Can’t Do OR CAN DO Which Emotional State Would You Choose
Do you ever wonder Why so many of us Don’t Do those things which we know are absolutely essential for accomplishing all our big aspirations, dreams and passions And are of immense benefits to us in long-term.
Sometimes We don’t do these in spite of being aware of the detrimental impact of not doing these.
Knowing something and actually doing it are two very different things — in fact poles-apart.
In Bengali — there is a beautiful paradoxical word “Gyan-Papi”. It refers to those people who have the knowledge and understanding BUT still go and do the exact opposite of what is beneficial to them [ Gyan is knowledge and Papi means sinner] .
We all know that we should exercise*, relax*, let go of past hurts*, learn the newer skills*, apologize and make up in our important relationships*, focus on happiness* etc. etc. — but how many of us put enough efforts, focus*, concentration* and persistence*.
Knowing, Planning, Creating Strategies are never the real problem — most of us manage these.
It is the taking-action — which is the most important YET gets least importance than strategizing.
Why Implementation so hard. How do we put knowledge into action — What’s stopping us and how do we overcome it.
How to go from Can’t-Do to CAN-DO — The answers are both simple and complex.
Let us first understand the difference between Doing vs. Not Doing vs. Pretend-Doing
The Pretend-Doing — is what many of have become master of and practice at wherever possible — many of us practice this at our works place, sub-consciously.
Pretend-Doing is the worst thing that anyone can imbibe in their psyche — because — it is an attitude that will pull us down to the bottommost level.
Pretend-Doing is When we do whatever we are supposed to do because
1. We are forced to do
2. It is the minimum that we have to do to avoid trouble
3. Just doing it without being involved in it
4. To pass the time
5. Doing it to show others that how busy we are
6. To show to others that We are the most sincere
How pretend-doers exist and manage to survive
1. They would acquire lots on information about the project
2. Read about various programs available to support
3. Would talk about a lot with many people
4. Have many meetings
5. Create very attractive sounding themes and names
6. Create large scale strategic plans
7. Create teams and announce the launch
8. Then get caught up with another new fad/project/urgency
9. Create magnanimous justification for starting new project and giving up the earlier one
10. Then they Repeat the above 1–8 cycle again
Reading, Acquiring-Information, Meetings, Talking are not bad if it leads us to implement the action steps to move towards our vision.
But in themselves [Reading, Acquiring Information, Meetings, Talking, Learning collectively or singly] — DO NOT TRANSLATE INTO DOING.
Doing is doing — there is no glamour in it.
That is why many who get the glory are not the actual doers BUT those who have mastered the art of creating nice impressions without doing.
Sometimes even though we want to do something — we get restricted by our CAN’Ts.
Many of our CAN’Ts stems from small things — few of them could be
1. Believing or Buying-in of our own lies [ like I am not capable, no one has done it before so how can I do this etc. etc.]
2. Our Fear* of unknown
3. Our absolute lack of idea about that thing
4. Our fear of failure*s
5. Our Fear of getting ridiculed
6. Our lack of confidence* ourselves
7. We don’t believe that we can do it
8. Our past instances — when we attempted but could not succeed
9. Our lack of skills, experience, exposure
10. Lack of mentor*, guide, coach*
11. Our not being interested in this thing — lacking passion
12. Not knowing how to handle this difficult person* or situation
13. Fear of punishment
14. Afraid of rejection, of being alone, of being unloved
15. Afraid of looking stupid
16. Because of our EGO — we may feel it is below our dignity
The biggest challenge that we as an individual and as well as a leader face — In business
1. Organization hire consultants and introduce multiple interventions — these don’t change anything at all [many times these could make things worse].
2. Because most of the bosses are satisfied with mere kicking-off/launch of the initiative* — the implementation loses stream
3. Many of these top-honchos are focus is to show how much value they are adding through introducing numerous highly attractive sounding and current vogue — these they manage to do to through making their people go through various training* workshops, coaching* programs and mentoring* conversations
4. Later the because the follow-through become slacks — the actual doers [with many of their own woes, targets, challenges and multiple distractions] — just do what is minimal and till it is noticed.
The biggest challenge that we as an individual and as well as a leader face — In personal life
ð We make great new-year resolutions, create vision-boards and action steps — but again in many cases give-up or change the goal frequently because of our not being involved meaningfully and not being passionate enough for our big picture.
If it is important to us, we will find a way. If not, we will find an excuse — an old wisdom.
When We are afraid — we invent brilliant excuses* to not only look good but also to avoid what we are scared of.
66 Ways on How to Start Being a Can-Do Person
In this article all *marked ones are the pointers that a separate detailed DIY blog is available on this topic in the Blog Section — from the Heart of Subhashis in Success Unlimited Mantra.
1. If we are stuck because of fear* — the only way we can beat it by doing
2. The only way to learn to do is to — just do it. Reading is definitely helpful if you are doing it in-between to clarify your doubts to get back to action ASAP
3. When we start doing something — we become aware of the gaps in our skills, ideas, knowledge, capabilities or the action-steps you have not figured out etc.
4. Then you learn and improvise and come back to take action to fill in those gaps, figure out the steps, and keep moving
5. If you’re having trouble because of your fears — ask yourself — What are you afraid of, What do you think you are not capable enough for, What beliefs of yours is preventing you from doing something — Write all these down — Then create, brainstorm, seek advice ON HOW will to overcome these through writing action-plan
6. In-fact whatever you are afraid of — make it a practice of doing that very thing at least for some time every day — the trick is to feel the fear AND get comfortable in moving and taking actions while still scared
7. Understand that the moment you stick your neck out — you will fail. All of us do. We need to treat failure* only as a learning tool and then find ways to avoid this failure in future as well as learning to bounce back from it
8. Follow the process of act, fail, learn, adjust, improvise then get back to the brass tacks again
9. Learn to be comfortable* with being uncomfortable*
10. If you passionate about something AND you can’t put even 30 minutes for that — the you are making an excuse — learn to see through our own bull-sh*t
11. Learn to be committed for all your passions* and dreams
12. Practice giving your 100%* in whatever you do
13. If something is important to you and you don’t have a clue or have not found a way — don’t give up* — tell yourself — I am going to develop the capability to handle this AND DO EXACTLY THAT
14. Learn to take calculated risks* — even when it is not warranted and everything is going well — by stretching yourself beyond your comfort-zone* — by taking responsibilities, hobbies, pursuits beyond you present capabilities
15. Ask yourself — How can I STOP being afraid of doing what I need to do — create few alternative ways AND how can I be ready for the Change*, what I need to learn or what habits I need to break and build
16. Changing behavior is happens through our focus on daily progress — byte-sized
17. Practice going for Excellence* and the outcome AND ditch Perfectionism*
18. Perfectionism prevents us from making grand progress — for full read