Fallacies: The 31 Deceptive Tricks People Use to Control You (And How to Fight Back)


Recognize 31 Critical Thinking Fallacies to Be a Genius 38 Tips to Avoid GETTING CONNED

Be a Genius Acquire Wisdom to recognize these 31 fallacies 38 Tips to avoid getting fooled

In this article, you will learn the following

31 TYPES of Critical Thinking Logical Fallacies with Examples — you can identify additional ones by observing and looking at the world around you [empowered with this knowledge — you would be able to sharpen your genius, your smartness, your wisdom, and your intelligence]

38 Tips to avoid falling into fallacy trap — and avoid getting conned, deceived, defrauded, scammed, cheated, and manipulated by — politicians, religious gurus, bureaucrats, fraudsters, scammers and bought-media

List of 21 Articles you must read to deal with all types of people — especially those who want to make fool of you and want to take you for a ride AND also to become a great judge of character and be an influential leader

Logical fallacies are flaws in the reasoning or logic of an argument — usually used by manipulators like politicians, religious gurus, bureaucrats, fraudsters, scammers, fake-news, Bought-Media, etc.

Learning how to identify fallacies is an excellent way to avoid being fooled, manipulated, taken advantage of, avoid getting brainwashed — by these criminals, crooks, and corrupt people with their unparallel greed for money, their lust for power, their need to control masses and other negative consequences.

This skill will not only make you one of the best judge of characters but will also help you become a Genius, Wise, and Smart Person as well as a powerful leader.

And once you know these fallacies — you may also avoid using them in your argument to win the argument.

Once you understand these 31 fallacies I have identified — you will be able to find real-life examples everywhere you look.

These fallacies are quite effective because they appeal to people’s emotions and biases — if used by cunning and unscrupulous people — who use them as a diversion tactic.

Most of the time fallacies do not have any relevance to the substance of the argument.

A very large chunk of people in India have fallen for these for a very long time now AND despite contrary evidence they still worship, admire, support, and are in awe of these people.

If you need to nurture healthy logic and reasoning abilities and the skill of seeing things objectively using critical skills.

You also need to train yourself to ask questions and then look for evidence from trusted sources.

38 Tips to avoid falling into fallacy trap — and avoid getting conned, deceived, defrauded, scammed, cheated, and manipulated by — politicians, religious gurus, bureaucrats, fraudsters, scammers and bought-media

1. It is very important to recognize when someone is attempting to divert your or masse’s focus from real issues to something that serves their motives — then point out what is ridiculous in their claims

2. You must be on constant guard so as not to give in to your urges and to the temptation of responding to the ridiculousness of their attack in — a similar fashion. Please understand that in this they will beat you hand down — as one of the reasons they are doing it is to make you say or do something so that they get ammunition to discredit you some more.

3. Instead find facts and evidence and point out the chronology and the irrelevance of their argument.

4. Understand that most of these people who resort to fallacies — don’t have any meaningful thing to say and neither they are bothered about the truth and well-being of others.

5. Ignore their attempts at hooking you into their game and move on — unless the stakes are very high, and you must respond or counter.

6. The bought-media of India — in the last decade has impacted the perception of gullible masses to brainwash and make them believe the fallacies meted out by the politicians and Godmen/Babas

7. Train yourself to be highly skeptical and cynical to evaluate all the claims made by the authorities to determine if they have the expertise to make any specific claims

8. Stop assuming that anything is natural is harmless — Nature is full of things that will harm or kill you.

9. Stop falling for popularity or the majority trap — just remember the majority can be fooled and can be wrong AND popularity is not evidence — You must have evidence

10. Ask yourself — if their arguments really prove or lead to the conclusion — they want you to believe or is it simply a case of grand rhetoric.

11. You also need to review more and more real-life cases and examples to learn how unscrupulous people use different types of fallacies and tricks, tools, and techniques to brain-wash and manipulate you — the better prepared you would be to counter them and retain your sanity, peace, and calm.

12. You need to be alert about your own as well as other’s — black & white thinking pattern — train yourself to find alternate options and you will be able to discover many-many different possibilities, choices & options — please remember not to accept that there are only one or possible two explanations for any event — go look for more

13. You must consciously make efforts to see through the options that are presented AND see through the propaganda and not allow a false impression of choice to limit your options — So ask yourself, are these my only two choices?

14. Ensure that you are very clear on what the right choice you must make — based on facts and evidence — and verify your conclusions — if you are in conversations with others — explain to others when they use various fallacies — by citing evidence & facts plus why their argument is flawed

15. Always identify all your assumptions behind your judgments, choices, decisions, and actions PLUS be aware of all the consequences that may happen should you act on them

16. Look for reliable data (if it’s available), and proportion your acceptance of the conclusion accordingly.

17. Be flexible to change your opinion and belief — if you come across very strong validated and scientific evidence BE willing to accept contradictory information if it is backed strongly by evidence

18. Please understand Your Solutions don’t need to be perfect BUT should be able to deliver optimized benefits to all the relevant stakeholders

19. Learn to focus on growth, excellence, and continuous improvement — rather than looking for perfection

20. Learn to get into the habit of fact-checking and fact-verification from several trusted sources

21. Stop accepting and acting on — what seems obvious to you at first 22. Stop accepting the first choice or offer — always do deeper, negotiate, and renegotiate

23. Always analyze to see if the information given is complete and relevant to what issues are important to you

24. If the people are using grandstanding and whataboutery — and continue to offer distractions — start pointing out the red herring and why it is fallacious AND try to redirect conversation on the important issues

25. Whenever you face an important problem — ask yourself — how different types of people view this problem, its causes, and solutions — get 360-degree perspectives from diverse sources

26. Train your brain not to make major decisions, choices, and actions — without verifying your hunches and the validity of assumptions through conscious fact-checking using critical thinking

27. Please accept that because most people are convinced that their life experiences and the stories that they believe in — are the truth — you may find it very difficult to convince someone that they might be wrong or even that they have been brainwashed or fooled — unless it is very important — don’t try to convince these people

28. You may get lynched by mobs of people who are blind-followers of say politicians and religious celebrities who are propagating these fallacies — if you challenge their ridiculous claims, theories, and proposals — BUT they get worshiped by masses

29. Many times, it can be very tricky to challenge and get away safely — especially because what these authoritative figures are claiming — does not have any evidence.

30. You can use the opinions of — real, qualified, proven, and established experts — to counter these fallacies — because it would be almost impossible for any of us to verify every single thing ourselves

31. Experts too can be wrong but in all probabilities, experts are more likely to be right than quacks and people sitting in positions of powerful authority

32. Stop citing authorities as an expert — they are not — although most will claim that they are

33. You have to work on strengthening your critical thinking skills and emotional awareness — whenever you feel you are losing your self-control and calmness — when someone is telling you something — Ask yourself — are you trying you use your emotions or the facts

34. When you notice a fallacy or a grandiose promise -which does not have any evidence — ask them to give you verifiable evidence

35. Whenever anyone appeals to your emotions — become alert to the possibilities of the other person being a manipulator and using you to meet their agenda — know that your emotions are not evidence

36. Believe in and keep on practicing — in finding the proof of whatever is claimed with sufficient evidence and validation studies for your claim — this is a standard foundation of our legal system, the process of science, and critical thinking.

37. Science can always help you come out of the confusion of two simultaneous events’ occurrence as a connected fallacy — like viruses cannot be treated by antibiotics only bacterial infection can be. But many times, taking antibiotics makes you feel better as they attack the bacterial infections that happened due to the weakening of the immune system AND viral infections go away on their own after their lifetime is over

38. Understand the difference between correlation and causation to objectively identify whether two simultaneous events are connected and interdependent

List of 21 Articles you must read to deal with people who want to make fool of you and want to take you for a ride AND to become a great judge of character and be an influential leader — in Success Unlimited Mantra Website’s Blog Section

Why Politicians and Bureaucrats use Grandstanding How to Detect and Deal with Grandstanders

50 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Misinformation Why & Who Spread Fake News

60 Ways How to Form Unbiased Decisions and Opinions by Critical & Objective Thinking

36 Types Of Thinking Traps 39 Tips How to Break Out Of Your Thinking Traps

64 Signs of energy vampires 58 Ways to deal with people who drain you

48 Tips How to Recognize and Deal with Jerks and Assholes Effectively E.45 Tips

How to Stop being Hypocrite & 67 Examples of hypocrisy

How Leaders Use Whataboutery to Shift Blame

46 ways people project their insecurities and how to stop projecting your insecurities

40 Tips How to Stop Being Defensive Why We Become Defensive

42 Statements to say no to anyone diplomatically J. How to identify and deal with fake people in your life

95 Signs behaviors and traits of fake people

70 Tips dealing effectively with bullies

60 tips to recognize scammer fraudsters and cons

100 signs of evil Toxic poisonous People how to handle them

How to Deal with Manipulative People

Read People Like a Pro with 120 Expert Hacks 52 Body Language Decoding Tips

31 Questions to Unmask Hidden Intentions

How to stop feeling like a victim R. Getting a toxic person out of your life

Dealing with emotionally insecure people

31 TYPES of Critical Thinking Logical Fallacies with Examples — you can identify additional ones by observing and looking at the world around you [empowered with this knowledge — you would be able to sharpen your genius, your smartness, your wisdom, and your intelligence]

1. Person-Centric Fallacy -Personal attack [name-calling, insults, questioning their motives/agenda]

A. Instead of addressing the substance of an argument — these people Attempt to discredit arguments by attacking the source. Drawing attention to the character, ideology, or other qualities of the claimant in an attempt to disprove the truth of a claim

B.Methods outlined for this fallacy in this article are very powerful and which has made a very large chunk of people in India — not only support but also worship the rapist-supporters, the rapist themselves, mass-murderers, the people who defraud, loot and con public to benefit few top businessmen THE most incompetent and most corrupt.

C. This method mainly uses brainwashing and diverting the attention of the targeted masses -from the real issues of joblessness, poverty, unemployment, rising-prices — to make them think about only non-issues of religion, food, and so on — especially through their troll-armies, bought-media, and advertisements plus small freebies

2. Too Good To Be True fallacy — Used often by Politicians, bureaucrats, fraudsters, and scammers — By offering you something that is too irresistible AND you would get it for almost nothing

3. Hearsay/Myth/Folklore Fallacy -Using a personal experience or perception of an experience or story [real, imagined, or mythical] — as evidence for a claim — rather than hard facts

A. You have to understand that — most of us create a false impression of our experiences as this fallacy is also about what eyes see and ears hear being The truth — personal experience can be one of the worst pieces of evidence to claim as truth

B. Like a fallacy about the times when Gods while living — India was THE most advanced Or that the Veda has all the solutions, methods, and processes for everything that the scientific western world is only now discovering & inventing — but if you read the Veda’s you ay no get anything other than a mention some miracle/magic

C. One of the richest and most popular celebrities GODMEN/BABAS in India — claims that he can remember his last 3 births — this man has recently had brain surgery although claims we should not surrender our lives to a trained doctor

D.Or claims like Ayurveda & Homeopathy can cure any and every disease and illness — without any substantiating evidence of its being true on a large group

E. It is also about Fibbing — telling trivial lies and insignificant falsehoods — you tell your friend that his/her dress if fantastic although it may look strange and might not be making him/her look great

F. Please understand that this type of fallacy banks on unproven or unknown claims — like if you were about to appear in an exam and are not prepared and you pray very heavily AND then you have a brainwave that a particular question will come in the examination and it comes in similar form — so you believe this coincidence to be the result of God answering your prayers — although in a recent exam in a backward state, four students wrote the name of GOD & an examiner passed them

G. Many of the things we experience in life — like getting well suddenly when the doctors have declared after extensive tests — to be a case of FEVER of Unknown origin — what is the real cause — in this case here we don’t know — as many factors or any number of things might have made your fever go away

H. The fraud GODMEN/BABAS’s telling you that they can cure you of all ailments– in this, they use the — law of average — that many of the problems of people get resolved over time on their own

I. Nowadays the current regime is claiming that the Indian economy will be so many trillions in so many years — this will happen automatically irrespective of who is in power due to basic economic principles AND because of these thugs’ contribution. If anything at all happens due to these corrupt-criminal-polarizing monsters — India will become poorer in many aspects EXCEPT their crony friends and supporters

4. APPEAL TO AUTHORITY Fallacies — Because a person is in power authoritative position — they may claim that they are an experts

A. In India — we have examples of — many who are almost illiterate — making absurd claims and statements to the effect that they are the most educated and knowledgeable person in the world and make– and try to show having vast scientific knowledge and expertise in everything

B. Like a person without any background in economics, accounting, or finance is sitting at the helm of financial regulation as well as ruling position

C. Many claim that Ayurveda is omnipotent and a cure for all and everything AND one such person claims that his medicines cure Corona

D.Godmen/GODmen/BABAs claiming Godly power — to predict and cure anything and everything

E. Most corrupt people claim that they will remove the corruption [in a country where the corrupt proposes, corrupt decides]

F. One IIT director claimed that cloudburst in a state happened due to people eating non-vegetarian foods AND also of seances with ghosts and souls

G. One Director of space research claimed — that the Western world is stealing what was in Veda’s — I wish to make him read those formulas and advanced techniques

5. APPEAL TO EMOTIONS Fallacy — using the power of provocation by triggering your negative [victimhood, anger, greed, gratification, impulses, jealousy, shame, guilt, hate, mistrust, fear, pity, etc.] or positive emotions [pride, hope, happiness, creating belongingness for emotionally insecure people] to brainwash

A. They understand that any powerful Emotions are difficult to control for most people and can make their power of reasoning paralyzed

B. The propagators of these fallacies appeal to your emotion to persuade, instead of facts as evidence — to make you fall for whatever they are peddling.

C. This fallacy is used along with other fallacies and rhetorical tools and techniques — like insult, name-calling, hyperbole, inflammatory language, YELLING, hatemongering, fake-news, propaganda, etc. — through bought news channels, advertisements, speeches, etc.6. Fallacy of any product being Natural — this is one fallacy people in India fall prey to.

A. Example — ayurveda is natural and nature is safe AND all Ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines are safe and without any side or after effects.

B. People claim that they have heard from many well-established doctors being afraid of — their patients coming to them with toxic poisoning because of ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines.

C. And also a few years back a big YOGA-Guru and a few Godmen/Babas propagated, and people believed that simply by doing a certain Yoga and Breathing — their diabetes, blood pressure, and a few very serious organ malfunctions would be cured for life.

D. Exercise Yoga and meditation certainly HELP — BUT they are not cures for diseases.

E. Fat, Plastic, and Harmful minerals come from nature — BUT are all their uses beneficial?

7. APPEAL TO TRADITION and what has always been Fallacy -This fallacy is about — this has always been done this way OR for centuries people have believed this or that our religious text says that — so it must be true.

A. For a long time, people believed that Earth is static, and the sun rotates around the Earth

B. Or that astrology, palmistry, numerology, gemology, etc. are scientifically backed

C. Or that our ancestors were very advanced — definitely they were advanced by creating some very practical solution — BUT — we are at the most developed stage today

8. ARGUMENT FROM IGNORANCE Fallacy — This is about a thought pattern to claim something ONLY because the evidence to the contrary is not there [NEITHER is any evidence supporting that one exists]

A Lack of evidence can ONLY indicate that we don’t know this YET

B.BUT Indian politicians and bureaucrats, pseudoscience proponents, anti-science brigade, conspiracy theorists, and religious Godmen/Babas — use this fallacy with impunity to gain mass followers

C . If you happen to challenge them — they will use the burden of proof fallacy to make you prove what they are claiming.

9. Because the majority believes it -IT MUST BE TRUE Fallacy — or something is not true because a lot of people believe it is not true fallacy

A. In India the current majority is so wrong — because believing the Manufactured news and GYAN through WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. -without any truth or evidence or without having any scientific validation

B. Remember Lord Ganesha Drinking Milk Incidence a few decades back — In India


This article was originally published as “Recognize 31 Critical Thinking Fallacies to Be a Genius 38 Tips to Avoid GETTING CONNED “ in https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links http://relationshipandhappiness.com/ [2nd] and https://www.quora.com/profile/Subhashis-Banerji [3rd]

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