Are You Being Beaten By Overwhelming Stress in Post Covid19 World
Post corona covid19 world — the type of stress, the definition of stress and the quantum of stress — has not only changed in many ways but also have become more complex and complicated.
For many of us it has now become an integral part of our daily existence.
As all of us are unique human-beings — our stressors as well as well as the antidotes that each one of us need for destressing too would be different.
There are no one-size fits all.
The tips I have given here — are here for you to try and test and experiment to find what works for you AND also create your own if these methods gives you new ideas.
In this article we will not be discussing stressors or how the stress gets created.
There are situations and circumstances where — we need expert medical professional’s help.
Here it in this article we will be focusing on how to do it yourself.
- 2 major categories of stress
- 15+ proven ways on How to deal with life’s major shockers, rockers and shakers — which cause big stress in our lives
- 44 ways on How to deal with life’s every day stress
2 major categories of stress
I. THE BIG-SHOCKERS — The events, incidents and happenings — which impacts our lives in kind of irreversible ways and disrupts everything — these could be the death of the most loved one, paralyzing illnesses or accidents, separation or divorce from the person you are deeply attached, total financial ruins, betrayal of major nature, losing your job etc. Etc.
II. The second category is of everyday upsets those triggers anger, anxiety and stress — like — fight with your partner, child or boss or failures or anxiety about future of yourself and or your children etc. Etc.
Like I always maintain — that when you are in the actual roller-coaster and going through the big-stress-causing-situation — no technique or methods will work as you won’t remember or would in the mental, emotional and or physical state to apply them.
All these techniques — will be useful — in bouncing back and in bringing yourself to better emotional resourceful-states [as per what works for you -after you have tested and retested them in various situation and people]
They only work when you have practiced them enough to make them your subconscious fallback habits.
15+ proven ways on How to deal with life’s major shockers, rockers and shakers — which cause big stress in our lives
1. The first thing — you must understand — that — the only antidote — for stress, depression, bouncing-back is taking-action(s) — the following should give you lots of idea — these ideas you have to start using in everyday life till they become part of you reflex action
2. And all these actions can only be taken — when your stressor is over — and you are out of the initial shock and you mind has started feeling-pain and thinking about the incident, event or whatever disrupt you big-time
3. Never try to ignore, suppress or deny — the pain, hurt, anger, shock or any such emotion you are feeling
4. We need to Feel these emotions fully — only then we can get over these and move on
5. Identify your emotions — and — accept that you are going through these emotion(s)
6. Let yourself breakdown, cry, scream — if you feel like it
7. Never put a false bravado by believing — that brave doesn’t cry — the truth is only brave can cry
44 ways on How to deal with life’s every day stress
1. Simple, practical and implementable tips to destress, unwind, relax and let-go of the life-sapping negative-energies.
2. If you are stressed about every day upsets — then too few of the above may prove helpful to get yourself back into a more resourceful emotional, physical and mental state faster
3. Get moving — physically change the scene or just move to another space or place
4. Reassess your to-do lists and future plans
5. Cut out things that add to your stress
6. Avoid people who bring you down
7. Only say yes when you want to
8. Recognize when you’re stressed
9. Identify your stress response
I. Do you get overexcited, angry, agitated, overly emotional, melancholic, revengeful, hitting out at others — then for these — you need to find the triggers and you’re your accumulated and overflowing grief, shame, guilt — unless you treat them — you will keep getting stressed
II. Do you tend to become depressed, withdrawn and go into your shell and become totally unresponsive — then you need to find ways to love yourself
III. Do you freeze when under stress or violence or anger of another person — then you might have to deal with your trauma that you might have undergone
For full article please read “Beat Your Stress Big or Small” in Success Unlimited Mantra’s Blog section “From the Heart of Subhashis”