Be Genuinely Happy Stop Looking for Momentary Pleasure


Many of us confuse feeling good and momentary pleasure with happiness.

Happiness is something we all seemingly desire [at least believe that we are looking for] — but most of us don’t even know what real-true-meaningful happiness is — and — very rarely we focus on being happy in our every day life.

Many of us also believe that Happiness is subjective — meaning — something needs to happen to make us happy.

In this blog we will explore — how — in spite of all the negativities in and around our life — we can still manage be happy and be in peace with ourselves.

Success, wealth, power, position, name, fame can only give us pleasure in short duration but do not define actual happiness really is.

Nobody can avoid pains, setbacks, frustrations, irritations, feeling-low — in their life, completely.

Neither we can make ourselves totally immune to the bad things happening in our lives or in the world.

It is not impossible to make ourselves immune to everything — but if we do that — the worst part is that would happen — that we would also make ourselves indifferent to positive feelings of happiness, joy, contentment.

So, what is the big secret — it is no secret at all — But with our conditioning, our belief systems, our perceptions — it very difficult to recognize and adjust our inner thought-chemistry.

21 Definitions of Real, Genuine, Authentic, True, Meaningful Happiness

1. Let us first understand that real-happiness — is not something that we feel at a moment and in the next it is gone.

2. It is not a fleeting feeling of pleasure but a lasting inner-source of joy and contentment, then that might be your true happiness.

3. The Real-Happiness is being aware of all the feelings both negative as well as positive — objectively.

4. The Meaningful-Happiness is not fighting with what we cannot change OR resisting what is beyond our control OR suppressing consciously all that undesirable emotions we are feeling.

5. The Genuine-Happiness is our state of being in the present with complete acceptance of and fully comfortable with our pains, weaknesses, failures, mistakes

6. The True-Happiness is not the absence of suffering and only having the presence of pleasure.

7. Happiness is letting yourself fully feel every emotion, especially the negative ones — e.g. — feelings of sadness, anger, fear or any such feelings.

8. We are conditioned to associate happiness with achievement and materialistic possessions and many other external factors — well to be honest — these would give you heady feelings and emotional-high, albeit in the short term — in long term we are likely to experience a bd void within us.

9. That is why many of us have these internal dialogue — I will be happy when I get the promotion, when I have this much bank-balance, get married, , have my own house, have children and so on.

10. Most of these momentary happiness [if you call that] moments come in our lives — many times but lasts few minutes or days and then they are gone.

11. The google and identify people who attained global fame, recognition, riches of highest kind — chances are you will also recognize that many of them turned to drugs, committed suicide or died very unhappy.

12. Lots of People get into relationships or marriages because they seek happiness through their partner.

13. When we look for happiness in the outside world — we are focusing on a path that would take us away from making us being truly happy.

14. True happiness is enjoying your own company and living in peace and harmony with our body, mind and soul and being in love with ourselves — irrespective of mistakes and blunders we might have committed.

15. But then it is not narcissistic love either.

16. Being truly happy we don’t need other people or external factors.

17. Because It is not within our control or area of influence to ensure that we will achieve every goal in our life and enjoy the fruit of our actions, at the time we accomplish it — That is why many of us are actually disappointed — when we reach our destination.

18. But because we were focused only on reaching our goals — we forgot to enjoy the journey.

19. Therefore, we need to learn to practice the art of enjoying our actions and accepting the consequences by taking complete responsibility for them.

20. Most of our life is about the creating, taking action, correcting the course and not the outcomes or results of that process — Happiness arises spontaneously when you love the process of moving towards your Passions*.

21. Now Make a list of possessions, achievements and events you hoped would bring you the joy but when you got them you were not that happy OR that the happiness was very-very short-lived.

66 Steps to create, nurture and maintain yourself in the state oh happiness

1. Learn to Identifying your uniqueness and Celebrate/Enjoy your difference

2. Stopping to compare* — as there is not one like you

3. Competing with yourself — to taking actions towards your passion

4. Expressing yourself*

5. Not trying to impress others

6. Giving to others unconditionally* — even if it is a silent prayer or thanks to others

7. Being alone with yourself — getting in touch with the real you

8. Losing yourself in something you love, you create the perfect space to find yourself

9. Experience and being in the nature

10. Looking for simple joys

11. Being grateful for goodness surrounding us

12. Being in Awe — be curious to learn.

13. Acceptance of your pain depends

14. Learn to feel the Present your all the senses

15. Waking up your inner-child and developing a playful nature

16. Finding humor* in everyday happening

17. Developing a new perspective about life, others and yourself — let us say exposure to a different philosophy like A Course In Miracles

18. Understanding that EVERYTHING HAS SIGNIFICANCE AND MEANING — whatever is happening in and around our life AND effecting and impacting us

19. Adopting the changes* — not resisting them — looking for the good in this for full read



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