Become a receiver and conduit of positivity increasing optimism


88 ways How to become a receiver of positivity

In this article — you will learn the following

-100+ tips on How to think positive when everything is going wrong and you are depressed — mastering learned optimism

-12 pointers — how to identify your negative thinking pattern

How to become a receiver of positivity

How to think positive when depressed or anxious How to increase your optimism

Are you operating from learned-optimism or learned-helplessness or learned-victimhood and or learned-martyrdom?

Do you feel as if you are stuck in a situation or phase of utter misery — while the rest of the world is going about as usual — with happiness, success and joy?

All of us have the occasional emotional crisis or situational depression time to time — especially those who have never struggled with clinical depression or anxiety.

Negative emotions are helpful and useful — only if — you use them to identify what is not working right-now in your life — and then take actions to mitigate or overcome those.

Finding and enjoying happiness is only possible for you — when you choose to equip, practice and master with the right sets of tools and techniques — to help you deal with your dark-gloomy, negative and tough phases.

Trying to be positive when you are facing crisis, setbacks, struggles, challenges and failures is certainly not easy.

Positive thinking is never about getting rid of all your negative emotions or ignoring your uncomfortable and difficult feelings.

Negative emotions exist for important reasons.

The negative emotion’s purpose is to help us know what big-changes we need to make in our life-styles, mindsets, habits and attitude — to grow and to become a better person

Accept that creating and living an optimistic life takes efforts, persistence and patience [that is it will take time]

Expecting the life to be how you want it to be — always — is the biggest bottle-neck and recipe for disaster — and it is unrealistic as well.

While you learn and practice the skills to become an optimist — you will find that you will slip-up often, make many mistakes and embarrass yourself with blunders.

Grumbling, complaining and whining will come easy to you — but would only lead you in opposite direction — that is towards misery, frustrations and hurt.

You have to fight for positive and empowered life — every day — consciously

100+ tips on How to think positive when everything is going wrong and you are depressed — mastering learned optimism — ways to become an optimist — given randomly — and as in all my Blogs — ALL the one sentences advice have separate detailed do-it-yourself articles among 900+ blogs in both of my websites

  • 1.How to make yourself positive (even when you’re struggling with depression)
  • I.Identify areas of your life that gives you maximum negativities or you usually think negatively about — example — your job or your pay or your health or your relationships
  • II.Choose one area and create a plan to transform the factors that triggers negativities in you
  • III.Think of a recent challenge, setback, crisis or trauma you have faced in any area of your life
  • 2.Identify what type of negative beliefs is getting triggered because of this event
  • 3.12 pointers — how to identify your negative thinking pattern
  • I.Do you magnify negative aspects of a situation and filter out all the positive ones
  • II.Do you forget the 10 compliment and focus only one criticism by a known envious person
  • III.Do you always blame yourself when anything goes wrong
  • IV.Do you take everything personally — even though the speaker meant it as a general statement
  • V.Do you start expecting the worst automatically — without even knowing the facts
  • VI.Do you make mountain out of molehill
  • VII.Do you put spices to make a small event look like a catastrophe
  • VIII.Do you blame others for what happened to you instead of yourself
  • IX.Do you avoid taking responsibility for your thoughts and feelings as well as your actions and decisions
  • X.Do you try to go for such levels of perfectionism that you fail
  • XI.You see things as only good or bad — nothing in between
  • XII.If something goes wrong — you assume every time it will happen like that
  • 4.Then note-down what actions you have taken — impulsively or after thinking through — recall how it made you feel when you took actions and challenged your beliefs or situation
  • 5.Use the process of learned optimism to recognize your habitually persistent negative thoughts by identifying, listing and then challenging their logic and rationale
  • 6.Schedule a chunk of time — when you will evaluate — how you managed through the day — when and what made you think and reach positively
  • 7.In case it was more of negative — reframe your situation by identifying what positive value-addition that utterly negative situation gave you
  • 8.Create positive incident diary — where you note-down all the triumphs, victories and success and top of the world feelings
  • 9.Exercise, play physical team games
  • 10.Make self-care your priority — create a healthy life style, sleep well, et healthy, exercise
  • 11.Learn to meditate as per your personality
  • 12.Relax, take vacations
  • 13.Learn the art of making others laugh
  • 14.Make yourself laugh seek humor in everyday happenings. When you can laugh at life, you feel less stressed
  • 15.Surround yourself with positive people — who uplift you
  • 16.Avoid and get rid of negative and toxic people
  • 17.Write in details being as specific as you can on your future — like the type of job, the type of organization, the type of person and the type of place you would like to live in future
  • 18.Imagine the worst possible scenario — then imagine the best possible outcome — then focus on the most realistic outcome — lastly create a plan for your optimally realistic scenario
  • 19.To break the loop of negative thoughts distract yourself and change the environment of the room by — say — making a sudden clap, exclamation sound, make any loud noise, for say stop — to startle not only yourself but others
  • 20.Shift your attention by noticing the light, colors, sounds, and smells around you.
  • 21.Force yourself to consciously think about your negative thoughts — and then find solution
  • 22. Break down your fears by understanding your fear and gaining information about your fear is the antidote to fear — if you have a fear, understand that the odds of it happening is about 8% — ask yourself
  • I.How likely is it that this will never resolve or change
  • II.What is the probability of this event affecting your life completely
  • III.What other factors might have contributed to this feeling of fear
  • 23.Accept that you are imperfect
  • 24.Aim for success and excellence avoid being perfect consciously — perfectionism gets triggered from motional-insecurities
  • 25.Be comfortable with making mistakes and failing and being wrong — while you are stretching yourself and growing this mental-habit enhances your ability to learn new things and move forward with your life
  • 26.Understand that confronting your fears, your vulnerabilities your insecurities and allowing yourself to be yourself helps you become happier and more productive.
  • 27.Start every day on a positive note — create a ritual in which you start off each day with something uplifting and positive. Here are a few ideas:
  • 28.Tell yourself that it’s going to be a great day or any other positive affirmation.
  • 29.Listen to a happy and positive song or playlist.
  • 30.Share some positivity by giving a compliment or doing something nice for someone.
  • 31.Stop fighting or ignoring or suppressing your anxiety — become an objective-observer watching from a distance -evaluate, challenge and correct it if it is distorted
  • 32.If you find your concerns right — get into the problem solving mode — by understanding the root-cause which triggers this
  • 33.Connect with people — reach out for social support — by courageously reaching out — you no longer feel alone, your vulnerability connects you with others, and you often realize everyone shares similar struggles.
  • 34.Sleep on it -sit in silence- if can the meditate for thoughtlessness state of mind
  • 35.Schedule a favorite activity into your calendar
  • 36.Create and enforce healthy boundaries
  • 37.Stop taking things personally
  • 38.Choose whom you spend your time with regularly
  • 39.Face the mirror — when you have fallen into a negative spiral — ask whether everything is bad or are there any silver-lining

This article was originally published as “88 ways How to become a receiver of positivity” — for complete article please copy paste link



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