Breaking free from mediocrity mindset to accomplish great


In this article you will learn the following

  • -18 Reasons why you want to give up
  • -43 things stopping you from being incredibly successful
  • -46 restrictive and limiting mental, emotional and physical habits — to get rid of
  • -26 Tips to boost your motivation
  • -70+ actions on how to break free from the clutches of mediocrity-trap

How to break free from mediocrity and accomplish big

Things that stop you from achieving your goals — What is holding you back from achieving your goals — Step into greatness by getting rid of status-quo and mediocrity — Challenging and breaking status quo

People who excel in their life and create highest of personal standards and benchmarks — do it through determined and focused perseverance and hard work.

This hard work is about — what phenomenally successful people do — AFTER — they have already put-in impossible amount of consistent hard-work.

People who excel also don’t like doing — few things they do- but their burning-desires overcomes their temptations and dislikes in favor of sustainable value-creation [which the average, ordinary and mediocre people also dislike and don’t get around doing it].

If you want to create and live a more fulfilling, meaningful and powerful life — you need to accept that it is really YOLO [you only live once] for all of us — so make the best with whatever you have and from wherever you are — starting right now.

D espite all odds — as human being we can do anything that we have committed ourselves to — countless people have proven this all over the world.

Here we are going to focus on — How do you keep going and break the ceiling of mediocrity to step into the world of incredible, remarkable and extra-ordinary — when your mind and emotions are working against you.

All of us without exception — have days when we want to quit whatever we are doing — to do nothing or just to relax in a resort or on a beach or any way that takes you away from all the pressures and demands of your daily-routines.

If you can create such motivation-triggers, emotional-drives and your inspiration-sources — which are linked with a burning passion — of say — building a legacy of high-value — then you can get into the league of greatness.

To counter giving-up — as soon as things get tough or scary — we need to build mental-toughness and resilience — through building habit of trying newer method, experimenting, and improvising to improve and excel.

There are scientific reasons why many of us want to quit even when the going is good.

18 Reasons why you want to give up- our motivation can change in the matter of moments and may fill us with the feelings of despondency

43 things stopping you from being incredibly successful — regular success also is never easy for most people — but if your goal is to be at the top 1% of whatever you are trying to accomplish — then it is very-very tough- if you want to be phenomenally successful avoid these following things.

  • 1.You have just your Desires and wishes — success doesn’t care how much desire you have for success or for how long you have been wishing to be successful
  • 2.The type of social, professional and person people you have in your inner circle — successful people spend time with people who are better than them and avoid and get rid of those — who bring you down and don’t add to your success
  • 3.Your interests, hobbies and other pursuits of relaxations — these can never give you great success — unless they are something that you are passionate about and excel in
  • 4.Belief that giving some-time and putting efforts time-to time and doing part-times gigs will translate into huge successes — for big success you need to work your ass off full-time
  • 5.Your quality of planning and strategizing — especially if you jump into action from the word go
  • 6.Your willingness to settle for lower quality and standards — the most successful people refuse to settle for anything but excellence — they never compromise — and that is why they become the greatest
  • 7.Lowering your aspirational levels of success — successful people improve, change and improvise their plans and actions and strategies rather than lowering their dreams
  • 8.Not learning unlearning and relearning on every day basis — learning and self-education about your craft every day is one of the most important characteristics of success
  • 9.Stressing about success without enjoying the process — the entire gamut of it — conceptualizing, planning, implementing, failing, bouncing back and succeeding
  • 10. No having fun — going on as if the load of entire world is on your shoulders
  • 11. Taking actions in ignorance — even when not knowing about it — at least the minimal level — neither trying to educate yourself about what you don’t know
  • 12. Procrastination — successful people never postpone the mandatory that day’s work for next day — they have this obsession of finishing what they must and getting everything done — to be ready for tomorrow — regardless of how long
  • 13. Quality of your Commitment to Your Dreams -if you are committed to succeeding doing whatever it takes — nothing can stop you from putting in the hours necessary to succeed.
  • 14. Spending more time in doing — rather than consolidating and reflecting and learning — most successful people spend their 90% of time learning, upskilling, updating and upgrading their levels of knowledge, skills, habits and attitudes
  • 15. Lack of purpose — lack of clarity
  • 16. Lack of big goals
  • 17. Lack of courage
  • 18. Fear of change, unknown or of failure
  • 19. Giving unnecessary importance to what people would think
  • 20. Scared of risking your comforts, pleasures and securities — successful people feel comfortable in sticking their neck put and operate and break their comfort-zones
  • 21. Fault finding without taking actions about it to improve — successful people too can see faults and lacunas — but they — instead of complaining about what is wrong with something — find solutions
  • 22. Know what is wrong but not taking initiative to solve — successful people are problem solvers and constant inventor
  • 23. Postponing your happiness and linking it with things being perfect — all of which might not be fully in your control
  • 24. Putting your happiness in the hands of others — believing others will make you happy and that certain people doing certain things
  • 25. Having the totally baseless notions like — that you need to struggle now to enjoy happiness later
  • 26. Believing the biggest lie about happiness — that happiness can be found outside of yourselves and basing it on external and material things and factors
  • 27. Unable to understand that the best things in life are not really things at all — but — memories and what positive actions you have taken [irrespective of the outcomes]
    not having right accountability for our own happiness and success
  • 28. Blaming others for what was in your control and it was your fault
  • 29. Being busy in superficial — forgetting to live your life
  • 30. Unable to identify and feel the blessings that you have
  • 31. Focusing on being perfect and in perfectionism
  • 32. Feeling inadequate — successful people take actions with belief in abundance
  • 33. Not taking actions — what is within your area of control and your influence
  • 34. Focusing on the end result only — and forgetting to take the right actions
  • 35. Looking for instant gratifications — successful people forgo short-term gains for long-term sustainable transformations
  • 36. Going for huge changes and too many changes — all at once
  • 37. Taking big steps — much beyond your capability — and then failing and giving-up blaming your luck
  • 38. Inventing excuses for not doing things — like — I am not ready or it is not the right time or I am not good enough or I lack enough money, time and experience or that people with more resources, support and talents have not succeeded in this — so what chance I have getting distracted by impulsive and short-pleasure temptations
  • 39. Engaging yourself into time-wasting, activities
  • 40. Comparing with others on unequal grounds
  • 41. Feeling that your life is unfair
  • 42. Lack of consistency — successful people take actions — irrespective of whatever has distracted them
  • 43. Getting demotivated — when don’t see progress — in many large projects and goals — you may not see any progress for days, months or even years — but then law of compounding works magnificently — if you follow the law of abiding by all above points
  • 44. Having various unfounded and un-resourceful prejudices and biases — say about gender, religion, culture, language or any such detrimental beliefs

46 restrictive and limiting mental, emotional and physical habits — to get rid of 26 Tips to boost your motivation 70+ actions on how to break free from the clutches of mediocrity-trap

#Reasonswhywewanttogive, #whywefeellikegivingupinlife, #whatstopsusfrombeinghighlysuccessful, #limitinghabitstogetridof, #tipstoboostyourmotivation, #howtobreakfreefrommediocritytrap, #thingsthatstopsyoufromachievingyourgoals, #whatisholdingyoubackfromsuccess, #howtobreakfreefrommediocrity, #getridofstatusquo, #challengingandbreakingstatusquo, #highlysuccessfulpeoplehavehighestbenchmarks, #youliveonlyoncesolivepowerfully, #breaktheceilingofmediocritytobecomegreat, #createyourmotivationboosters, #identifyyourinspirationtriggers, #discoveryouremotionaldrivers, #buildmentaltoughnessandresilience, #whywelosemotivationandwanttoquit, #thingsstoppingyoufromincrediblesuccess, #focusyourenergiesonmostimportantpriorities, #actionstomakeyouphenomallysuccessful, #workhardandsmartwithdiscipline, #antidotetomediocrityisdreamingbigandtakingactions, #ifyouchoosemediocritywillhavebadlife, #breakfreefromherdmentality, #dooppositeofwhatmajorityaredoing, #standoutfromcrowd, #bedifferentbeunique​

Originally published at on February 9, 2021.



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