Become an Inquisitive and Curious Leader 60 Traits to Develop


60 traits of inquisitive and curious leaders

In this blog you will learn

60 traits of Inquisitive-Leaders — What is curious leadership -Curiosity as a Core Leadership Value

Inquisitiveness can give you the most profound dividends in terms of — massive-growth, phenomenal-success and profound-increase in practical-knowledge to create as well as deal with disruptive fast-changing future.

Curiosity and Inquisitiveness if used by any leader in the right manner can trigger meaningful changes and boost growth and success of a large mass of people.

Autocratic and tyrannical leaders [if we can call these people leaders] on the other hand — stifle curiosity, asking questions and challenging decisions — these leader’s survive through suppression, oppression, killing-institutions, ruthlessly silencing opposition, truth-black-out and promoting lies, fake-news and outlandish concepts.

Then there are People in the top-leadership positions and roles with manager-mindset demonstrate incurious-leadership behaviors — they go for proven and safe ideas by restricting creative thinking by discouraging exploration of novel, different and innovative ideas.

When your people are curious to learn, grow and create — then you would get — healthier relationships between employees, effective decision-making and problem solving, better solutions to company problems, adaptable and have overall great performance.

Curious-Leaders create an environment where employees feel safe to explore new ideas, take risks and challenge the status quo and be more adaptable to the dynamics of uncertain market environments.

Curious-Leaders who trigger Inquisitiveness and Curiosity in their people — drive massive-growth and disruptive-changes and impact a large mass of people for profound betterment.

60 traits of Inquisitive-Leaders — What is curious leadership -Curiosity as a Core Leadership Value

1. They are not afraid to admit when they don’t know

2. They are also not afraid to recognize someone who is better than them

3. They are Not afraid to take risks

4. They are Not afraid to fail

5. They are Not afraid to making mistake

6. They are Not afraid to proven wrong

7. They are Not afraid to give limelight to others

8. They are Open to listening and experimenting with even ridiculous idea

9. They Let people take lead when they know someone has superior competencies

10. They Choose people who are more qualified, have different skill sets, experts and domain specialist

11. They Allows others to challenge their choices

12. They Involve others in decision-making and problem-solving

13. They Encourage innovation and innovative ideas

14. They Reward disruptive thinkers

15. They Practice meritocracy

16. They are Curious and focused on continuous self-learning

17. They are Highly adaptable and pivots when realize that a specific decision or action or choice is not working

18. They are Focused on results

19. They Empower employees & eliminate their insecurities

20. They Create learning-based goals

21. They are Focused on creating win-win outcomes for all stakeholders

22. They Want to add unparalleled value

23. They think in terms of making own products and services obsolete by creating newer offering based on changing customer, market and technology

24. They Create various forums that facilitates — employees interact and share and explore possibilities

25. They Lead by example as a role model — by following all the behaviors listed in this title

26. They help create leaders who are action-oriented and result-focused at all the levels

27. They Create change-champions as well as innovation-ambassadors — till the grass-root levels

28. They Transparently share the changes that is affecting the organizations

29. They Ensure that everyone knows what they are supposed to accomplish through clear KRAs/KPIs/PMS action steps

30. They Delegate and help their people grow through giving them challenging tasks and opportunities

31. They Create feedback system that tell people why they did not get the promotion and what they need to do to get there next time — transparently

32. They do not micro-manage

33. They Own up their mistakes as well as their team’s

34. They Use curiosity in helping their team implement organizational strategic agenda

35. They Encourage informed risk-taking — balanced by having a fallback strategy

36. They Identify barriers to curiosity in the team and then create strategies to create wins and build on their success

37. They Know how to ask a right curious question

38. They Use appreciative inquiry method to build on the positives

39. They Use curiosity to not only understand something themselves but also make others understand

40. They are focused on candor and transparency by using open ended questions to trigger creativity and idea-flow

41. They ask — What are the alternatives, How can we be more effective, What do you need to accomplish your goals

42. They Understand that it takes a lot of self-discipline to kill judgement -because judgement kills curiosity

43. They Seek information to uncover new possibilities

44. They Are interested in learning about business/industries different than their

45. They Are solution focused

46. They ensure learning and implementing global best practices

47. They Take personal responsibility and are self-accountable — Don’t blame when things don’t go as planned


49. They Challenge their own ASSUMPTIONS and perceptions — to identify how they could be wrong or missing and overlooking

50. They Create others leaders who drive in their operational areas

51. They Never pretend that they have all the answers

52. They Show that they care by connecting meaningfully with their people

53. They Make curiosity a core value in their organization and use it unlock the human potential for transformative growth

54. They Let employees explore and broaden their interests

55. They are proactively looking for and creating change

56. They Ask for suggestions to improve

57. They Speak last in meetings — because they know that their opinion and views earlier in the decision-making brain-storming stage can restrict the quality of decisions and creativity and morale of the team

58. They Let other people facilitate team meetings

59. They let someone else set the agenda

60. They Rotate the facilitator role — especially among those who might not be in leadership positions

61. They Ask questions when they are upset

This article was originally published as “60 traits of inquisitive and curious leaders “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]

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