Crack The Code — 70+ Job-Landing Hacks for a Tough Economy


70+ Powerful Tips For Landing A Job In A Jobless Market During A Tough Economic Situation

In this article, you will learn the following

-70 Most Must-Follow Tips on How to Find a Job in a Bad Economy

15 Essential Elements of Your Job Search Plan

15 Tips for Creating a Killer Resume and Cover Letter

5 Mandatory Steps To tailor and customize your resume as per specific jobs

21 Tips If you are unable to find jobs even after intense efforts

-8 THINGS A RESPONSIBLE Employers MUST DO — to help improve prospects of youths landing jobs

-23 Sample Transferable Skills — in addition to my article 42 types of intelligence

-10 Types of Relationships Between Job-Skill-Qualification

-12 Skill Qualification Mismatch Causes & Types

How to find a job in a jobless market during a tough economic situation

Around 5,00,000 people lost jobs in the IT sector in India in 2023.

Almost 60% of the current job seekers in urban areas — are unable to secure jobs

State Bank of India cuts headcount by 25,000 in 5 years

The actual situation is much worse than what you have read — Some Pointers -a staggering 103.4 million of India’s 371 million youth — or 1 in 3 — fall under the NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) category + Women account for a shocking 84.9 million, or 82%, of the total NEET + the share of educated youth among the total unemployed population reached an alarming 65.7%.

In 2024 a significant chunk of TOP -IITs pass-outs could not get job offer letters till April 2024 — This high percentage of students not getting jobs is could be the rarest of rare events for IITs.

But -this also tells you how tough the job market has become — imagine the plight of the students of similar engineering streams of 2nd/3rd grade or lower grade institutes.

And if you don’t have the qualifications from the equivalent of India’s Ivy League Colleges & Universities — the chances of your finding a job become even tougher.

And if you happen to fall under NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) category — then it would be a solid struggle.

This article is NOT ONLY USEFUL for people from top IITs/IIMs — BUT ALSO for people with school-level qualifications AND NOT only for entry-level jobs BUT also for CEO-level positions.

Irrespective of what category you are in — you must put consistent efforts take the right persistent actions as outlined in this article.

I can promise you one thing, that if you follow the guidelines given in this article and other best practices of job hunting YOUR PROBABILITY OF LANDING A JOB WILL INCREASE 10 TIMES AT LEAST.

The tips, techniques, and tools — given in this article — needs LONG–TERM PREPARATIONS & PRACTICE — before they yield results.

But once you have mastered all those and start using them — you will be able to not only secure interview calls but also would be able to land yourself a job.

Even in this one of the toughest phases of the economy –jobs, projects, assignments, and gig-work opportunities are available.

In many instances — some positions remain vacant because of the unfortunate fact that — in India most of the graduates/post-graduates/even PhDs are neither job-fit nor job-ready.

Besides the case of not being job-fit and job-ready, there are two other lacunae — that of qualification and skills mismatch.

Qualification mismatch is mainly driven by the high number of underqualified people along with a very significant level of overqualified youth.

You will find that because of the security a government job offers AND also because a large population is struggling to find employment — there was a recent case of thousands of PhDs & Post-Graduates along with Graduates applied for a peon’s position — for which the qualifications were less than 10th class schooling.

This situation is not a one-off BUT a common occurrence — In India.

Then there are instances where a large numbers of engineers, doctors, and other hardcore professionals apply for Governmental Class-I officers’ positions in administrative, foreign, and police cadres.

You also would be aware — that Top IITians and IIMians go for jobs in Finance, Fund-Management, and Stock-Market jobs — as they don’t have to dirty their hands, which they would need to -in case they go to their core professional field — especially in manufacturing.

10 Types of Relationships Between Job-Skill-Qualification

These TEN types of occurrences would be more obvious In dire economic conditions where jobs are not growing — Although they happen all the time. These happen in the permutation and combination of one or more of the following TEN phenomena of the job market

1. Overqualifications

2. Over-skilling

3. Underqualification

4. Qualification obsolescence

5. Under-skilling

6. Skill gaps

7. Skill obsolescence

8. Skill shortages

9. Job-fit

10. Job-Ready

12 Skill Qualification Mismatch Causes & Types

1. Skill-shortage and not being Job-ready might be the case of many positions and roles remaining vacant.

2. Overqualification and over-skilling -results in under-used skills AND high levels of overqualification might also exhibit high levels of over-skilling.

3. Underqualification and under-skilling need a strong focus through various tangible incentives to train and up-skill this category of people.

4. You may find cases of people being overqualified but under-skilled and also vice-versa case of being Over-skilled yet underqualified.

5. The major concerns that Top Indian Leadership needs to address — are skill gaps, skill shortage, and skill obsolescence as well as qualification obsolescence.

6. This would mandate creating an eco-system of appropriate education — right from the preschool to institutions of higher education.

7. But I don’t see this happening in INDIA sooner or later– because of the Ruling Regime, The Bureaucrats, and the Directors of Highest Ranked Institutions of National Importance — because they NEITHER HAVE SHOWN ANY INTENT NOR FEEL ANY RESPONSIBILITY.

8. As a common occurrence generally — skill gaps emerge because of skill shortages.

9. You may find that a person may be over-skilled for his/her current role BUT could under-skilled in the next role.

10. You may find many cases of — Horizontal mismatch — where employees typically graduate and are employed in an occupation that is unrelated to their principal field of study.

11. Skill shortages generally refer to unfilled or hard-to-fill vacancies that have arisen as a consequence of a technological advancement in the world or in an organization — for which there are not many educational institutions having courses nor their exists any effective training and skilling process.

12. Skills mismatches are driven not only by low-quality education but also by demographic change, rapid technological development, new sources of job creation, and new forms of work organization.

All these causes would affect and impact very adversely competitiveness and economic growth.

8 THINGS A RESPONSIBLE Employers MUST DO — to help improve prospects of youths landing jobs

1. Create interactions with the potential jobseeker to clarify in specific — what qualifications, what skills, and what other basic requirements are needed BEFORE anyone can apply for each of the jobs for which that organization recruits

2. Create structured training and upskilling modules to enable making people Job-ready & Job-fit– for in-house as well as for people who are looking for jobs — THROUGH a Learning management Portal accessible to all

3. Create & Provide tools — which can help people identify their job-fit

4. Practice the bestest of best global practices in recruitment AND MAKE IT TRANSPARENT & ACCESSIBLE TO ALL

5. Create a partnership with the institutes TO GIVE RESOURCES to help reduce existing qualification and skills mismatches among youth

6. Create technologically advanced, skill-intensive jobs that utilize human capital to its full productive potential and improve the quality and stability of jobs in THEIR ORGANIZATION

7. If possible, run courses for making people job-ready — by filling the skill-knowledge gap — AS A SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

8. Create modules to make retiring, outgoing employees’ transit into the outside world WELL EQUIPPED TO EARN their living

70 Most Must-Follow Tips on How to Find a Job in a Bad Economy

1. Prioritizing your search — don’t just apply — choose the best FIT — In Fact you should be very discerning during your job search especially during a recession and bad economy

2. 15 Essential Elements of Your Job Search Plan

I. Identify which industry or field you want to work with — If possible identify actual organizations

II. Identify what skills, qualifications, and experience they are looking for

III. Identify what is their recruitment process

IV. Identify What types of roles you are looking for

V. List all reasons WHY you think you would be the right fit

VI. Find out What are THE job requirements YOU ARE TARGETING — especially if you have lesser experience and other requirements — find out if Is it possible to apply for a job with less experience than required.

VII. Look for the possibility of Onsite, hybrid, and remote work target your search to the fields and jobs that are most compatible with remote work — you have to again customize your offer as per the job requirements

VIII. Identify what skills, education, or job experience — you need BUT don’t have

IX. Find out your skill gap, skill obsolescence as well as needed qualifications and certification — then go & do it — use the Free Courses on MOOC

X. Your own field might be under recession — look at jobs in other fields — find out what other industries, career fields, and ROLEs you are fit for

XI. If you are entering the job market after a gap or a fresher OR a person who has been out of a job for a long — try to aim for jobs that are either entry-level or something that makes you over-skilled

XII. Instead of going for ONE FULL-TIME JOB — if you are a fit — look for — weekends, a few days in a week, and holiday Gig-work opportunities or Other Types of Flexible Work Arrangements

XIII. Use all these tools for job search — Job Consultants, Job Portals, Organizations websites, LinkedIn pages, direct email applications, job fairs, walk-ins, etc. — additionally Identify creative job search tools that can give you an edge and advantage

XIV. find newer and newer ways to Network effectively with decision-makers in your preferred organizations — attend industry conferences, online platforms, and other industry-specific events and also meet other professionals in that industry

XV. Identify the businesses and industries on growth-path and doing well in a recession — like healthcare and teaching etc.

3. Build experience by interning internships and volunteer opportunities, you can familiarize yourself with the field and gain an understanding of day-to-day tasks

4. Write and publish on your social media PROFILE & also on YouTube -how you would solve a major challenge SUPPORT it with real-life incident where you did a similar one

5. Share these in your industry and professional forums

6. Take courses to build in-demand skills — Get certified

7. Create a group of like-minded people and do mock interviews

8. Start interviewing senior leaders of your industry — after creating a list based on these leaders’ profiles — to create industry mentors

9. Find ways to Maintain a Positive Mindset as nothing is as frustrating — as not getting any response even after following all the tips [is possible -simply because either the jobs you are looking for are not there OR you are not able to identify the right source to apply] — sometimes even if you are most fit — you may not get any offer because of various reasons given above

10. Reach out to your targeted organizations — even if they don’t have any current openings — follow the tips given below

11. Find ways to connect with decision-makers AND share how they can overcome a major challenge they are facing BY GIVING a real value-adding suggestion or solution

12. Research potential employers -Know and Understand your industry thoroughly — know their challenges and find ways your role can solve a few of them

13. Connect with someone in the department for which you’re applying. Look on job-related social networks and find people who work within the company

14. Refer someone with strong credentials to an organization — for which you are not the right fit — this may boost your chances in the future to get noticed

15. 15 Tips for Creating Killer Resume and Cover Letter

I. Always customize your cover-letter and resume USE 1 day rule 1 Application to one Organization — ONLY AFTER you have incorporated all your research points about this organization, identified the competencies required for the role you are seeking, and matched them with your PROVEN [ evidence based] strengths, accomplishments, talents, competencies

II. Highlight your transferable training, experience, and skills — with relevant struggles, instances of overcoming dire challenges, and of triumphs in adverse conditions that make you seem like a strong candidate for the position

III. Note down all your success — through relevant specific incidents — to Prove you can do the job

IV. Know your strengths and what value you can add — create a list of accomplishments from your personal, social as well as professional and extracurricular fronts to highlight WHY YOU

V. You need to identify the major elements of the core requirements of the job AND then match them with your strengths, accomplishments, and learnings — all of these have to be incident-linked

VI. In case you face a situation where you have no clue as to how to do something — Let your personality and creativity shine through with sentences that say “I don’t know yet, but I will!” — you need to show excitement about the opportunity you are applying for

VII. Ensure that — your portfolio of success also highlights — how you work in a team and how you lead a team — you can use your social as well as sporting incidents to showcase this

VIII. In case you are new to an industry and don’t have experience YET — showcase how great and quick learner you are — use actual specific incidents from different aspects of your life

IX. While highlighting any strength — it is most desirable that you — showcase or highlight — real outcomes, results, and impacts

X. You must create a short synopsis of the story of your learnings from your various challenges/failures/mistakes, your accomplishments, and your future aspirations — your story has to be very interesting — FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SHOWCASING YOUR RIGHT-FIT WITH THE JOB & ORGANIZATION

XI. Identify your transferable skills — read my article on 42 types of intelligence on my website — to know your strength areas even though you might not have worked professionally so far — like problem-solving, teamwork, decision-making, etc.

Please read the remaining article as per the following details

This article was originally published as “70+ Powerful Tips For Landing A Job In A Jobless Market During A Tough Economic Situation “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]

#jobsearchtipsduringRecession, #howtofindjobinjoblessmarket, #killerresume&coverlettertips, #tipsforcreatingkillerresume&coverletter, #howtotailoryourresume&coverletters, #jobsearchstrategiesforunemployed, #badeconomy, #tougheconomy, #brutaleconomy, #howtoalognyourstrengthsskills&qualificationswithjobrequirements, #skillgapsolutionsforjobseeker, #howtofindjobintougheconomy, #transferableskillsforjobapplications, #insidetipstolandyouajob, #whenyouarenotgettinganyjobs, #acingjobinterviews, #creatingyourjobsearchplan, #howtocustomizeresume, #howtocustomizecoverletter, #makingyourselfrecessionproof, #findingjobsduringrecession

