Develop strong conviction like a great leader


62 keys develop convictions to become a great leader

In this article you will learn the following

-62 keys for developing conviction to become a great leader

Looking for an example of unbelievable and unshakable conviction — read the story of Dashrath Manjhi — called the mountain man of India — who using just a rope, a hammer and a chisel to cut a path through the mountain so that no one suffers the same fate as his wife who died as she could reach the nearest hospital almost 90kms away.

He struggled for 22 years from 1960–1982 day and night — to create a road 110 meters/ 360-foot long, 7.7 meters deep and in some parts and 9.1 meters wide in a rocky mountain — to reduce the journey from 70 kilometers to mere 1km — everyone thought he was insane and called him lunatic — can you think about cutting a path through the mountain — even now.

In a world where most of us have to deal with situations which never had any precedence — creating a strong conviction in yourself has become even more important.

Increasing rate of disruptions are triggering the development of VUCA world [volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous] — causing BANI mental-emotional states [brittle, anxious, non-linear and incomprehensible] — helped by our brain’s flight-freeze-fight wiring.

Great leaders display sustainable, consistent confidence and conviction through demonstrating — high trust in themselves and standing-up for most noble and admirable values and principals.

Arrogance comes from having too much belief in your own capabilities although what you are standing-up for may not be of great values.

Doubt and confusion comes from your having low belief in yourself and low belief in what you are trying to do.

When you neither belief yourself nor have any confidence in what you are supposed to do — you will have the emotional state of un-resourcefulness, powerlessness and hopelessness.

Now a days — the changes taking place in the technologies and business — are so fast — that it creates stress in seasoned leaders too — consuming lots of their mental-emotional energies and bringing down their effectiveness.

When a leader demonstrates through actions — that he has the situation under control — his followers are able to concentrate on what must be done in a considerably relaxed state of mind.

All of us feel comfortable, admire and respect strength — but this also gives rise to megalomaniac, domineering, controlling and dictatorial people as they take suppressing others approach by using their power.

It is very easy to have conviction — when tide is in your favor — but the great leadership is about swimming against the tide.

Conviction gives you the strength to stand up and take actions -for what you believe in — especially when it is neither popular nor easy, instead which could be dangerous.

Conviction is about making choices based on deep-noble-positive values and then translating these into passionate actions.

Conviction is also about carrying yourself with dignity, grace and compassion and courage — especially when you are facing a very tough situation and when have easy way out.

Conviction is about standing alone — even if you are uncomfortable doing so.

62 keys for developing conviction to become a great leader

[All these points have detailed do it yourself blogs-articles-answers in my both websites as well as in my Quora page]

1. Great entrepreneurs understand that intense conviction helps them to take right actions and decisions by clearing many doubts.

2. Create the ability to view any situation and your solutions from widely different angles — to generate more effective solutions and choices

3. Understand what brought you here is not enough to get you through life

4. Share your beliefs with others and let them challenge and question and even ridicule you — then find ways to convince them — if your conviction is about make positive and powerful differences

5. Clarify your basic and core values — what you stand for and why -ask yourself 10 WHYs — till you get an answer that is completely inspiring to you

6. Seek feedback from people who are accomplished and who can give you objective analysis of your strengths and blind areas -constructive feedback is key to your continual growth

7. Always go for nurturing and applying creativity to create innovative solutions and options

8. Be strong, humble and firm but not brash-harsh and arrogant

9. Learn to trust your instincts — practice taking decisions based on your gut-feelings

10. When you are facing a crisis — after you have got your breath back and the intense chaos is little behind — find was to see a future — then create actions on how you will move to that state

11. Accept what you can’t control — try finding what skills and competencies you need to master to enable you to accomplish this

12. Progressively take actions in your area of control to grow your circle of influence

13. Learn to influence and lead without authority

14. Be clear of your all whys — what is it you want and why you want them

15. Learn to handle rejections — as you will have plenty in life

16. Learn to deal with criticism

17. Learn to stop looking for validation from others

18. Identify and be aware of all your real strengths

19. Consciously know what all you have accomplished

20. Keep in your conscious awareness what challenges you have faced and overcame

21. Practice refining and strengthening your expertise — till it becomes your unconscious competence

22. Master the art of story-telling presentation

23. Before convincing others — get convinced yourself — of your purpose and vision

24. Take challenging tasks that add value to you — to increase your comfort levels with challenging and difficult tasks

25. Take steps towards — what scares and excites you at the same time

26. Listen to masters to broaden your thinking

27. Be a learner 24x7 — learn from everyone

28. Learn to take difficult decisions

29. Lead by example and become a role models (never preach)

30. Work on you social and emotional intelligence

31. Stop getting by most demotivating — what-ifs

32. Be comfortable in dirtying your hands by taking action in the field

33. Constantly refine and update your knowledge and awareness about many things

34. Learn how to create passion and purpose

35. Deal with integrity and your values — when confused about any action or decision

This article was originally published as “62 keys develop convictions to become a great leader” in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]

#conviction, #greatleaders, #developunshakableconviction, #howtobuildstrongconvictioninyourself, #DashrathManjhi #developstrongconvictionlikeagreatleader, #becomeaninfluentialleader, #howgreatleadersdevelopstrongconviction, #BANI, #VUCA



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