How Indecisive People Impact your Mental Emotional Physical Well-being
In this article you will learn the following
-20 Reasons people are indecisive and fickle-minded
-15 signs of fickle-minded friends
-30 ways How to ensure that you are socially fulfilled — when your stress is coming from your few toxic friends and relatives
-7 ways How to deal with fickle-minded person or friend
-7 Simple ways people who really love and care show that they love you and care for you
Dealing with Fickle minded person
Most of us struggle with clarity and motivation time to time — which triggers a short temporary phase of confusion and indecisiveness.
But if you regularly experience the phenomenon — that you don’t have any clue as to what you want to do and be your life and face difficulty in taking decisions in your everyday life — then must seek help to brake this life-destroying phenomenon.
Then if you are surrounded by who won’t or can’t decide [what they should and can] and you end up taking decisions on their behalf and helping them — you would have a very stressful life and low productive and fulfilling life.
Why are some people fickle-minded and indecisive — there could be numerous reasons.
Learning to how identify and deal with fickle-minded people — can be a major stress-reducer for you — how to handle your own fickle-mindedness or incisiveness I have discussed in detailed do-it-yourself blog in this website.
Also you might have a category of friend — who helps you in time of your need but is not really happy with your happiness or success or a really well-meaning friend but who competes with you all the time or the one who helps you through your stressful breakup and ends-up with your Ex [this may sound funny but can be very depressive].
These type of friend can impact your mental, emotional and physical well-being and may cause high depression.
And the worst would be those cases — where among your close relatives — there are people who pretend to be your friend and well-wishers but back-stab and gossip behind your back.
You need to identify and get rid of these people ASAP — or learn how to avoid and deal with them effectively.
Please understand that having a-few good friends and less number of real well-wishing relatives — is any day better than having lots of friends and relatives who adds to your stress and tension.
How does one identify people who might be adding to your miseries — You need to look for certain patterns — because only patterns can tell you — if the fickle-mindedness is temporary phenomenon or a deeper one — Do they flip-flop — over many things in their life or they struggle in one specific area.
20 Reasons people are indecisive and fickle-minded
1. They are genuinely confused
2. Not clear about the priorities
3. They do not know what they want
4. They might be using this as a technique to manipulate or take advantage of you
5. This could also be because of certain disorders — like auto-immune disease
6. This could also be due to few medications
7. This could also be because of the after-affects of any trauma, major setbacks, loss, death etc.
8. This could also be because how they have been conditioned habitually
9. They also might have extreme insecurities
10. They might lack confidence to take decision
11. They might not want to take responsibility of certain decision and face the consequences of their actions
12. They might have an identity issue and lack self-awareness have low self-esteem
13. They might even be perfectionist and want to be seen as knowing everything — they may not want to make the wrong decision
14. They may have the tendencies of catastrophizing and imagining the worst-case scenario of their actions — which may trigger their social-withdrawal and make them procrastinate
15. The people who would not commit anything — might do because of chronic anxiety
16. Fear of failure might also make them avoid committing to a project, event or activity
17. They may always feel — that most people are happier, successful, healthier etc. — with unhealthy dose of FOMO
18. They might have too much choices — these choices make them utterly confused
19. They might have faced Abandonment issues in their life earlier
20. They may even convince them into believing that their perfect life-companion or soul-mate I somewhere out there — as a result they might keep rejecting otherwise great matches -as a result they will probably end up miserable and alone because of their rigid and unrealistic standards and expectations
15 signs of fickle-minded friends
1. Indecisiveness -Having to make a decision tortures and horrifies fickle people
2. Need endless opinions — experts, super-experts and so on — but their confusion keeps getting bigger
3. Avoid committing to anything — for which might be held accountable
4. They have fixed criteria to Gauge others
5. Have difficult in choosing what to wear, what to eat
6. They are not reliable and dependable
7. Some of them might display Perfectionism
8. Most of them would display Lack of confidence in themselves
9. They are Incapable of forming a true and lasting bond with others — as their own relationship themselves is not developed
10. They give Selective attention and they have Selective memory
11. They may make you feel unloved
12. They are Emotionally unstable
13. They indulge in all tools of People-pleasing — when they want to come back into your life
14. They might have Difficulty setting healthy boundariesThis article was originally published as “30 ways handling fickle minded and indecisive people“ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]
#dealingwithficlemindedfriends, #whypeopleareindecisive, #signsofficklemindedpeople, #identifyingtoxicfriends, #howtoknowgenuineloveandcare, #ensuringsocialfulfillment, #minimizingtheimpactoftoxicfriendsandrelatives