33 Benefits of Celebrating Others’ Success & How It UnlocksYour Joy


Celebrate Other’s Success to Cultivate Your Own Joy: 51 Positive Psychology Hacks

Do You Enjoy and Feel Joyous on Other’s Success — Reasons You Should Celebrate Other’s Success

In this article, you will learn the following

-51 Positive Psychology Strategies for Increased Happiness -Why You Should Enjoy Seeing Others Succeed

-33 benefits of celebrating others’ success and feeling happy for other’s accomplishments, happiness, and successes — there are of course innumerable additional benefits

- Discover and Imbibe maximum number of learnings from this poem 𝑀𝑦 𝑆𝑜𝑢𝑙 𝐼𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝐴 𝐻𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑦 by Brazilian poet: Mário de Andrade — on how to be happy and stress-free

-4 great learnings from the story given at the end of this article -see if you can inculcate them in your life

Most of us would feel at the top of the world and experience extraordinary levels of happiness, thrill, excitement, joy, and jubilant — when someone close to us — accomplishes something big OR has a reason to celebrate and feel happy.

This article is not about your feelings of the highest levels of joy that you feel on your own as well as your loved one’s success and happiness.

This article is about — feeling great when others succeed and accomplish big feats and they have reasons to be very happy — especially those who might be competing for the same things — either you or your most loved desires, praying for and trying for very badly.

My last article was about the German word Schadenfreude [pronounced — shaa·duhn·froy·duh ] — about those people who Feel Joy in Other People’s Misfortune OR Feel Bad When Others are Successful OR Have Accomplishments OR are Happy OR Have Great Qualities that they Wish they Had BUT Don’t.

This article is about another German word — Freudenfreude [pronounced “froy-din-froy-da] — this is about the people who feel joy — when others succeed, even if it doesn’t directly involve them.

The most evolved form of Freudenfreude happens — when you are genuinely feeling good while helping others become the best that they can be AND feel great when they succeed or accomplish something very big.

When because of practicing this wisdom — you start rooting for other’s success, happiness, peace, joy, and everything that you want for yourself and your loved ones — all these things start manifesting in your as well as your loved one’s lives — in a sustainable way.

Why this thinking pattern is important — WELL besides the benefits given in the above paragraph — acquiring this mindset would set you free — from many of the stressors, mental blocks, and also from a few psychological disorders.

Ask yourself — what feelings you experienced in the past [at this event took place] — when you learned that someone you knew — got a great job or promotion or success or anything of extraordinary worth.

Now recall your last major achievement or significant accomplishment. How did you feel?

Now assume that people who are your friends and colleagues are feeling envious and jealous instead of feeling happy for you — what would it do to your feelings on jubilations [although If you are emotionally secure it should you won’t even pay any attention to what others say, think or feel].

At times we compare ourselves with those who have what we are expecting and desire badly AND we may ask ourselves repeatedly — Why we don’t have the same things — like promotion, job, fame, status, money, or success as that person who triggered these feelings within you?

This is a natural and automatic human reaction that happens -when things are not working out for us the way we want them to be — like you are jobless and not getting any job because the job market is so tight.

But if you constantly compare yourself and end up making yourself feel sad, low and melancholic, depressed, and hopeless — then ultimately you would end up putting less focused and less productive and ineffective efforts — despite spending more energy, time, and effort as well as other resources.

Now imagine — if you feel inspired to learn and find what these people did to deserve what they have and are enjoying.

Ask yourself what happens — if you are full of energy, enthusiasm, and hopes and have crystal clear every day action plans — and you are putting them into action — as per your priorities and the big picture.

You focus on finding what — mindset, attitude, skills, knowledge, certifications, qualifications, exposures, experience, and expertise you need to acquire, inculcate, develop, master, AND practice.

Then identify ways — on how will you acquire these AND then put your best efforts into updating, learning, upgrading, and up-skilling yourself accordingly.

Now ask yourself — what type of results and outcomes you will have — if you do all the above four paragraph things with complete zeal.

33 benefits of celebrating others’ success and feeling happy for other’s accomplishments, happiness, and successes — there are of course innumerable additional benefits

1. Huge surge of positivity, hope and joy within yourself

2. Have an abundance of physical energy

3. Sharpen mental power

4. Superior and great-quality relationships with people

5. A natural optimism that will rub on to others — especially people who are close to you — it will also uplift them and fill them with positive energy

6. Your energy wastage will become minimal — which a lot of us waste especially when we are

I. Compare ourselves with others

II. Feel jealous or envious of others

III. Feeling angry with other’s success

IV. Have regrets

V. Feel ashamed or embarrassed

VI. Suffer from guilt

7. Your priorities will become clearer

8. You will have a sharper focus on the most important things

9. You will accomplish more in less time — that is your productivity will become phenomenally high

10. You will feel blissful, fulfilled and blessed

11. Your quality and quantity of accomplishments, success, and relationships will undergo a massive positive transformation

12. You will find more effective and better solutions

13. You will be able to gain insights into what is happening around you — and if you train yourself to recognize the emerging trends disruptions and changes — You will be able to create an abundance of wealth

14. You will have a magnetic personality which will attract better types of people

15. You will have less illness as your immune system will be robust

16. When you have a praising, loving, caring, appreciating attitude — you will discover and bask in gratitude for all that is great in your life and was not visible earlier

17. You will also have positive expectations about the future and life

18. You will have stronger self-belief in yourself

19. You will be able to face your fears and conquer them easily

20. You will be able to take action in the areas of uncertain and unknown leading to phenomenal growth in every area of life

21. People will respond more positively to you when they sense that you are truly happy for them and genuinely care

22. You will be able to recognize hidden opportunities

23. You will keep on feeling better and better INSTEAD of being bitter

24. Other people will also start rooting for you AND support you in times of distress

25. You will have clarity of thought and clarity in what you want

26. Your intent will acquire powerful directions

27. People’s success and happiness will inspire you to become the greatest version of yourself possible

28. You will also learn, understand, and practice the formula for success — the very basics that make great men and women

29. Your creativity and innovation abilities will be greatly enhanced

30. You will feel connected with people AND vice-versa through volunteering, connection to the community, etc.

31. You will have a greater and more effective ability to cope with challenges, deal with setbacks, and bounce back from failures

32. You will have much greater satisfaction levels in — how frequently you feel joy, pleasure, comfort, warmth, etc. — how positive, rewarding nurturing, and supporting Relationships with others you have — how you are getting recharged and rejuvenated NATURALLY — and how engaged you are

33. When you feel happy for other’s success and happiness you also start increasing your happiness in three major ways

i. Feeling great right now

ii. Increasing your overall satisfaction by looking back as well as looking forward in your life

iii. PLUS specific reasons to feel satisfied in your — say — work, in your family life, in your business or profession or career, your relationships, your finances, your health, etc.

Yes sustaining and maintaining this is difficult — from time to time — all of us face — situations that might bring us down in life in the most negative ways.

But having said this — this attitude this temperament and this emotional state — is great-state to enable us to lead a powerfully positive life.

If you like being successful and if you love the challenges of taking bigger tasks and accomplishing great things — and you have the resolve to take action whatever it takes — THEN — this attitude of feeling happy for others will create great momentum FOR all your efforts.

Big success is never a linear-straight line thing. There would be multiple and unforeseen challenges, obstacles, and setbacks — that you must overcome. Plus many positive habits of mind and of physical nature that you need to acquire along with getting rid of negativities and mental blocks — You would also fail big-time, numerous times in different ways.

Of course — generating this feeling is not possible NOR you should feel good about the following types of people and their negative successes — are those who are inanely-moron, corrupt politicians, looting-businessmen, morally bankrupt, vicious-heinous, hardened criminals, EVIL, Vile, and Criminally insane people PLUS all those who support these types of people to damage and destruct, suppress, oppress and destroy innocent and uninvolved masses.

51 Positive Psychology Strategies for Increased Happiness -Why You Should Love Seeing Others Succeed

1. Identify and Record — all your

I. Victories, Triumphs & Successes

II. Your Bouncing Back from Your Life’s Major Failures, Setbacks

III. Your Not giving-up and persisting against all odds

IV. How you overcame formidable obstacles in the past

V. Your Strengths

VI. Your Talents

2. Learn how to deal with toxic and difficult people

3. Learn to support — in all the ways you can — when someone you care for — is trying hard to become healthy, cultivate a skill, try to be a better person, do something worthwhile and meaningful, try to contribute to the community or doing a great job with a tough project

4. Develop a mindset of observing and identifying the strengths of super-successful people AND learning what they did before they got where you admire them

5. Write down how ways other person’s success can be beneficial to you.

6. Identify and Set meaningful as well as power-inspiring goals for yourself that provide meaningful purpose

7. Identify actions [not outcomes] — completion of which will make you feel great — Develop ways to get rewarded with intrinsic motivators

8. Find what makes you come alive, and feel at the top of the world — then go and do it

9. Disconnect your happiness, feeling great, and feeling satisfaction — from validation, recognition, and appreciation from others

10. Pro-actively train your mind to go for healthy challenges — when you take actions that stretch your abilities beyond your comfort zone to make you realize your potential

11. Start becoming aware of your reactions when witnessing others’ success -and imagine as well as learn -what efforts, dedication, persistence, time, and challenges they faced on their journey to success, AND find out how they overcame those

12. Focus on your growth and progress while genuinely rejoicing in the achievements of others

13. Focus on finding and experiencing happiness — make this your biggest priority HIGHER than focusing on success — to feel and experience the ultimate satisfaction, fulfillment, and bliss

14. Make a regular habit of self-introspection to identify what has gone well

15. Work toward progress, not perfection

16. Remember that there are times when you may need to rely on other people

17. Find healthy ways to compete — find ways that energize you and inspire you — avoid ways that demotivate you

18. Stop competing where there is no competition

19. Develop the mindset and attitude of Winner & Champion

20. Focus on taking Actions to Shift Your Thinking from Problems to Solutions to Exude positivity

21. Learn to use powerful positive words when talking

22. Learn to give sincere and genuine straightforward compliments

23. Stop complaining and start negotiating for what you want

24. Let go of perfection — instead focus on delivering excellence and greater value

25. In case you find yourself spending more time comparing with others — find ways to identify what you can celebrate about yourself

26. Understand and accept that — Celebrating the success of others –brings more positivity into your life

27. Engage In Self-Care as a priority — To Be Genuinely Happy

28. If you find Joy in the Suffering of Others — please read my last article in this website “Gloating to Growing 15 Strategies to Get Rid of Schadenfreude Habit Know 12 Types Who Celebrate Your Downfall”

29. Become an observer of Joy– Ask Questions on a regular basis — to identify what was great in the lives of people you love and care for most

30. Create a habit of praying for people — who are helpless, weak and powerless, AND suffering — in case you can’t do anything else

This article was originally published as “Celebrate Other’s Success to Cultivate Your Own Joy: 51 Positive Psychology Hacks “ in https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links http://relationshipandhappiness.com/ [2nd] and https://www.quora.com/profile/Subhashis-Banerji [3rd]

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