Discover the science of Antifragility and use setbacks to trigger growth 87 actionable tips


87 Antifragility Hacks for Building Unbreakable Resilience to Thrive under Pressure Stress

In this article, you will learn the following

-What is antifragility? And How it is much Beyond Resilience

-Why developing antifragility is a must for all of us to survive, thrive, and flourish — in a time of disruptive changes, chaos, crises, and stress?

-87 Tips on Living an Antifragile Life to grow and flourish against overwhelming challenges in a world full of uncertainty

Massive changes are happening at a much faster rate in today’s world and there are more disruptions, fragility, uncertainty, unpredictability, and chaos in people’s lives -than ever especially post COVID-19.

Technological advancements like AI too have played a significant role in impacting and altering how people work and organizations do business — thereby impacting other areas of life directly and indirectly.

In this scenario many people may discover their coping mechanism capabilities and skills are not adequate.

Relying on building resilience alone may not work effectively in the long run and in the long term.

Let us examine a few definitions one by one — to make our understanding clearer.

Fragile is what fails when put under stress and pressure.

Robust is what can sustain pressure up to certain levels.

Resilience is all about facing and bouncing back from adversity and also using the learnings of your bouncing back phase to help you become stronger.

Resilience is not enough — and therefore we need to develop our mindset, psyche, physiology, and emotion-mental state in such a way — that all the unprecedented disruptions, disorders, and changes — become the enablers and drivers of — learning, growth, success, and fulfillment.

This is where antifragility comes into the picture as it goes much beyond resilience.

By practicing and mastering antifragility — you start thriving and flourishing from — most of the disruptions, chaos, setbacks, stressors, shocks, volatility, failures, and crises as well as external triggers.

Antifragility GAINS from that which tries to destroy it and grows stronger with pressure, randomness, uncertainty, disturbances and frailty, ambiguousness etc.

Antifragility can also be related fully to Charles Darwin’s theory of adaptability or survival of the fittest.

You all are aware of how nature survives, thrives, and sustains even under utter chaos — as it adapts to changes almost instantaneously.

Similarly in human bodies if a selective dose of infection or illness is introduced — your body builds resistance against that illness and becomes stronger against it.

When you look you may discover many examples — say in the Olympics — of human endurance, strength training, and practiced exposure and stress to muscles.

Many of the subconscious lessons are acquired through experiencing various pains, chaos, discomforts, and challenges to make us a survivor.

If you happen to live in a completely protected environment with all the comfort — you won’t become stronger but may wither.

We NEED chaos, disruption, and failure in our lives to grow, survive and thrive.

Chaos, disruptions, and discord would show up uninvited inevitably — so we don’t have any choice but to develop strengthen, and sharpen — an antifragile mindset to deal with these most effectively.

87 Tips on Living an Antifragile Life to grow and flourish against overwhelming challenges in a world full of uncertainty

[Most of the keywords used as sentence tips — have their detailed do-it-yourself blog among my 900+ blogs on two websites and in MY QUORA answers]

1. Learn to focus on sustainable long-term growth — even if the changes are happening at a faster rate than you can cope

2. Learn to identify a 360-degree view of the — consequences of — all of your major decisions, choices, and actions

3. Be ready to look like a jackass — when you are experimenting and trying out different things and when you are acting on your instinct — and you fail big-time

4. Learn to enjoy taking new actions towards your big goals -especially which makes others mock you

5. Ensure that you learn from all your mistakes and failures and move on

6. Learn to practice and develop the mindset of experimenting with unconventional, and new ways

7. Learn to create contingency and backup plans for all major projects — in case your plans fail despite your due diligence

8. Identify the most profound and most basic parameters and criteria of success, happiness, growth, and relationship — long term AND stick with the basics always

9. Make it your habit of giving your best — for whatever you have decided to act on — BUT if you fail — just develop the mindset of moving on

10. Assume that nothing is permanent including your skills and job — develop solutions taking redundancy as a possibility

11. Take only those risks that even if you lose — you won’t get debilitated — like the way good Venture Capitalists learn from the investments that fail and make smarter investments in the future.

12. Develop a flexible mindset that keeps improvising and pivoting when what you planned does not work out

13. Learn to identify — all the available options, possibilities, solutions, choices, and positivity as well as the negative consequences of your choices, decisions made and actions taken

14. Create multiple ways to hedge the loss — like having alternate suppliers for key components of your major products and services

15. Learn to sift through massive data — in such a way that you can identify trends and patterns

16. Learn to train your mind to create systems and processes that focus on learning from errors and mistakes

17. Create many different types of healthy coping strategies, mechanisms tools tricks, and techniques — after identifying what work

18. Learn to operate from your area of influence and control — all the time — irrespective of your impulse urging you to go for what is not YET within your control

19. Always break large goals and massive dreams into small — actionable chunks

20. Learn from the best cultures globally — social culture, work culture, or even habits

21. Learn to diversify — how many ways you earn AND how many ways you save

22. Always make your skills redundant and obsolete by learning what is current and what emerging disruptive skills are

23. Become a trendsetter by not only mastering future skills BUT also teaching it to others

24. Learn to live a minimalist life — work on what can be eliminated from your life — read my article on this — along with my other articles on — chaos and resilience

25. Identify and get the people with high antifragile capability people in your network

26. Learn and develop the mindset of creating excellence through continued improvement

27. Learn to push yourself beyond your current capabilities — to allow the principle of muscles to get stronger when they’re pushed to the point of failure

28. Compete with yourself and continually raise your bar of excellence

29. Practice and learn to create a path — where no one has ventured

30. Practice to think differently — look for what is not oblivious

31. Don’t accept the established norms — find ways to make them more effective

32. Seek challenges that stretch your capabilities to the maximum

33. Make it your habit to find solutions that might not be connected to you BUT may open a new learning or growth avenue for you

34. Set your benchmarks and standards which can be called world-class

35. Learn to swim against the tide AND consciously stop yourself from following the crowd

36. Create healthy emotional managing techniques that work for you

37. Learn checks and balances, weighing pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages as well as risks and benefits

38. Create space for failure and making mistakes

39. If anything that you never figured happens — which will all the time — develop the mindset of getting and moving towards your goals again

40. Take lots of small risks that won’t wipe you out if they fail but will force you to grow and flourish

41. Learn to apply the principles of 6 Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, Total Preventive Maintenance, and Total Quality Management — to achieve more with less

This article was originally published as “87 Antifragility Hacks for Building Unbreakable Resilience to Thrive under Pressure Stress “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles, and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]

#healthycopingmechanism, #polishingcopingcapabilities, #upgradingcopingskills, #Antifragility, #antifragile, #developingmentaltoughness, #overcomingadversitythroughantifragilemindset, #useantifragilitytoturnstressintomotivation, #stressinoculation, #becomingantifragile, #resilienceandantifragility, #buildingantifragilesystems, #thrivinggrowingflourishingthroughchaos, #growinginthetimesofdisruptionsandchaos



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