Fear of Unknown and Uncertainty How to Overcome


50 Ways to overcome your fear of the unknown

You can’t be a Leader — if you don’t dare to step into the Unknown

You remain mediocre — if you don’t take risks

You can’t transform from insignificant to Extra-ordinary Great — if you let your fears stop you from taking action

In this article you will learn the following

-Fear of unknown, Fear of Uncertainty, Fear of Change, Fear of Future, Xenophobia

-50 Tips on How to overcome your fear of the unknown

If you want to live your life to the fullest [on sustainable basis] — you have to take risks, stick your neck out, make blunders, make massive mistakes and fail big-time — and then bounce back — all the while taking actions towards your massive and larger than life goals.

All the great legends have become great by bouncing back from the setbacks that they faced in their lives plus by following the above law of nature for phenomenal growth and success.

Majority of us don’t even grow to the minimum levels of our potential — because we let our fear of the unknown rule our lives.

We fail to take actions — when it was most essential for creating a massive transformation in our life and which we could have as it was within our area of influence.

Among many medically recognized fears there is a fear — referred to as the fear of unknown and uncertain — which in its extreme form becomes a phobia called xenophobia.

Fear of unknown and uncertainties — does not allow us to take risks by taking actions beyond our comfort zones.

Xenophobic — have irrational thoughts, beliefs and fear about strange and unfamiliar people and situations.

Xenophobic generally develop — mistrust, extreme-dislike or hatred towards people of different cultures, religions, skin-colors and maybe even of different geographies [and may commit violence, crime and atrocities when in group, and when supported by mobs and also when in power].

Lack of predictability and control can be the contributing factors which trigger your fears and anxieties.

Your levels of fear can also be situational and based on the personality traits like your temperament, your past experiences and your ability to adapt and cope.

Some mental health disorders puts you at greater risk of experiencing fear of the unknown like — Anxiety disorders (generalized, social, health related, separation etc.) Include, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, eating disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse disorders etc.

Most of our fears gets ingrained [anytime] from our infancy to early adulthood.

Why we acquire various fears — well the likely causes could be extremely negative and traumatic experiences. Our genetics and brain chemistry too have a major role in building our complex phobias.

Many of us — would rather maintain the status-quo with all its negative consequences — and avoid changes, discomfort, feeling negative emotions and fears.

People with fear of unknown are afraid of trying new ideas — they are the people who keep doing the same thing the same way all the time — yet expect miracles.

People with fear of unknown — miss the joy of discovering the solution and their capabilities and solving the beautiful mysteries of their life.

Then there is fear which is sort of related with the fear of unknown and is known as anticipatory fear — that is living in fear of the future — dreading the future. This too can be quite debilitating in extreme cases.

Then you have a fear of change [which is also a fear of unknown] — 9 signs of fear of change

1. You are unhappy and feel suffocated and stuck — yet are unable to create enough resolve and enthusiasm to take the required actions

2. You stay in a dead, toxic or violent relationship — although you want it to end

3. You stay in the job — although it is neither satisfying nor paying nor have any growth opportunities

4. You feel very anxious to create a change in your routine — and if you are forced to change it — you try to come back to it as soon as you can

5. You have become asocial — you avoid socializing and mixing with people

6. Even the positive events like going to stage to get a prize unnerves you

7. You just can’t accept changes that happening in your life and in the world around you

8. You don’t feel like taking actions — even those which are within your area of control but new

9. You find major changes terrifying

50 Tips on How to overcome your fear of the unknown given randomly [also read my article how to make your fear — fear you — along with other relevant topics — among the 3000+ blogs, articles and answers in my two websites as well my Quora answers] — almost all the following tips have detailed do-it-yourself articles

1. Don’t get into what-if self-destructive trap

2. Stop assuming bad things will happen just because an outcome is uncertain — instead ask what is the likelihood of negative outcomes and how can you deal with these

3. Identify your uncertainty triggers -recognize when you feel the need for certainty-allow yourself to feel the uncertainty -let go -shift your attention — focus on the present — get moving — relax

4. Understand that uncertainty, disruption and fast-changes are the only certainty there is — and that knowing how to live with insecurity could be the only security

5. Instead of focusing on expectations — start creating plans of action on how you will accomplish your goals and objectives -prepare for different possibilities — take actions being confident about your coping and adapting skills — find the inner locus of control — understand that the media isn’t your friend — don’t believe everything you hear or see — find meaning in the chaos

6. Stop avoiding, ignoring and running-away from your fears, anxieties and problems — instead learn to face these — because avoidance will cause more damaging effects in long-term

7. Build your tolerance -follow a schedule

8. Resolve to make your life meaningful, powerful and purposeful

9. Commit to make every minute of your life count

10. Understand your fear -identify all your fears — identify which of them are realistic and which of these are based on your past experiences and failures plus which of these are irrational

11. Create action-steps and solutions which can help you deal with eventualities, contingencies and disruptions that may come up in which you can cope with the hurdles you may face

12. Identify which of your fears are based on your false perceptions, wrong beliefs or your own deep-rooted insecurities [as per my various articles on overcoming emotional insecurities create solutions that works for you]

13. Question your fear and brainstorm ways to minimize risk in case your fear happens

14. Understand that your emotional system is like your immune system — if you have not been exposed to any germs its fighting ability will be very poor — therefore become comfortable in feeling your most uncomfortable feelings and then learn to manage by finding ways to get rid of root-causes

15. Challenge your fears and anxieties by asking yourself — whether there are solid evidence to support your this fear — look back in your life and ask whether you successfully and effectively dealt with similar fears in your past — if yes what all you did and what was the situation

16. Understand and accept that path of growth towards success — will have big mistakes and failures invariably

17. Find all the solutions, supports and ways — that will help you deal with and come out of failures and mistakes

18. Proactively seek challenging tasks — so as to make you comfortable in unknown and uncertain

19. Become a great observer and identifier of emerging trends and forthcoming changes — in your business, professional, social, customer, job, personal life, lifestyle, physical-mental-emotional health as well as in finances

20. Stop resisting change — proactively change before the change forces you to change

21. Develop your skills, knowledge, expertise and exposure to make you on the top of the disruptions that is taking place

22. If you can make your rate of learning faster than the change that is taking place in your life and around you — then your fear stress and anxieties all will reduce to manageable

This article was originally published as “50 Ways to overcome your fear of the unknown” in https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links http://relationshipandhappiness.com/ [2nd] and https://www.quora.com/profile/Subhashis-Banerji [3rd]

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