How Energy Vampires Ruin Your Life How to Protect Yourself from Them


64 Signs of energy vampires 58 Ways to deal with people who drain you

In this article you will learn the following

-58 Ways to deal with people who drain you

-64 Signs you are dealing with an energy vampire

Learn how to identify and protect yourself from people who drain you emotionally mentally physically and financially and in many other negative ways — making your and your loved one’s life hell.

All of us may experience drained and exhaustedness, time to time — physically, mentally, emotionally and consequently financially — but as these are temporary [caused by any sudden situation or your own mistake] we are able to bounce back to our natural self, fast.

In this article we will focus on — how to identify people in your all relationships — who hijack your happiness, emotional serenity, mental peace and growth etc. — AND how to protect yourself from these negative human forces using empowering ways.

If you look back — you may identify the patterns –few specific people in your relationships make you — exhausted, feel emotionally-drained, sense as if your complete life & and physical energy are sucked-out, you just don’t have any motivation and enthusiasm left and your willpower gone — making you feel overwhelmed, hopeless and helpless.

It can be especially very-very challenging and difficult to deal withif this is a person whom you love, trust and respect unconditionally — who continuously drains your enthusiasm, hope, and emotional energy — making you start doubting yourself by having the feeling of being left alone, guilty, worthless, anxious and perpetually stressed.

You may also find that there are people — who just by being around you — can cause feelings of shame, guilt, dread, fear, anxiety, helplessness and hopelessness in you.

These types of people are the — real Vampires/Evils/Devils/Satanliving among us in the guise of friends, seniors, relatives, POLITICIANs and people of authority etc. –they could also be even your romantic-partners, siblings and parents [at least one of them].

Most of these people have very unhealthy levels of psychological and mental disorders — like narcissism, megalomaniac and severe anti-social disorders etc.

These people don’t have any scruple or remorse while Manipulating, deceiving, taking advantage of people, exploiting the weak and helpless people and disregarding the law as well as the boundaries and rights of people.

Here and in many parts of the world — these people are ruling and are transforming the culture of almost peaceful societies into — banana-republic, crony-capitalistic, religiously fanatic and kangaroo-court as well as tyrannically and criminally ruled countries.

They thrive on power — which they get through the large army of their actively participative supporters who too are milking and looting and increasing their wealth.

None of these people have any intention to help anyone — they only help their friends.

These are highly insecure people [contrary to the impression they try to create] by and use Violence, Whataboutery, Misinformation, Criminal Actions, Suppression tools and their power, ruthlessly — to silence and muffle — anyone they feel threatened by.

64 Signs you are dealing with an energy vampire

1.They are Very-very insecure and ashamed of their lacunae and weaknesses and want to hide this at any cost — they use the behaviors and attitudes given in this article

2.They are inherently mean and of vile nature

3.They enjoy and laugh — when someone from their own group is making some stupid, derogatory, shameful, toxic attack on others — on a made-up charge

4.They feel good Abusing others

5. They love intimidating, bullying and mob-harassment

6. You may constantly feel guilty and shameful when around them

7.Your self-esteem, self-worth, self-pride and self-confidence may take a severe beating when around them

8.They are Very Cruel and have a total absence of empathy

9.They expect you to take responsibility for them

10.They want you to always be available on their terms

11. You may notice people walking away from group conversations where they are present

12.They don’t respect others — simply because they are unable to respect themselves

13.They may ask questions that could be highly personal — without bothering about other’s feelings

14.They make an ASS of themselves — all the time — YET their followers feel proud of them

15.They ignore social cues and boundaries

16.They Always Want to Be the Center of Attention

17.They would Leave You Feeling Worn-Out, tired, fatigued

18.They Use People Without Giving Anything in Return

19. In the office or work situations — They are the office jerks

20. You will find them Annoying and ridiculous

21.They don’t have much idea or knowledge, skills and expertise — in most areas BUT talk about everything as an expert as They think that they know all

22.They spend their prime time photo-shooting and posting Selfies — a sign of extremely poor mental health

23.They like people who always say YES to whatever they say and applaud their stupidity and lies

24.They indulge in gas-lighting others

25.They use Passive-aggressive behavior to settle scores — when they are weak

26.They are expert fakers

27.They Have a compelling need to be the melodramatic victim and are in the center of dramatic situations that have created

28.They are Manipulative and bully

29.The can also be Helpless and Dependent — if you happen to feel sorry for them and want to help them

30. They use your good nature against you

31. They will create guilt in you and use the power of ultimatums — They are also codependent It’s a vicious cycle of behavior, but energy vampires rarely recognize that they’re in them

32.For them their smallest problems need — national and international attention BUT your problems are insignificant

33.They are Argumentative on things that are insignificant or inconsequential

34.They can’t accept responsibility BUT will blame everyone if something happens

35.They Hate experts and people with real knowledge

36.They rule through division, disinformation, religion, position-power, discrimination and politics

37.They can lie and their Lies are of magnanimous levels

38.They Use all tools and techniques to suppress TRUTH and establish their lies as truth

39.They are Arrogant, Controlling and Dominant and Highly Vindictive

40.They Create situations to create chaos, an unruly state — by finding the vile people who support them

41.They Can never do any real positive work

42.They are Focused on destroying and damaging others — who are not with them

43.They support, encourage and promote crime and corruption — this they use as tools

44.They are Massive show-off

45.They can Blame blame and blame — as nothing wrong is ever their responsibility

46.They Take credit for other’s idea and work — maybe by changing names

47.They Make excuses those does not sound intelligent or logical — BUT their followers believe in these as gospel truths

48.They are basically Coward — run away from danger

49.They are expert in using Very high drama elements and throw tantrums at any time

50.They can be charming — YET are generally stupid, idiotic morons BUT think highly of themselves

51.They are usually Very cunning and manipulative — know which side of the bread is buttered

52.They have HUGE EGO

53.They Exaggerate their achievement AND Undermine and don’t recognize other’s significant accomplishments and qualities

54.They will Play victim most of the time when cornered

55.They are extremely jealous of other’s real achievement and qualities — that is why constantly try to pull the people who make them insecure

56.They have a constant need for reassurance and acceptance.

57.They whine and complain

58.They never have any major positive achievements

59.They use threats and actual harassment and violence — when things don’t go their way

60.They are Overly critical and judgmental

61.They are the ones — who always take but never give anything back

62.They could also be the People who always talk but never listen

63.They never take responsibility and never hold themselves accountable

64.They also can play martyrs in addition to playing victims

58 Ways to deal with People Who Drain You — all the one-sentence tips have detailed do-it-yourself blogs/articles/answers in my two websites and in my Quora page — 900+ articles & 2500 answers

1.Learn to be assertive and Say NO– keep repeating till they get discouraged — learn to say NO tactfully [in case you can’t avoid them or they are in a position to harm you]

2.Ignore their tantrums and when they are showing off

3. Pay no attention — when they are upping their theatrics

4.Find out what behaviors or responses of yours make their energy high — STOP using these behaviors and reactions

5.Learn to become emotionally unresponsive, boring and ultimately, in their eyes, unworthy of attention — to make them lose their interest in you

6.Keep your interactions brief — give one-word answers

7.Learn to turn the conversation on such mundane topics

8.Learn to discourage them subtly by keeping your expressions neutral and your answers vague

9.Learn to identify when they are trying to take you on a ride — point out that you are not interested

10.Learn to recognize when they are baiting or provoking you — keep clear of the traps they set for you

11.Appear disinterested — in say by looking, checking or talking on your phone — and — in between nodding or looking at them

12.Keep Minimal Eye-Contact — Listen, Don’t Talk -Stay Calm, Don’t Reactive -Don’t Feel Bad

This article was originally published as “64 Signs of Energy Vampires 58 Ways to Deal with People Who Drain You “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]

#energyvampires, #mentalexhaustion, #emotionallydrained, #Financialdepletion, #physicallyexhausted, #protectingyourselffrompeoplewhodranyou, #peoplewhosuckyourlifeenergy, #identifyingpeoplewhodrainyou, #whatcausesenthusiasmloss, #peoplewhodrainyou, #howeneryvampiresmakeyouhopelessandhelpless, #peoplewhocausefeardreadandanxietyinyou, #bananarepublic, #cronycapitalistic, #religiouslyfanatic, #kangaroocourt, #tyrannicallyruledcountry, #misinformation



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