote responsible practices to make the tourist’s experience wonderful

28. Develop AR-based modules that allow people to virtually, interact with endangered species in their natural habitats to raise awareness and boost conservation efforts

29. Design innovative systems to desalinate sea-water in either no-cost OR at very-very significantly low cost to provide access to clean drinking water in regions facing water scarcity

30. To find ways to use the energy of the sea-waves to harness the power of the ocean for human use

Read the remaining article as per the following details

This article was originally published as “100 Tips & Ideas on How to Be a Successful Social Entrepreneur “ in https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links http://relationshipandhappiness.com/ [2nd] and https://www.quora.com/profile/Subhashis-Banerji [3rd]

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