How to be Calm Cool Composed and Finding Peace Within
Why we lose our control can be broadly categorized into the following
1. When we are expecting something and we don’t get
2. Our expectations of how others should act and how they should treat us[meaning admire and respect us]
3. When we are operating from a very high sense of entitlements[this one is from our insecurities]
4. When we are feeling wronged, cheated, let down[it is again in a way the point 1 reason]
5. When we are trying to prove that we are right in an argument[again this is from our insecurities]
6. When we have been exposed to a totally unexpected event, situation and circumstances and When we are facing unprecedented crisis
7. And when someone challenges us — it hurts our Ego and we get sucked into a continues spiral and cycle of proving why and how we are right
8. When we are irritated and troubled by our own helplessness and foolishness
9. When we are trying to control someone or something and failing
10. When we are trying to cover our embarrassment and mistakes and not succeeding
11. When are trying to cover up our own insecurities, weaknesses and fears but unable to
12. When we have to put up a brave front but we are sh*t scared ourselves
13. When we are facing problems that we don’t have any clue about
14. When we want to pass the buck but not succeeding
15. When we are comparing ourselves, are jealous/envious of others[this too is from our insecurities]
16. Some of us also could be even wired to lose calm for no obvious reasons because we have acquired overthinking and over-analyzing habits
17. We are Hot-Headed by nature or our personality is of anxious type
18. We have been spoilt through overindulgence during our growing-up and personality forming years so much so that we assume that the world is the to serve us
Please Add your reasons for losing calm, those I have missed
Those who are financially very sound — may have many more external recourses and resources to handle stress — like going on a trip, indulging in your senses, getting help of the experts etc etc.
But still there will be times — when our total composer and calm will be shattered and we will be so stressed that the tips and techniques that we might have learned/read — we would not even remember them to use.
When there was no internet and mobile and other modes of information attacks on our senses — we had healthier emotional capabilities to handle stress AND THE STRESS TOO WAS LESS– as we were not overstimulated by multitude of conflicting stimuli bombarding on Our senses — to make our response system, emotional strength fatigued and tired.
Stress, worry, and tension has become part of our everyday exitance vis a vis staying calm and relaxed.
We have become so used to being stressed, worried, and tense that many of us can’t even realize that we are high-strung and on edge.
Thinking is necessary to survive, but when our thoughts floating around in our head leads to over-analysis and unnecessary thinking — which replays the same thoughts over and over again to magnify and create out of proportion — THEN IT IS VERY HARMFUL.
Our brain needs break the constant barrage of thoughts that plagues us most of your day.
Most of us spends major portion of our days either worrying about the future or reminiscing about the past. In both cases, we are absent in the present. Therefore, absent from life.
We need to learn The art of living through Mindfulness which is not mediation[which many people take it to be] — but it is an operating system for our lives.
There was this story about Buddha traveling with his followers and his asking one of them to bring water to drink[this was the person who had asked Buddha how to be calm]. When the disciple brought the water it was muddy as it was a rainy season. Buddha asked his disciple to keep the pot still for sometime.
After few hours, Buddha again asked the same follower to look in the pot and this time he found that The mud had settled down and the water looked clean and good enough to drink.
Buddha looked at the water, and then at the follower and said, “Look what you did to make the water clean. You let the water be…and the mud settled down on its own, and you got clean and clear water.”
He further told his follower, “Your mind is also like the water. When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time and it will settle down on its own. You don’t have to do anything, nor put in any efforts to calm it down. It is effortless and it will happen on its own.”
117 Tips to practice to inculcate — THE HABIT OF coming back to a state of control and calm when the storm passes over.
These 117 tips are mastered only through regular practice — doing these only when you are in jam, won’t ever work — ALL *MARKED ONES HAVE MY SEPAARATE BLOGS ON DIY TIPS FOR THAT SUBJECT MATTER
1. Our bodies are designed to sense and respond to chaos. It’s about survival — Take a moment to assess your condition as of now
I. How do you feel — tired, anxious, frustrated, stuck in a resentful story about someone else or your current situation etc etc
II. How have you been behaving recently — in a state of busyness, Procrastinating, Anxious, fearful, Irritated, Feeling down etc etc
III. Focus on your body — What sensations can you notice in your head, neck, arms, hands, shoulder, hips, butt, legs, feet etc etc
IV. Stay with these feelings for a moment, just being curious and non-judgmental about them.
2. When to do this — mind you — this can only be done when the situation is less threatening, AS WHEN YOU ARE IN A CRISIS OF VERY HIGH UPSETTING TYPE — VERY LESS OF THESE ARE POSSIBLE
I. When in the shower and while sitting on pot
II. Immediately when you wake up[before leaving the bed, lying on the bed itself] or right before you go to sleep, again on bed
III. While commuting
I. Change Your Scenery
II. Smell Calming Fragrances
III. Breathe in fresh, natural scents. Experience natural scents that lift your mood, like the scents of the forest, mountain, or sea air.
IV. Mindfully Eat Calming Food rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex and Vitamin D supplements
V. Tune Into Soothing Sounds
VI. Find Calm Through Sense of Touch, Hug, Cuddle — if possible with a caring human being otherwise a pet
4. By choosing situation shift
I. Say No to anything and anyone — who increases your stress levels
II. Just don’t do anything — let go along with the flow
III. Get out of the familiar into an unfamiliar environment
IV. Get along with groups of people who are unaware of your situation and are themselves in energetic and active mode
5. What is Mindfulness
I. It the ability of living in present without being judgmental instead operating with childlike curiosity
II. Being aware of your inner dialogues and struggles
III. Not trying to suppress any feelings, emotions and thoughts — just being awraae of their passing through your mind body and heart
6. Learn to visualize and anchor the happy, successful and your confident moments — read my blog on how get mood on demand
7. Learn techniques that work for you to manage your stress, read my separate blogs on managing stress, depression and beating the burn-out
8. Do the next right thing if you have done anything wrong — Make amends immediately
9. Practice to get of perfectionism to accomplish excellence*
10. Let go of the regrets*
11. Accept yourself and learn to love yourself unconditionally
12. Learn to live yourself by Being Yourself*
13. Simplify your life*
14. Do what you enjoy on a regular day to day
15. Find a relaxation technique* that works for you — for full read How to Be Calm in success unlimited mantra