Deal with little upsets, annoyances, irritants to be Stress Free
Most of our life’s pleasures comes from the collage of our many small-small joys.
Similarly, most of our stresses comes from accumulated little-little small irritants.
Many of these irritants [if they can be viewed objectively] — are insignificant.
But Accumulations of many small-little irritants [if not dealt-with properly] over a period of time leads to major disruptions and depressive emotional-being.
If we can learn* the art of — ignoring the small annoyances and the art of focusing on small-small everyday elations — we will have a blissful, peaceful, happy and contended existence.
On the other hand — We need to learn to live with few irritations — which are the immutable part of the game called life.
When stress* and anxiety* begin to control* your day-to-day life, it is the time to seek professional* help.
Habits of yours those irritate others — if left to fester can break down relationships, erode happiness, stagnate growth.
Minor irritations usually reach an exploding point if not sorted out.
You may not be able to change other people’s behaviors — but you can certainly change your perspective and your reactions and reframe them to mean positive.
When ignorable incidents — starts bothering us and when we get caught in the negative overthinking mental/emotional state — it is a sure sign of our being depressed, requiring immediate attention and remedy.
I have given few common everyday occurrences — that singularly on their own normally should not disturb you [if they happen once in a blue moon].
But if from the following list many of them — make you feel upset, angry, go-off your handle, lose calm* and makes you tense — regularly — Then please take action right-away.
37 Everyday Irritants [includes both Major and Minor Ones] — add your very own personal irritants
1. Blow-up with a family member/colleague
2. Being denied a promotion at work
3. Getting dressing-down for no fault of yours
4. Snoring of our partner
5. Messiness — Disorganized habits of partner — of leaving things scattered [if you are perfectionist — this is very-very big irritant]
6. Road-rage [this in other countries may come under minor annoyances — BUT — in India it is major big irritant]
7. Complete Empathy-less-ness of our partner and close family-members
8. Infidelity in committed relationship
9. When those habits that you loved in your partner during honey-moon period — starts making you mad
10. When others try to put you down, boss-over you or try to bull-doze you — and you are unable to respond* assertively*
11. Constant nagging by others
12. Blaming you for all their woes
13. Taking credit for your efforts without any acknowledgement
14. Doing wrong themselves and the making you responsible for it
15. Showing-off
16. Constant Boasting about themselves
17. Always trying to prove that they are right
18. Always expecting you to do as per their wishes
19. When you are made the designated[unofficially] — to do menial chores
20. When you talk with people and they don’t remove headphones
21. When people throw away stuff that’s yours without asking first
22. When people leave the used teabag in the sink instead of putting it in the rubbish bin.”
23. When someone licks their finger before touching a piece of paper, they’re going to hand you
24. When in the airline they simply try to cross you from window to isle seat without bothering to ask you
25. When the plane lands and everyone gets up and start taking their baggage from the bins — even though the plane is still moving
26. When you are talking and someone cuts you off in conversation
27. When people try to correct your spelling, grammar or any such thing instead of focusing on the matter
28. Cut you off in traffic at the last possible second before a turn, entryway, exit
29. Turning without using indicators
30. Driving on wrong lane + with full headlights on
31. Insistent Honking
32. Traffic jams
33. Kids not listening
34. Public rudeness
35. Buffering Video
36. Tangled Earphones
37. Long and Slow Queues
Being Upset About Little Things Usually Means There Are Big Things — we need to deal with on war-footing.
When and Why do we get irritated
1. When we are stressed*
2. When we are depressed*
3. When we are upset* by something else
4. When we are frustrated by something else
5. When we have unrealistic expectations from others or ourselves
6. When we Magnify* the problem*
7. When we let the irrational take over and make ourselves furious
8. When we give control to others — by being submissive* instead of being assertive
9. When someone has taken advantage of us — and — in spite of knowing — we let them
10. When instead of taking responsibility — we blame others/situation
11. When we are trying to justify/prove that we are right — and it is not succeeding
12. When we are seeing things from only one perspective — that too unverified
13. When we are unable to face facts and reality — and insist on being ostrich
14. When we Quit or give in — against our wishes
15. When we jump to conclusions — without verifying the facts
16. Our irritation may mean that we have not understood ourselves fully
17. Many times, we are projecting what we can’t accept about ourselves as the irritants triggered by others
18. Other people don’t cause our upset — we do it to ourselves
19. When we take Things Personally for no reason
20. When we stop taking care of ourselves*
21. We Take Life Too Seriously and make mountains out of molehills by overthinking and over-analysis
22. We are constantly worrying about the minor things
23. Uncertainty and change* bother us too much
24. We are afraid of being embarrassed and looking silly ourselves
25. We are afraid of being wrong and making mistakes
26. We constantly focus on threats rather than opportunities
Ways on How to work on Handling Irritants in Our Life — to read full