Becoming a Champion and Winner thru Maximizing Your Hidden Unique Strengths
6 factors are which are our real strengths and which of them are actually weaknesses in guise of strengths
1. All of us have strengths those give us advantage over others
2. We have strengths which because of our indiscriminate overuse — has actually become our stumbling blocks
3. Then we have those weaknesses which hold us back from becoming our best self or accomplishing all that we have the potential for
4. And we may have weaknesses those which can be turned into our biggest strengths
5. We might also have those weaknesses which are insignificant in that way that if we don’t point it to them to others — chances are nobody would notice them — these don’t have any major effect
6. Then we have those qualities which can make us into champions and winners — if we make it into our major strengths
In this article we will learn
- 6 factors are which are our real strengths and which of them are actually weaknesses in guise of strengths
- 7 Ways on How to maximize our strengths and minimize our handicaps
- 10 Supposedly Negative Habits and Traits — which can give us unbeatable advantages
- 50+ Bad Habits we Need to Give Up to Be Successful, happy and contented
- 39 Habits of Insanely Productive, Successful and Happy People
7 Ways on How to maximize our strengths and minimize our handicaps
1. First you have got to identify all these aforesaid 6 habits/mindsets/attitude — in as many numbers as you can — based on your real-life results, outcomes [which can both be failures as well as successes]
2. Then we need to identify the ways we can work on improving the ones in points 1, 4 and 6
3. We also need to scale-down the use of point 2 — using it only in times we need great boost.
4. For point 3 — We need to go all out — finding ways, methods, means and mentors to help us overcome all these.
5. We need to create a 60% focus for all those in 1,4,6. 30% for point 3 and 10% on point 2.
6. You can read about — how to turn your weaknesses into strengths, about 36 types of intelligences, increasing your EQ, SQ, Creativity etc. etc. in the blog section of success unlimited mantra as well as in our YouTube channel.
7. In case you have a very unique problem — you can connect with us through messages or above site and we can together work out a solution that you will start implementing immediately.
50+ Bad Habits we Need to Give Up to Be Successful, happy and contented
1. Ineffective Ways of Managing emotions like — anger, frustrations, stress
2. Impulsive Buying and Spending habits
3. Unhealthy Beliefs About Money
4. Habit of Worrying Too Much even for minor insignificant issues
5. Holding Yourself Back — not expressing — because of the concern — what others will think and feel
6. Being Controlling and dominating
7. Using Sarcasm to hurt and control people
8. Not Being Able to Resolve Conflicts and neither putting any efforts towards it
9. Sense of entitlement
10. Talking more than listening
11. Acting too cool to care
12. Freaking out when making mistakes.
13. Not scheduling time to learn
14. Always being connected with social media
15. Being Judgmental
16. Being a People-Pleaser!
For full article please read “Discovering Your Unique Strengths and Minimizing Weaknesses” in Success Unlimited Mantra’s Blog Section “From the Heart of Subhashis”