81+ Self-Sabotaging Habits and Thought Patterns
Understand and accept that No one can be more effective at screwing-up your life better than yourself.
Agreed that You might be going through most harrowing times — but, MANY TIMES, the way we perceive, think and deal with what has already happened — actually proves to be more destructive than the original crisis.
Most of us judge and appraise ourselves in ways that are extremely self-harming, self-detrimental and self-sabotaging.
We may have very sound reasons to blame the circumstances or people around for our challenges, shortcomings and obstacles.
All of us face disappointments, frustrations, major-crisis, set-backs, failures, heartbreak, illness.
BUT only us — We play a pivotal role in how we bounce back and create our future — of all that we ever want to Be, Do and have.
One of our Biggest Competitor and enemy is Our own Incompetence.
It is not our external enemies that defeat us[in fact they could be the reason for our growth] — but it is those within us
If we can understand that We are the only sole decision-maker — to shape our present and our future [irrespective of how catastrophic incidents have taken place in our life] — then we may come out of tough times better.
There are people around us — who overcame excruciating and devastating times and did something — which makes them our role-models and inspirations.
All of these people — accomplished — what makes us in awe of them — by DEFEATING AND COMING THEIR INNER DEMONS AND ENEMIES WITHIN.
Our worst enemy is right within us.
Whether we realize it or not — we have a very strong internal dialogue going on — constantly within ourselves.
Sometimes these are positive and at other instances highly destructive self-talk — which intensely and powerfully influence our actions and the quality of our lives.
Many of these Self-critical and self-limiting and self-berating thoughts increase our nervousness or make us feel let down and depressed and also zap our energies and enthusiasms.
Then we become our own worst enemies — and — give so much power to these inner-voices, habits, perceptions and assumptions THAT they make the situation from worse to worst.
Let us first identify what behaviors and thought patterns are making our existence miserable and quality of life hell.
Throughout this article and in all my blogs the *marked ones means there is a separate Do It Yourself Article/Blog of mine is there in the Blog Section From the Heart of Subhashis in Success Unlimited Mantra website.
81+ Self-Sabotaging Habits and Thought Patterns — The Real Enemy within
1. Not recognizing our insecurities, fears, guilts and concern [and dealing with these effectively]– and — letting these play havoc with our lives as well as with the lives of our loved ones
2. Letting our Envy, Jealousy Resentment drive our behaviors, actions and thoughts
3. Getting into selfie posting modes or being too active in showing off on social media
4. Not accepting and Facing the Fact and Living in denial
5. Having false hope — Living in a fool’s paradise like ostrich
6. Living only focused to take revenge on people who have harmed you
7. Using the negative, the illegal and the anti-social means, tactics and actions to achieve what we want
8. Getting into debt-trap — by spending more that you earn
9. Not saving money
10. Not paying your bills
11. Behaving like an entitled brat
12. Playing victim to gain sympathy
13. Negative procrastination — yes there is strategic procrastination*
14. Being obsessively perfectionist*
15. Not working on your own confidence level
16. Not learning on constant basis
17. Not keeping yourself job-proof by acquiring the future skills*
18. Letting other people control your life* — for full read https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog/why-we-are-our-own-worst-enemy