Discover the psychology of “AndhaBhakts” & Compulsive Liars and how to identify them

Discover the psychology of “AndhaBhakts” & how to identify them

100+ Signs of Compulsive Liars & 30+ Tips to Identify Blind Followers & Andhabhakts

In this article, you will learn the following

60 Signs Someone Is Lying — Signs of A Compulsive or Pathological Liars How to Spot a Pathological Liar

7 Major Categories of Supporters of Compulsive-Liars -The Blind Followers, The Andhabhakts, Compulsive Believers & Servile-Bureaucrats

27 Causes Someone to Become a Compulsive Liar

23 Signs, Traits, Symptoms, And Signature Trademarks of Compulsive Liars — Why People Lie Compulsively

9 Unique Additional Signs & Behavior Patterns to Identify any Andhabhakt

31 Ways How to Cope with Someone Who Is a Pathological Liar — How To Deal With People Who Lie Compulsively

9 Behaviors That Deep-Rooted Emotional Insecurities of Compulsive Liars -Triggers and Cause Compulsive Lying

12 Psychological Issues — Needing Psychiatric Treatment — People with These Disorders Could Also Be Compulsive Liars

If you are honest with yourself — you would be able to identify major occasions where — under certain circumstances — you have lied, you have fudged, you have withheld information and manipulated the truth — a few times in life.

We may lie — when we feel that the stakes are especially high when we feel that we cannot afford to lose or when we feel that if the truth is discovered we may lose power, position, credibility, and name & fame -That is ok — it is part of being human.

This is OKAY when they are the kind of lies that we use on rare occasions — and they are majorly harmless and when — our lying or withholding info does not cause harm to others.

But it becomes a very serious negative matter– when someone’s lies — hurt, harm, sabotage, destroy, damage, and cause a big loss to others.

Right now — we are witnessing a very long phase where compulsive liars at the top are causing massive irreversible and irreparable damage to the masses as well as the entire country [with the support of 7 categories of Servile-Supporters, Compulsive Believers or Blind-followers or AndhaBhakts].

It seems so simple and glaringly obvious to me BUT I don’t know why people [Blind Followers & The Andhabhakts] don’t seem to get it.

Despite overwhelming facts with a pattern of cheating, defrauding, lying, supporting criminals, looters & cronies only, encouraging rapists, disregarding the injustice, massacre, riots, genocide, lynching, and Their follies being clearly visible — these people [Blind Followers & The Andhabhakts] are pro-actively supporting rogue politicians who manipulate them on faith and uses fear to invite hatred and divides.

Two Latest cases of CRIME-Corruption-Cheating-Scam-Fraud are — NEET & NET examination cancellation — where we have seen paper-leak, mass-cheating, and incompetent people getting 100% marks AND you find that the people Responsible for these are saying NOTHING IS WRONG.

You will also find that the entire machinery of the compulsive liars along with the 7 categories of their supporters are busy in denying and cover-up operations.

You can also add covering-up for the recent train accident — although in the last 10 years, the list of these types of incidents is uncountable PLUS a maximum number of these types of cases are hidden AND may see the light if some sudden change makes one these people highlight that scam.

When you compare Compulsive liars with Compulsive Believers — you will discover that Compulsive liars are relatively less dangerous, toxic & harmful than Compulsive Believers [compare only these two categories — because compulsive liars in the position of power are EVIL].

It is mainly because — When the Compulsive liar’s personality flaw of lying, faking, cheating, etc. becomes known — people with sense stop listening and pay attention to — whatever drama element they create.

The lies of Ex-POTUS’s [or his Indian counterpart & their cronies] — are not the problem — It’s the millions who follow them blindly without questioning — are the biggest threat to humanity, peace, growth, and development.

Compulsive Believers or blind followers or AndhaBhakts [as they are known in India] — should terrify you as they are the most dangerous type of people.

Both people quoted as examples in this article — have demonstrated their strong ability to create a very large mass of compulsive believers or blind followers or AndhaBhakts.

These Compulsive Believers or blind followers or AndhaBhakts — GIVE THE POWER to the Compulsive liars at the top TO HARM the masses.

Without support and POWER GIVEN BY THE 7 CATEGORIES OF Compulsive Believers Blind-followers or AndhaBhakts — The compulsive liars can’t do much.

In the types of mayhem, destruction, and damage happening currently– the biggest sufferers are the innocent and those who follow positive values.

The Compulsive liars in reference [who are also in the position of top power] also have serious psychological issues.

You can only recognize the truth ONLY if you are sensible and have observed it objectively –the irreversible damage done in India in the last decades -by these two categories of people [meaning the compulsive liars and their supporting 7 categories of AndhaBhakts].

As far as India is concerned — most of these AndhaBhakts have been brain-washed by the topman and his cronies through creating lies and fake history, news, and propaganda.

To maintain your sanity, intelligence, and wisdom — you need to polish your skills to see through the false narratives and recognize the — Grandstanding, Whataboutery, Cockwombleness, projection of their OWN crimes, lacunae, weaknesses, and mistakes onto the gullible masses — Please read my detailed blogs on all these words used in this paragraph.

You need to understand that all the façade created by the Compulsive liars — is all about creating a radicalized, divisive, toxic, evil, criminal, and malignant environment with full support and active participation of Compulsive Believers or AndhaBhakts.

Many countries were ruined by the ruling compulsive liars — like what happened in Germany during the Nazis — what is happening in Russia, China and India.

Right now, we have the equivalent of Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler — in these three countries — with similar modus operandi, actions, and consequences.

All the compulsive or pathological liars in a position of power — slowly transform themselves into a regime of autocratic, tyrannical, totalitarianism, and crony-capitalism.

But the most horrifying & terrifying aspect — is the pro-active role — played by all the bureaucrats, judiciary, regulatory bodies, and all the broken institutions — to support these chronic compulsive liars.

Pathetically -many of them are from institutions like IITs & IIMs — so their supporting compulsive liars is a simple case of their having EVIL disposition- which is why — India is on a backward growth trajectory.

The most disgusting part [the AndhaBhakts have not realized this so far]– is that this compulsive liars bunch is creating a nation — that is large — anti-growth, anti-Hindu, anti-women, anti-poor, anti-middle class, anti-education, anti-development, anti-country [because all the 6 categories out of 7 group — are raking in money and are getting all types of power, position and benefits — and they have ensured and secured the future of their own children].

They are also bringing in — draconian laws to suppress — independence, the freedom of expression, and the right to question and challenge them.

Nowadays they do so openly without any fear –their philosophy and values are — if you question me, challenge me, contradict me — I will make you pay heavily — which we have been through the jailing of thousands of people who tried to question them — without any credible evidence.

AndhaBhakts can go to any extent to support compulsive liars.

AndhaBhakt’s major sources of knowledge — WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter — are propaganda messages — which are FAKE almost all the time.

AndhaBhakts lack the logical ability to isolate facts from fiction and are often aggressive in their behavior.

AndhaBhakts and their MASTERs have become ultimate experts in THE ART OF WHATABOUTERY & Whataboutism — you find them telling with confidence to others ABOUT something they don’t have any idea about — like the case of Galgotia.

It is so pathetic and bizarre — to see our young citizens wasting their time supporting a philosophy that is COMPLETELY DESTRUCTIVE TO THEIR FUTURE AND LIFE.

You must be very careful while confronting AndhaBhakts — as they are most of the time unpredictable and can launch an attack — physical, violent, and verbal as well as mob attack.

Please read my blog — 48 Tips How to Recognize and Deal with Jerks and Assholes Effectively.

For a complete understanding of the Compulsive liars — please read my 60+ blogs on Grandstanding, How to Spot Fake News/Propaganda, Projection, Whataboutery, Cockwombleness, Manipulators, etc.

7 major categories of The Blind Followers, the AndhaBhakts, Compulsive believers & other Supporters of Compulsive-Liars

1. Bureaucrats [governmental -especially the top-levels] of all types including the Administrative, Judiciary, Law & Order, Regulatory Bodies, and Independent Institutions — meaning all the people with power to impose anything their masters want on the masses– these groups’ reason — to get plum posting, greater power, and extension beyond normal retirement AND all the awesome facilities, and perks and benefits that they can get

2. The second group consists of Politicians with proven track records of all kinds of crime to violence

3. The third group consists of people with the finest qualifications from the top institutions with solid rightwing mindsets and with EVIL nature INCLUDING NRIs — who have secured their and their children’s financial future

4. The fourth group is of greedy businessmen — who are sucking the country dry and become richer & richer beyond imagination AND without actually adding value to the country and citizens — finance the activities of the above three groups

5. The fifth group is of GOTALAB acronym [ Give-Oral, Take-Anal, Lick-AssBalls MEDIA [although people of group one also fall under this acronym — as they bend backward to please their masters] — for all the benefits from the first three groups

6. The sixth group, even though very small BUT VERY INFLUENTIAL in promoting compulsive liars at the power — THIS group consists of Celebrity Godmen/Godwomen, BABAs, and all people who are religious centers of influence. Often these people have shady background and very questionable background

7. The seventh and the largest group is of — Ch***/Ch**** Public — who don’t get any benefits at all and are so much brain-washed that they don’t realize that at their cost the above six groups are enjoying and becoming more powerful

23 Signs, Traits, symptoms, and Signature Trademarks of Compulsive Liars — Why people lie compulsively

1. Compulsive lying is usually triggered by the anxiety aroused by almost any social situation.

2. Chronic Compulsive lying — often is a sign of serious mental health issues — because these people lie for no apparent reason.

3. Compulsive liars make up intricate stories that sound very far-fetched BUT the AndhaBhakts believe all those fully.

4. Compulsive liars have that compelling need and impulse to fabricate everything.

5. Compulsive Lying sometimes in a few cases can be so huge, frequent, and uncontrollable that it — causes irreparable damage to that person AND the masses — both their supporters as well as wise people who can see through their drama, tantrums, and lies.

6. Compulsive liars don’t have any scruple — on lying — they lie out of habits as well as knowingly to create certain beliefs in others — which they recognize as untrue.

7. Many of the Compulsive liars [especially of the two examples quoted in this article] — ADDITIONALLY ARE ALSO — delusional, ignorant, and lack the knowledge of whatever they are trying to peddle.

8. Compulsive liars don’t always put forward fake and false information — they are also into withholding, fudging, inventing, suppressing — the truth and correct data & information.

9. Compulsive lying — is a compulsive disorder — where the communicator has lots of emotional insecurity and is in a state of highly aroused anxiety — and when they lie — it makes them feel better and more in control.

10. Almost any social situation triggers — this compulsion to lie — is to create an image of being omnipotent.

11. Compulsive liars are almost always busy 24X7 — in managing their image and trying to make people think more highly of them — they use all the tricks, techniques, and tools of Cons — lying, cheating fraud, being dishonest, etc.

12. Yes, Compulsive liars can fool the bunch of AndhaBhakts for a very long period.

13. Many of the Compulsive liars’ cognitive and executive functioning is not well-developed — that is why pathological liars lie on impulse as they lack planning or forethought before lying.

14. Compulsive liars don’t have any remorse for lying — even when their lies are caught openly — their lying causes them no distress.

15. In recently concluded general elections in India — one of the subjects quoted here — was talking about fighting corruption — although in recent months many-many major scams were unearthed which was his and his cult’s doing only.

16. Most of the Compulsive liars — have recognizable — psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder along with other supporting psychological disorders.

17. Pathological liars may test their ground by starting with small lies and then become more elaborate and dramatic liars — especially when they need to, cover their earlier lies

18. Because they are chronic and impulsive liars — compulsive liars often complicate their lies by adding unnecessary details and exaggerating stories and data which can be easily checked and verified as lies by anyone who has little sense

19. They try to make themselves appear more interesting, powerful, know-it-all, etc. — they often make false accusations or grandiose claims about their past that are simple for others to check

20. Pathological lying is not a formal diagnosis — although it is theoretically possible for pathological lying to be an independent symptom — but most often it is a sign of other more serious symptoms of a serious disorder as many disorders have overlapping symptoms, including compulsive lying

21. Pathological lying can be a compulsion, and it often leads to negative consequences for the person telling the lies

22. Compulsive liars make stories that sound real enough to the group of people — who can’t discern — and then they add more outlandish lies to back up their original lies — those can be and easily disproved

23. Compulsive lying usually happens for years. It often begins when in the teens and continues indefinitely, into all areas of life. Their dishonesty might be the thing people remember most about them

27 Causes someone to become a compulsive liar — Although it is very difficult to pinpoint the exact genesis of compulsive lying — many of the following can trigger it

1. Low self-esteem, low self-pride, low self-worth, low self-confidence, etc.

2. People may lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or to escape uncomfortable situations avoid harm and lie about trivial matters.

3. People lie to avoid getting in trouble or to protect themselves from a threat -these lies are elaborate fabrications about serious or self-serving matters, and it is less likely to be socially acceptable than a white lie.

4. People also lie for malicious reasons -These lies have serious and damaging consequences for other people and may lead to situations that are unfair or unjust — this is socially unacceptable Compulsive liars are in this category

5. Their Lying may also be a defense mechanism to prevent ridicule or social exclusion

6. To gain Social status and social acceptance — For those who value social status- lie to maintain a reputation and also to fit in with their desired peers

7. 12 psychological issues — needing psychiatric treatment — people with these disorders could also be compulsive liars

I. Personality disorders — like — borderline Personality disorders or BPD [People with BPD may experience severe mood swings, feel greater instability and insecurity, and not have a stable sense of self], Narcissistic personality disorders [people with NPD give fantasies immense importance and have a compulsive need for admiration and special treatment] or Anti-social Personality disorders [those with this condition often lie for personal gain or pleasure], etc.

II. A person with BPD or NPD may lie to distort reality into something that fits with the emotions that they are feeling, rather than the facts

III. Some compulsive liars can have Frontotemporal dementia — this affects the frontal and temporal brain regions and causes changes in behavior and language and can cause — inappropriate social behavior, lack of empathy, agitation, loss of insight into the behavior of others and oneself

IV. Confabulation (a disorder where people develop false memories but do so without the intention of lying)

V. Malingering (Making up or exaggerating an illness for your own benefit, such as to get out of work. This is not considered a mental health disorder.)

VI. History of brain disorder, Brain Injury Trauma

VII. Chaotic & toxic home environment

VIII. Obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD does not cause compulsive lying -The only similarity between compulsive lying and obsessive-compulsive disorder — is the fact that they both contain the word Compulsive

IX. Anxiety disorders. Anxiety can manifest in numerous ways, from acute episodes to more generalized anxiety

X. Depression

XI. Bipolar Disorder

XII. Psychosis and Schizophrenia -In psychosis and schizophrenia, reality and fiction are mixed. In this respect, patients in this group can unconditionally believe in what they say and portray a mythomaniac picture in the same way

8. Emotional Insecurity -Some people feel very insecure about who they are and might lie to make themselves feel better and to inflate their own sense of self-worth

9. Substance abuse — many substance abusers have issues with honesty and a desire to hide signs of abuse

10. They grew up in environments where they learned early on that they are not good enough AND THEN THEY DEVELOPED their internal voice — that being a flawed human being is unacceptable

11. Some of the Compulsive liars were abused, emotionally neglected, and heavily criticized

12. They have experienced Sexual, physical, or emotional abuse — from their growing-up years

13. They have witnessed their parents lie Consistently

14. Because of very deep-rooted emotional insecurity — they have developed a very compulsive and Intense need for appreciation, approval, validation, and attention from others

15. 9 Behaviors that Deep-Rooted Emotional Insecurities of Compulsive Liars -triggers and cause compulsive lying

I. Avoiding offending someone they care about

II. Protecting themselves from a perceived threat

III. Feelings of shame or guilt

IV. Avoiding conflict or negative emotions

V. Acting out of impulse

VI. Making themselves look better

VII. Avoiding punishment

VIII. Creating justifications

IX. Becoming defensive

60 Signs Someone is Lying — signs of a Compulsive or pathological liars How to spot a pathological liar — please look for patterns AND not one incident

Read the remaining article as per the following details

This article was originally published as “100+ Signs of Compulsive Liars & 30+ Tips to Identify Andhabhakts the Blind Followers “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles, and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]

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