136+ Actionable Tips to Engineer Random Luck for Massive Business & Professional Success


136+ Hacks to Leverage Randomness for Phenomenal Business & Professional Success

In this article, you will learn the following

How Random LUCK Triggers Massive Phenomenal Success

136+ Tips on How to Make Randomness of Success Work for You & How to Attract Luck to Your Side


10 Paradoxes of Success You Need to Understand and Apply


Especially — If you want to become a -Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Maybe TESLA, Microsoft, ChatGpt -Alan Turing or Ian Goodfellow [AI & GenAI].

You may find the elements of LUCK playing vital role in the few of the examples among thousands LEADING TO MASSIVE Losses — Nokia [which rejected Android], Yahoo which rejected Google], Kodak did not go for digital cameras], Blockbuster [which rejected Netflix], Blackberry [once icon of elite vanished — on a lessor yet similar pattern could be Motorola & few other past business-giants].

You can succeed to a very high degree if you follow the basics given below — BUT — If you don’t have a few critical random elements of phenomenal Success — you may end up as few of the examples given above.

10 Factors of High levels of success [NOT for THE PHENOMENAL LEVELS OF SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS] -happen if you manage to do all the FOLLOWING things right [along with other mandatory factors]

1. Come up with the right idea at the right time in the right location

2. Create a great strategy

3. Execute your plans diligently

4. Incorporate worst-case scenarios in your solutions 5. Get the best talent Offer the best value both for your customers and employees 6. Work SMART & Hard 7. Put the right efforts in the correct directions 8. Persist with your efforts 9. Improvise and pivot in precise time

10. Have right policies and procedures and processes, etc., etc.

Read my 300+ articles — to gain additional insights for massive professional and business success — among the 900+ in my two websites and 2000+ answers on my Quora page.

The most critical random elements of massive success — differentiates between — your having a great long lasting profitable and globally admired business — and a business that has succeed for a small burst of time — it is also applicable to your professional success & growth.

This might make you ask a logical question — like — Is phenomenal Business Success a Random Event or a Detailed Planned & Executed Brilliantly Phenomenon.

Well — you certainly need to execute and follow the aforesaid 10 mandatory elements along with other Basics — BUT you also need a massive dose of random LUCK for unprecedented success.

If you study global businesses for their success trajectory & the period they were on top– you may discover that — Sometimes all the planning and adeptly executed strategies may not ensure and guarantee the optimal outcome.

Massive success is seemingly random — irrespective of what or who you are — a startup, a scientist, or an artist.

These random elements — are neither linear nor fixed nor uniform for all — meaning each success story has its randomness.

And then these pieces keep changing all the time — making it difficult to predict what will work.

Even if you have a fantastic plan and execute and implement everything masterly — you may still go wrong and may not achieve what you have been planning for.

Conversely — you may succeed — due to something completely unexpected.

Here I would like to quote an example for one of the richest businessmen in the world — who did not have much business acumen or creativity and breakthrough ideas. BUT he had cunningness, an opportunistic attitude and THE LUCK TO BE ASSOCIATED with great plunderers — who made him this rich. BUT this could be one unique example where none of the business success factors existed — ONLY except LUCK & being totally totally unscrupulous worked.

Unexpected occurrences could be an unrelated and random conversation with someone OR what you heard someone say in the room in his or her group or a book of fiction that you read or a show/movie you watched — gives you an insight about a new market, a new product or services or a niche [that nobody ever paid attention to or thought about] — OR triggers a chain of thoughts that leads to a massive success story.

Many time your best efforts in the right direction might get beaten by someone who has had a very important random piece of success and luck.

Many of the greatest of great OR G.O.A.T. — understand, accept, and respect this randomness — and as a result of this understanding — they also develop the skill to cope with the disappointments — and it gives them the focus to ensure that their talents, skills, and abilities are most robust and up to date.

Life is full of unpredictable variables — variables that none of us can control nor predict — many times this Clarity comes with time.

BUT BUT BUT — for professional and business success — luck is not always a 100% chance factor — meaning by taking certain steps as outlined here in this article — you can trigger the random luck AND make it work for you.

You get lucky — when you are alert to possibilities — and are on constant look-out for the breakthrough opportunities — continuously asking yourself the most fundamentally basic questions about the future and working diligently on discovering how you can create a new disruptive future.

Once you acquire this psych and thinking pattern and make it part of your natural disposition — you may discover more elements of random success coming your way.

Luck matters more in an absolute sense — the wilder the success — the more extreme and unlikely — the circumstances that caused it.

Because even if you make a very good initial choice -you can’t be expected to understand all the factors that cause world-class outcomes [and for that matter no-one can].

You might execute with great efficiency and follow all basic factors of business success and improve all the processes AND remove the lacune in the greatest organization in the world [in your domain] –- Still, you may not beat the businesses with random element of success on their side.

Determined and focused hard-work leads to a moderate success — and there are measurable factors that can be compared to identify what caused success — like types & quality of education, parental and societal conditioning, habits and talents and choices made.

Mild success can be explainable by skills and labor. Wild success is attributable to variance.

It doesn’t matter how successful or unsuccessful you are right now. What matters is whether your habits are putting you on the path toward success.

You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results.

Please understand that -You can only control the gradient of your success, not your initial position.

Bill Gates might have been incredibly fortunate to start Microsoft at the right time in history -but without decades of hard work — Microsoft might not have been where it is today.

Time erodes every advantage -At some point, good luck requires hard work and execution of all the basic elements of success — to sustain and grow even larger.

136+ Tips How to make randomness of success work for you & How to Attract Luck to Your Side These tips are randomly written and are not in any specific order and as a result thereof — YOU MAY FIND THE MOST IMPORTANT point in the end or in the middle

All the tips that need detailed explanations — have separate a simple do-it-yourself article among my 900+ blogs on two websites

1. Find ways to utilize the relevant technologies to accomplish all above more effectively, in less time, effort, and cost

2. Find innovative — business-models, revenue-models and marketing-models

3. Do not expect any Random event of phenomenon that has triggered massive success for someone — to work for you — it never will — because you neither control them nor can make it happen

4. Focus on being prepared for — the worst-case scenarios

5. Learn about biomimicry — to get ideas from nature — FIND ways how you can implement what nature does naturally FOR creating a disruptive business idea

6. Go to networking events where high-profile people are present expecting chances for random meetings with a person who can trigger a random essential

7. Become a compulsive goal-setter, strategic planner and brilliant executor — but all this must give you thrill, energy and enthusiasm AND not stress and burnout [then probably you must revisit your goals]

8. Define your non-negotiable rules [values, standards, continuous improvement, raising the bar, reinventing yourself, making yourself absolute, being the greatest of all time, passion to add unparalleled value to your employees & customers, etc., etc.] — for massive success

9. Create a balance between your immediate priorities AND your long-term aspirations -What you want now vs. what you want most

10. Identify the most powerfully meaningful goals WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE through this success — e.g. — building an intimate personal relationship, creating a great network with passionately motivated role-models, ensuring growth, development, and optimal value addition to all stakeholders, helping others become better than they ever thought, making this world a better place

11. Become a great storyteller — by explaining and sharing — what actions you took after you inspired a random event or idea — to enroll others toward your vision

12. Think about how you can redesign the game, the rules how the game is played how you can grab a niche that nobody even noticed, and how you can be the leader in that category

13. To make the element of luck work for you is to be prepared and look for opportunities, trends, and changes — then take actions, actions, and actions

14. Experiments and try and fail massively — to either encash the opportunity that you think is present OR to learn and move to newer tends using the lessons learned

15. Create a flexibility of Freedom by having the right values which act as a lighthouse and create conducive boundaries — especially during values clash

16. To become the greatest in anything — you must schedule and Spend time in quiet reflection — if possible, every day to refine all the above

17. Work towards Keeping yourself FIT and healthy- mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, relationship-wise and financially

18. Read, Learn, Update & Upgrade — meaningfully while enjoying this learning process — Yourself Regularly

19. Learn to recognize the positives and acknowledge them profusely

20. Find qualities in others that you admire- Compliment sincerely

21. Connect with people — in person

22. Find ways to do more in less time

23. HAVE RELAXATION & FUN built into your schedule

24. Instead of criticizing — find ways to give constructive feedback that leads to the action

25. Find your blind-spots by seeking feedback from people who are quality-conscious and discerning AND those you admire and trust

26. Plan by working backward — BUT become a person of action and implementation

27. Learn to take tough decisions and tough calls

28. Take complete ownership of your choices made, decisions taken, and actions taken AND their consequences

29. Learn to see and analyze from multiple and very-varied angles and perspectives

30. Learn to skim through vast information and identify the USEFUL

31. Focus on excellence by incremental improvement

32. Focus on progress and consolidation — rather on perfectionism

33. Work on finding ways — how you can add value to a person from whom you want to be mentored

34. When your brain has caught something, it feels — significant -note it down — later brainstorm till you get a brainwave — an idea that can create a transformative change

35. Accept that — many times nothing will come out of your many efforts — it is unrealistic to expect that success will just drop into your lap

36. BUT once you have come out with an idea — act immediately — work on improvising till you succeed or discard

37. All these efforts — will also lead to completely different idea — encash them using the process outlined above

38. Practice practice and practice to consolidate your advantage

39. When you find yourself stuck — take time out to do nothing — and then try to take radically different action

40. Develop a mindset of viewing all the instances when you find yourself stuck — as a sign of massive change happening — Train your mind to look for that opportunity OR the change that you need to create within yourself

41. Train yourself to think responsibly — by inculcating, strengthening, and sharpening — positively empowering thoughts, ideas, and beliefs

42. Make Consistent Learning your everyday action as part of your Personal Development Plan

43. Learn to take risks in unknown and uncertain situations to develop not only mental resilience and emotional toughness but also to succeed in random New Situations

44. Take the Initiative — learn to be comfortable in taking actions where you are scared BUT know that if you succeed it will be worth it

45. Overcome shyness and learn to meet and introduce yourself to strangers — Practice your opening lines

46. Work on sharpening your emotional intelligence by understanding people — try Putting yourself in their shoes.

47. Learn to be respectable, NOT popular — respect everyone — find qualities that make you respect them

48. For future events of significant importance and value — Use visualization by vivid imagery TO FUTURE PACE your success

49. Create and Use cheat sheets — for information gathering and preparation

50. Ask questions to learn and clarify and to identify and get rid of your wrong assumptions and negative and disempowering biases

51. Don’t fear competition — instead learn from their best practices in the areas they are better

52. Determine whom to ask what to ask when to ask — ask short to-the-point open-ended questions

53. Pay attention and listen to others — Stay curious

54. Develop a growth mindset -View failures as learning experiences — constantly look for opportunities to improve, transform, and growth -Challenge yourself

55. Pay attention to your own emotions — learn to Manage your emotions effectively — using the power of your negative emotions to create or build something of significance

56. Learn to make your willpower when you need a massive internal push

57. Accept Ambiguity, uncertainty, disruption complexity as a way of life — use these situations to identify and create game-changing rules and trends

58. Work on being mentally flexible to adapt and adopt to sudden changes faster

59. Reframe difficult situations, to see them as opportunities to learn and grow rather than simply obstacles to live through — be open to change — when plans or situations change, step back and look at ways to cope

60. Balance risk with common sense

61. Look for more efficient ways

62. Learn to feel genuinely happy when others succeed

63. Cultivate networks for — Strong Emotional, Social, mentoring, guiding, and practical Support

64. Ensure to have fun and take breaks regularly to Avoid Burnout

65. Create Good Habits — learn how to inculcate positive empowering habits and how to let go and get rid of unhealthy and disempowering habits

66. Be a hyperrealist — learn to Embrace Reality and Deal with It explore, analyze, and weigh second- and third-order consequences

67. Be radically open-minded and radically transparent -Radical open-mindedness and radical transparency are invaluable for rapid learning and effective change

68. Learn not to let fears of what others think of you — stop you from taking actions

69. Massively Successful people are those who can observe themselves critically & objectively — to see things objectively and manage those things to shape change machine — Distinguish between you as the designer of your life trajectory and altitude

70. Take the help of others who are strong in areas where you are weak — Recognize when to ride the wave

71. Have clear goals Don’t confuse goals with desires — Prioritize strategically — because although you can have virtually anything you want — you need to accept the fact that you can’t have everything you want

72. Never confuse the trappings of success for success itself

Read the remaining article as per the following details

This article was originally published as “136+ Hacks to Leverage Randomness for Phenomenal Business & Professional Success “ in https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links http://relationshipandhappiness.com/ [2nd] and https://www.quora.com/profile/Subhashis-Banerji [3rd]

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