Growth to Benefit Mindset Your Leadership Journey
In this article you will learn about the following
-50 tips How to develop benefit-mindset for becoming an effective leader
Benefit-mindset, Growth-mindset Fixed-mindset
Fixed-mindset can also be called closed-mindset — at times we all have this mindset. This mindset is about having linear cause and effect perspectives and beliefs about black-white outcomes — in this mindset you feel that you know everything perfectly and that you don’t need to learn much.
Growth-mindset is about people — who constantly look for ways to update and upgrade their competencies and focusing improving what they do.
Benefit-mindset is about people who not only want to improve themselves — but also help others become better as well meaningfully contributing to a future of greater possibility.
All of us move from one of these mindset to another — the triggers for this mindset switch — can be few typical situation, few specific people and your own innate inspirations.
This article is about how we can live our life consciously practicing benefit-mindset for most awesome transformation in ours as well others lives.
Benefit-mindset helps you become most effective leader.
Benefit-mindset is growth-mindset plus higher vision for a better world valuable contribution to the people, culture and the world.
Benefit-mindset is about making difference to individual wellbeing and collective betterment.
People with Benefit-mindset mindset focus on bringing out the best in everyone as well creating meaningful, purpose, powerful disruptive changes through innovation.
The most important aspect of benefit-mindset is becoming a learner and developing others to the best potential through making profound transformative contribution to the society as well to their own lives.
50 tips How to develop benefit-mindset for becoming an effective leader
1. Start observing your own mindset
I. How you react to different situations
II. How you deal with various people
III. What triggers fear, anxiety, stress and any other powerful negative emotions in yourself
IV. How you approach challenges, setbacks and crisis in your life
V. What makes you come alive, inspires you and makes you take steps that leads to powerful outcomes
VI. What makes you give-up and what makes you go on
VII. What you enjoy doing and what you hate doing
VIII. What are your strength and what areas you feel you need to work on
IX. What are your most beneficial and powerful habits and what are your detrimental ones
X. What you feel must change for you to grow
XI. What all triumphs you have had
XII. What all adversities you have overcome
XIII. What all regrets, shames, guilt you have
XIV. What all failures you bounced back
2. Now identify few role-models and learn about their pre-success routines, habits, and actions [if possible interact with them to know first-hand]
I. What all they faced — how much time they spent learning — how they bounced back from failures and what all they did to reach where they are now
II. What all habits and actions you can take from these people
3. Create your larger than life vision for yourself — your loved ones and for the people
4. Now identify — what must change in you — what must be developed in you — to reach your vision
I. What knowledge, skills, qualifications, experience, expertise and exposer you need
II. What habits you must get rid of
III. What habits you must form
IV. What all you must start doing — what you are not doing right now
V. What all you must stop doing what you are doing now
VI. What you must start doing differently than how you do now
5. Based on all above points — create your learning plan
6. Learn to visualize you living your vision successfully
7. Create a plan of action along with milestones — working backwards till — from the ultimate goal to what you must do today
8. Identify what is within your control and what is not yet within your control YET
9. Create solutions to make — YET-not-under-control — to bring it within your control
10. Start implementing — start taking actions however small
11. Make mistakes and learn — irrespective of your expertise levels — no-one gets it right first time — when you approach your higher goals
12. Improvise and re-implement
13. See your challenges as opportunities — schedule a reflection time [if possible every day or at least every week] to reflect where you have failed and what did you learn and how you will apply this
14. Learn to feel happy about the success of others — Identify opportunities to celebrate the success of others
15. Create a self-reward mechanism to celebrate your taking actions towards your goals
This article was originally published as “50 ways to become better leader by acquiring benefit-mindset” in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]
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