How to Accelerate Your Personal and Professional Growth Speed


100 ways Accelerate Your Business, Professional and Personal Growth

In this article you will learn the following

-48 Tips Accelerate your professional and personal growth

-42 Tips How to Accelerate your Business Growth

CEOs, Business-leaders and Startup-founders — sharpen your professional personal and business growth trajectory

You could be a startup owner or have been given the charge as CEO/MD of an established business.

Reaching the Top is definitely a great achievement — but to remain there and create growth while leading your organizations through disruptions can’t happen — just because of your past accomplishments, knowledge, experience, exposure, expertise or competencies [although these may give you some idea time to time].

To succeed in this role — you have to inculcate many new competencies, develop still newer capabilities — unfortunately there is no institution which can teach you how to deliver results as the CEO/Business-owner.

You as the Senior-most leader are ultimately responsible for every decision and action of every employee of your organization including their those decisions and actions that you are not even aware.

You will have a very small leeway-window of making mistakes — and you have to learn, perform and deliver — while being judged and in spotlight all the time.

You have learn to create your own strategic approach to manage the interests of all the stakeholders to deliver value — for which you were chosen.

In this article I have given some very basic tips — although most of you would know almost all of them.

Idea is to give few insights — that may trigger a great evolution and revolution within you to propel you taking some unconventional and disruptive actions leading to extra-ordinary results.

42 Tips How to Accelerate your Business Growth for CEOs, Business-Leaders, Startup-owners

1. Ensure best talents working for your most important projects

2. Create, build, nurture very strong bonding and relationship with your team as well as cross-functionally

3. Upgrade yours as well as each one of your team-member’s skills

4. Know what future skills needed — as per the emerging trends

5. Facilitate learning and treat it as your top-most priority

6. Empower your team-members

7. Innovate and evolve — create curiosity for learning in your team

8. Mentor, coach, train and support your team members

9. Seek feedback for yourself and give constructive feedback and then trigger sustainable improvements through coaching

10. Sharpen your curiosity as a practice -Adopt a growth mindset

11. Ask open-ended questions -when having conversations with your team or colleagues

12. Encourage team-members to share their thoughts, opinions, and ideas -Expose them cross-functionally

13. Encourage challenging each other to identify the best ideas

14. Make the best skilled person lead a task

15. Facilitate reverse and peer mentoring — learn from others

16. Learn, share and implement global best practices — from diversified businesses across the globe

17. Develop your business-model, revenue-model, financial-model and marketing-model

18. Create KPIs — that matches with your business and other models

19. Challenge your assumptions — make corrections

20. Keep polishing and sharpening your various models

21. Measure the your organization culture and behaviors — identify which of those are promoting and which of those losing business

22. Encourage development by giving opportunities to your team members through challenging roles and rewards

23. Ensure meritocracy and provide opportunities for growth equally

24. Reward performance — create various non-monetary and financial rewards that inspires

25. Sharpen your organizational abilities in — technology expertise, industry expertise and business arenas

26. Look at the leaders in your own industry and beyond who can help fulfill your company’s vision

27. Have a compelling story to tell, a solid business plan and the right message to — attract, catch and retain — talent, customers, funders

28. Make each function as a profit center

29. Implement customer loyalty program

30. Reduce your risks — by constantly identifying and building solutions to disruptions which are taking place globally

31. Have adequate insurance to take care of unforeseen financial disasters — because of political or other unpredictable scenarios

32. Be adaptable, flexible and proactively — make your products and services obsolete by introducing future services and products that create unparalleled value

33. Pivot fast to switch directions quickly in response to changes in the market — have an agile approach to development, both in your product and your company

34. Focus on creating memorable customer and user experience

35. Polish and diversify your offerings to best meet the customer’s changing tastes

36. Have an exceptional online and social media experts — use all the channels to boost your business

37. Build partnership and collaborations with your vendors, suppliers and service providers

38. Network with other players and competitors

39. Be very pro-active to give back to community and your social responsibility

40. Create competitive advantage first — start with a winning, scalable formula — in profitable, fast-growing markets — focus on growing where you have an ownership or niche advantage in your core industry

41. Ensure that you think locally and act globally by create your home-market — through service and connecting with customers

42. If need be shrink or get out of non-core business activities to grow phenomenally

43. Career growth and development are some of the top things people look for in jobs but most person are seemingly not growing — which makes changing jobs the only way to grow — it off-course depends on multiple factors — ensure that in your organization people learn, grow and upgrade continuously

48 Tips Accelerate your professional and personal growth

1. Invest in yourself to accelerate growth — initially in startup phase — you will see a very lean profit margin (or no profit at all), so any money you make should go directly to helping your business grow

2. Learn to always always think ahead — observe the trends and change yourself

3. Boost your customer service — giving them what they did not even think about — without financially getting busted yourself

4. Research and learn your competitors

5. Become the go to expert by mastering your trade

6. Go for planning in detail from the scratch — and keep improvising with all the new information

7. Track, monitor and measure the progress regularly

8. Look for new opportunities — create a mindset of turning crisis into opportunity among your team members

9. Take ownership for important projects impacting your organization, employees and customers

10. Implement transparent and clear performance management

Proactively create career development opportunities — which This article was originally published as “100 ways Accelerate Your Business, Professional and Personal Growth “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]

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