Developing the Art of Finishing What You Start
In this article you will learn to following
-21 reasons Why you fail to finish — what you started
-48 Tips How to finish what you start
Please understand that — the actions taken partially, unfinished goals as well as the near misses — only have learning value.
Life only rewards you — when you complete something effectively.
None of your dreams, aspirations and wishful-thinking has any value — if they don’t get converted into actions and persisted till you get what you aspire.
That is why it is important to not start something which you know you can’t finish.
Not finishing what you start can become a habit [bad] — which can get triggered from your fears, anxieties and low self-esteem
21 reasons Why you fail to finish — what you started
- 1.You have taken too many projects and many are in unfinished state — which is making you give-up
- 2.You may have commitment issues — success only happens when reach a milestone
- 3.You are fickle minded
- 4.You have the fear of getting judged
- 5.You have the fear of failure or even success
- 6.You have set the bar too high — beyond your current capabilities
- 7.You can’t manage your time effectively — so sooner or later every project gets in this unfinished lane
- 8.You don’t feel inspired or motivated to take actions
- 9.You don’t feel the need or any obligation to finish
- 10.You are working on something without a clear deadline
- 11.You may not be giving the requisite efforts needed
- 12.You might be seeking immediate gratification
- 13.You might feel that there are no negative consequences attached-with — of not finishing a specific goal
- 14.It could be the story of your life — which has the pattern — where you set goals and start projects but don’t finish them — in almost every area of life
- 15.Goals or actions does not seem important to you
- 16.You lack follow-through — although you take very important goals and start them with lots of fanfare
- 17.You have given up on your own wellbeing, success, growth and self-worth
- 18.You don’t feel pressure of not honoring your commitments and suffers from commitment deficit syndrome
- 19.You have weak values or no values and low integrity levels — so you make promise but don’t keep it
- 20.You are beyond care about your own growth
- 21.You have very few goals or no goals
48 Tips How to finish what you start
- 1.Irrespective of whether your goal is big or small — getting off the starting line — the first step you need to take is the one of the most important one — after this you have to maintain your momentum and persist till succeeding in your attempts
- 2.Sometimes we hesitate to start — because -either we are scared to take that 1st step of don’t know what to do or are unsure about how to go about or you may feel that you don’t have all the resources — to beat this — jump right in by taking a leap of faith — this little jump or push may start something really great
- 3.Know all your important WHYs — why you need to take this action or why you have to accomplish this goal and also the consequences of not achieving these
- 4.Be absolutely clear about what you want to achieve
- 5.Have your own deadline — which is inspiring and not scary and pressurizing
- 6.Take support of people — who care for you genuinely
- 7.Stop being perfectionist — learn to focus on reaching the finish line
- 8.Identify your priorities — eliminate the insignificant and low/no priority from your list or outsource/delegate them if essential
- 9.Focus on the next action — stop looking at end results
- 10.Before you start anything — first learn how to do it properly from the masters and experts
- 11.Know what you know and learn what you don’t know and is essential
- 12.Although life experiences are essential -don’t waste your time — doing hit and trial when you can do it properly by learning the steps
- 13.Work on creating a healthy self-discipline
- 14.Learn how to persevere and not give up
- 15.Start with very small projects
- 16.Before starting a project, small or big, think of the steps you will need to take, and plan how will you proceed
- 17.Learn how will you bounce-back when crisis hits
- 18.Use the power of choice in deciding what you would work on — be ruthlessly selective in what you embark on
- 19.Know and estimate the resources you need as well as what resources you already have
- 20.Schedule and budget your time and energy appropriately
- 21.Create pictorial images through visualization of the benefits of completing your goals
- 22.Break large task into small-small ones — do them effortlessly to move on the path of enjoying the journey
- 23.Monitor, track, ensure and improvise as you progress
- 24.Celebrate your milestones
- 25.Don’t force yourself — if it’s not working out — leave that and come back later
- 26.Learn the art of following through, taking action, executing, perseverance, self-discipline, resilience etc. — from my various blogs on these topics
- 27.Take break to recharge and come back to your task
- 28.Adopt a follow-through mindset to defeat procrastination — also learn how you will deal with distractions
- 29.Do similar tasks together to improve productivity
- 30.Don’t wait for 100% information to start — start when you have 50–70%
- 31.When you are feeling uninspired — do nothing for a while — not being busy is a competitive advantage
- 32.Create an emotional-mental thought-process of being a beginner with a learner mindset
- 33.Become a finisher for what’s worth finishing
- 34.Do smaller experiments to test the water before taking a big project
- 35.Experiments are okay to quit- but once you have committed — you need to see through till the end
- 36.Focus on one task at a time rather than juggling multiple things
- 37.Decide to finish — make the decision that no matter what -you will finish this task
- 38.Have a structured plan — taking into account exigencies, contingencies and challenges with their built-in solutions
- 39.Stop overcommitting — deliver more than you promise
- 40.Plan to overdo from the start — make the goal-post qualitatively and quantitatively higher
- 41.Build and maintain the momentum that will carry you and your team over the bumps in the road, past the exhaustion and distractions that threaten to derail you
- 42.Ensure clutter-less functioning — minimize the distractions and time-wasters
- 43.To avoid getting stuck — become aware about your pattern of starting and stopping — identify what makes you lose steam and give-up through objective introspection of important past projects
- 44.Research deeply and do proper due-diligence of your next project before jumping in
- 45.Set realistic goals that you are likely to achieve — identify your intrinsic motivations
- 46.Eliminate obstacles — by creating multiple solutions
- 47.Realize that — irrespective of your quality of planning — you will get stuck time to time in unexpected disruptions — create solutions by imagining the pit-falls proactively
- 48.Identify each step you need to make to finish it — prioritize it what should you do first, second, third, fourth, etc. — plan your day around your tasks to make sure that it doesn’t get pushed around
- 49.Be sure of the benefits of completing the project and whether your efforts and investment of resources — is worth it — if it’s not worth it. Move on the next project and do better
This article was originally published as “How to finish what you start and why you fail to finish“ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]
#whyyoufailtofinishwhatyoustarted, #howtofinishwhatyoustart, #don’tstartwhatyoucan’tfinish, #finishingwhatyoustart, #importanceofcompletingwhatyoustart