How to Accomplish Large Impossible Goals and why we find it difficult to set big goals
In this article you will learn the following
-45 simple actions on How to accomplish large impossible goals
-8 fears that may prevent you from going for big goals
Master basic elements to accomplish big goals
Are you among those rare people who set and accomplish large-seemingly impossible goals.
Or are you a person who avoids going for or gets scared setting large, ambitious and larger than life goals.
There is a very powerful message in the English movie -Remember the Goal — about accomplishing a seemingly large and incredible goals.
The core message in this movie is about winning and achieving your goals- irrespective of how bold your goals are.
This is about mastering each of the elements of the goals by dividing the large intimidating goal into small-small stretch parts.
In this movie the coach broke the entire cross country race into few smaller loops of distances and allocated the minimum time to run each specific loop — cumulatively they are far above the last year’s records of the said race.
The Coachees practice attaining these minimum timing levels without burning themselves out and thereby exhausting themselves emotionally, mentally as well as physically.
The focus is on training body, muscle, mind and emotion to do this very comfortably — so that the exceptional levels of performance is achieved naturally while building stamina, strength and endurance — to also have enough reserve to beat the tough competitors.
It talks about focusing on goal in such a way that it remains a delight to practice and making your basics so strong that accomplishing impossible goals happens within area of control.
This method actually helps one avoid the stress of running faster and faster in the initial as well as in the last crucial stage.
This is all about mindset of winning, becoming a champion and a victor — in every sphere of life.
8 fears that may prevent you from going for big goals
- 1.Fear of not being an expert — not having the required exposure, expertise, experience, skills etc.
- 2.Fear of failing
- 3.Fear of looking ridiculed
- 4.Fear of making changes in your mindset-attitude-habits
- 5.Fear of taking actions
- 6.Fear of success — surprisingly this also happens in rare cases with few people
- 7.Lack of motivation, inspirations and energy to set and accomplish goals
- 8.Having scary goals can also prevent you from setting large goals
45 simple actions on How to accomplish large impossible goals
- 1.Identify enriching, motivating and inspiring larger than life goals
- 2.Identify your core values and find its relations with your long term goals
- 3.Find what you enjoy doing — create actions that makes you enjoy the journey and the process of achieving your goals step-by-step
- 4.Find your intrinsic motivations — identify words which if acquired — would make you feel great. These words have to be yours
- 5.10 Example words to choose from you can use any of yours as well — having emotional security, feeling confident, helping others, creating joy for yourself and your loved ones, having wonderful mental-emotional-physical-financial health, having great relationships, leaving a legacy, creating something of value etc.
- 6.Understand that your major motivation and inspirations comes from envisioning and creating future of abundance — and that your work plays a major role in that
- 7.Work backwards to create action-steps, time-line and schedule that clarifies your daily, monthly, weekly and yearly actions in SMART manner
- 8.Ensure that your goals are small-small doable action steps which are little stretch
- 9.Start taking action on your dream-goals
- 10.Accept failures — with a mindset of improvising continuously till you succeed by finding more effective ways
- 11.Analyze the risk of not doing and compare it with the benefits of accomplishing your big goals
- 12.Visualize yourself succeeding — but become an action person and not a wishful thinker
- 13.Learn, learn learn — this is the only way to grow, succeed and achieve what you want
- 14.Prioritize everyday tasks and then take actions as per your top-most priorities
- 15.Ensure your self-care while you are in the midst of taking actions
- 16.Built relaxing and having fun part of your daily routine
- 17.Learn to practice becoming comfortable with uncertainty
- 18.While you progress and grow — challenge your fears, your assumptions and your mindsets
- 19.Identify and set healthy mental and physical habits
- 20.Become disciplined — this is the best way to beat procrastination
- 21.While planning create solutions for the worst-case scenario
- 22.Create a flexible mindset — so that you can pivot when what you plan does not work — without getting paralyzed by sudden challenges and failures
- 23.Monitoring, tracking and improvising has to a built-in feature of your all plans
- 24.Create a team of Support System among your professional, social, family and business circles
- 25.Accept Your own Imperfections and vulnerabilities
- 26.Find different ways to make you give yourself that extra push when it is needed by seeing -Whether seemingly unreachable goals encourages you and your teams to think more creatively and break free from set practices to encourage big-picture thinking
- 27.Create a minimum set of actions that you must take each day — shift your Focus From Reward to putting Effort
- 28.Keep working on making your goal’s definition and scope clearer for yourself and your team
- 29.Learn to know when you are trying to set an Unrealistic goal
- 30.Ensure that all your actions falls in the realm of your area of influence and control to prevent external factors distract your attention
- 31.Ensure that there Are not Too Many Things on Your to do list — adjust them as per priorities in your daily, weekly level
- 32.Never lose sight of all the Whys — you want to accomplish a specific goal
- 33.Take full ownership for all your actions/inactions, decisions-taken/decision-not taken as well as all the resulting consequences
- 34.Let go of the urge to blame others or circumstances for your mistakes
- 35.Correct your mistake as soon as you can
- 36.Become expert in observing and identifying changes and trends and coming Obstacles
- 37.You have to have your own Deadline
- 38.Take action as per your own conviction — never let failures, doubting-Thomas and Naysayers to make you change your goal if you find that worthwhile
- 39.Master few essential life, social and professional skills
- 40.Know What Makes You Happy — Create an Environment that is Conducive to Success
- 41.Work on ways to Increase your Willpower by feeding Your Brain -Work on One Change at a Time
- 42.Understand that FIGHTING WITH REALITY may give you PAIN and not the outcome that you want
- 43.Manage your Energy as judiciously as your time because PROBLEMS NEED ENERGY TO solve
- 44.When you are on momentum go on taking actions as long as you are achieving results of a minimum quality level
- 45.Know the value of persisting with any worthy goal
This article was originally published as “45 Simple Actions on How to Accomplish Large Impossible Goals “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]
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