Are You Letting Emotionally Insecure People Kill Your Identity
People who have been hurt deeply AND especially those who hold on to these hurts, traumas, pains, scars for long — HURTS OTHERS BADLY, DEEPLY AND CONTINUOUSLY.
They hurt those people more — who are closest to them.
Sounds unimaginable and downright ridiculous — that the person who has felt pain and suffered herself/himself — how can that person give pain and hurt her/his closest ones.
11 reasons How and Why people develop deep emotional-insecurities
1. If they have always been insulted, belittled, humiliated, beaten-up for small excuses AND have received little love from their family — this is one of the factors
2. They have had traumatic, abusive, violent marriage
3. Let me give you a simple exercise — take any very-light weight thing in your hand — keep the hand and hold it just like that.
4. If you hold it for few seconds — nothing major will happen, if you hold it for few minutes — you will feel sensation of pain or discomfort and if you hold for hours in the same position — you would have got major sprain AND if you hold for days — it will require major surgical procedure.
In this article you will read about and learn
A. 11 reasons How and Why people develop deep emotional-insecurities
B. 63 Signs of highly emotionally-insecure people
C. 36 Tips on How to handle insecure people without going insane yourself
63 Signs of highly emotionally-insecure people
1. They have very low self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence
2. Because of the above the insecure person may feel psychologically incompetent or feels threatened anyone questions them about their work or their action
3. Surprisingly the insecure people are unable to internalize compliments, praises and recognition — even if it has been given to them on continuous basis
4. On the other hand — they take everything personally — even jokes which is not directed towards them — they will twist it internally so that it makes them feel that person joking has attacked their dignity in public
5. They constantly need reassurance that they are loved — because this factor cannot be handled by encouraging them time to time — as they need to hear this on every day basis
6. Their need for validation, recognition, appreciation, recognition is so high — that if you give them all the time but miss on a few occasions — you may invite their wrath in most unexpected ways
7. The life of people around them becomes pathetic — as all the time praising them, reassuring them, telling them that they love her/him etc. — without any reason — is kind of impossible on everyday basis
8. In fact they drain the energies of the people who are closest to them OR anyone who happen to support them
9. At work, they need to look more competent and skilled others — so they may play politics, backbite, take credit of other’s work and efforts and also bulldoze others
10. Even their children may have harrowing time as — because of their own insecurities and feeling-inadequate — they put unnecessary constant pressure to make their children — outperform their classmates, teammates and socially etc.
36 Tips on How to handle insecure people without going insane yourself
1. It is not always possible to avoid people who possess insecure traits and behaviors, so what do you do
2. Start by managing your own feelings — Don’t Take it Personally — When Someone is Insecure — It’s Not About You
3. Don’t kill yourself for their momentary pleasure
4. Learning to safeguarding yourself from emotional damage
5. Discover yourself — develop faith in yourself, identify your values and your positive beliefs
6. Learn and practice Assertive meaningful and practical effective ways to communicate when your beliefs and values are challenged
7. Establishing Boundaries when Dealing with Insecurity
8. Focus on self-care and your own physiological and psychological needs like love, esteem, individuality, reaching our full potential
9. Focus on self-development -getting someone else to change their behavior is much more difficult than changing your own. — for full read “Dealing with emotionally insecure people” in Success Unlimited Mantra’s Blog section “From the Heart of Subhashis”