How to Develop Healthy Coping Skills and Recognize Your Maladaptive Behaviors


70 tips to develop healthy coping skills

In this article you will learn the following

-77 tips to create healthy coping mechanism and a battery of coping skills — to deal with difficult situations and people

-61 Signs and unhealthy coping mechanisms and recognizing Maladaptive behaviors

-14 medical conditions which can also trigger Unhealthy coping skills and behaviors

Developing healthy coping strategies recognizing your maladaptive behaviors

To deal effectively with the disrupting changes happening on a continuous basis in our professional, financial, relationship, social business, technological, political and personal life — it is mandatory to have a battery of effective and healthy coping skills.

Developing effective and healthy coping skills — does not happen instantly and in silosit is an ongoing practice on daily basis — so that — when you face a serious setback, crisis or challenge — you can subconsciously summon these skills to deal with the situation and people better.

Effective and healthy coping skills — are your own tools which enables and empowers you to adapt and bounce back from all types of adversity, trauma, threats and other significant emotional events and massive stressors.

It may seem a monumental task — when you read this article — but believe me — you can practice most of these skills almost on every day basis.

For all the tips given this article [unless that tip is executable as it is] — there are detailed do-it-yourself, 900+ blogs and 3000+ answer in both my websites as well in my Quora page.

77 tips to create healthy coping mechanism and a battery of coping skills

1. Create, maintain and nurture — caring and supportive relationships which are filled with love and trust

2. Create a solid self-believe — that tells you in any unnerving situation — that although it is an unnerving situation and right now you are not able to see any solution — but you will ultimately come out

3. Develop Ability to think and creating realistic plans and solutions and implement your plans

4. Strengthen your problem-solving, decision-making and resourcefulness

5. Learn how to manage your stress effectively

6. Improvise in case your solutions don’t work-out and implement the improved solutions

7. Know your strengths and abilities and what limits you

8. Learn to manage your impulses

9. Learn to manaage your negative feelings and emotions

10. Accept help and support from those who care about you

11. Volunteer to help those who can’t — assist others in their time of need

12. Create a solution-focused mindset and perception

13. Develop ability to look beyond the present and imagine what you need to do to make future better

14. Instead of seeing crises as insurmountable — note what positive ways you are using already to deal with it

15. Create a flexible mindset — understand many of your past aspirations may no longer be feasible or desirable

16. Accept what all in your circumstances is beyond your area of control

17. Focus on what all you can influence

18. Then go and take actions in all that you can do

19. Break your large objectives into small achievable goals — take decisive actions in these as per the priority

20. Try to accomplish at least a small amount if progress toward your goal(s) each day — by taking actions

21. Learn to face the problems, anxieties and fears — instead of thinking of ways to escape

22. Reframe the situation — and check if they can give you any opportunity of growth

23. Trust your own intuitions and develop confidence in your ability to solve problems

24. Learn to recognize — when you are blowing unpleasant events out of proportion by magnifying

25. Visualize what you want rather to avoid worrying about what you fear

26. Make self-care and care of those whom you love and those who are affected — a top most priority

27. Learn to relax — to recharge yourself mentally, physically and emotionally

28. Create your own methods — how you will deal effectively[to learn about all these — this please read my blogs on handling these difficult emotions] — when you are feeling lonely, sad, melancholic, depressed, angry, scared, anxious, frustrated, irritated, bored, burned-out etc.

29. Recognize when you feel burned-out

30. Create ways to make your mood positive — when you are in un-resourceful emotional state

31. Ensure that you walk and exercise daily — especially when you are going through crisis

32. Get into healthy distractions — clean your home, arrange things

33. If possible — identify what things are still — for which you should be grateful

34. Establish and maintain healthy boundaries

35. Walk away and leave a situation that is causing you stress — If it won’t affect your future

36. Talk about your problems with a trusted person

37. Avoid unhealthy coping skills

38. Create proactive coping skills — to deal with the similar situations in future and also with unexpected life changes

39. Plan for circumstances that might derail you

40. Find what works for you — because all the strategies won’t work for you

41. Keep refining, strengthening and sharping all that works for you by regular practice

42. Use each failure and rejection for self-development and self-growth — by finding ways you can succeed in future in similar situations

43. Find out and determining an alternative out of box solution which can handle your situations effectively

44. Seek help talking with a trusted friend or colleague may be enough to ease your stress and build stronger connections

45. Learn to create controlled distraction — so that when you are less stressed you can come back to address the issues

46. Learn to lower your expectations

47. Take responsibility for the situation

48. Challenge previously held beliefs that are no longer adaptive

49. Try to get enough good quality sleep

50. Ensure eating a well-balanced diet.

51. Practice relaxation exercises such as yoga, prayer, meditation and progressive muscle relaxation — if they work for you

52. Find a ways to connect with different forums and groups

53. Create healthy outlets for venting emotional expression

54. Create a space for yourself — by being with yourself and observe your thoughts without forcing them- acknowledge and accept your thoughts and emotions during these times

55. Think about past situations that you handled better and come out stronger

56. Learn to disconnect to replenishing your emotional energy

57. Look back at situations that you did not handle well and identify the elements that led to that outcome — create solutions which may help you deal with similar situations better

58. Identify and accept that there are certain circumstances that you cannot change

59. Take a problem and break it down into manageable pieces -start identifying goals that you can work right now

60. Walk away from an argument or disagreement to cool off

61. Learn to express emotional displeasure in a productive way

62. Learn to say NO to avoid overextending oneself with too many obligations

63. Accept the faults of others

64. Realize that you can’t change others and may thing those are happening in the world — BUT — you can do something to protect you and your loved ones

65. Set realistic expectations for oneself and others

66. Visualize yourself achieving your goals

67. Learn to manage your anger effectively

68. Face your fears in controlled environment — through creating stimuli — go for progressively graded approach — where your initial targets are mildly feared situations and people — then gradually reach your most feared ones

69. Learn guided imagery by visualizing peaceful experiences, places, or scenes in your mind to help you focus and relax

70. Learn to practice breath therapy — take deep, slow, and long breaths

71. Learn Cognitive restructuring by asking yourself a series of open, focused questions between two people — to challenge irrational thoughts

72. Replace negative thoughts with more healthy, positive ones that reduce the impact of real or imagined events

73. Practice Thought-stopping and thought-interruption to break the cycle of negative thoughts as they arise to stop panic from spiraling and creating whirlpool of domino effect

74. Practice these self-talk statements — like — I am going to face this challenge and do my best — it is my responsibility to come out of this situation and I need to take needed action however fearful — I have come out of tough situations before and I am going to overcome them now

75. Learn and improve your improving social skills

76. Learn and practice self-discipline

77. Seek professional help by trying out among the various Therapy options for maladaptive behaviors — like — cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), applied behavior therapy (ABT) and interpersonal psychotherapy

61 Signs and unhealthy coping mechanisms and recognizing Maladaptive behaviors — they could be the combinations of following behaviors

1. Using Passive-aggressiveness by indirectly expressing negative feelings on unrelated issues

2. Bottling up your inner feelings rather than talk about them openly

3. Withdrawal — avoiding engaging in social activities

4. Uncontrolled outbursts and being in rage and anger all the time

5. Throwing temper tantrums would fall into this particular category

6. Banging your head and self-hitting

7. Declining to take prescribed medications

8. Maladaptive daydreaming by engaging your mind in extensive mental fantasy that involves dreaming about unrealistic accomplishments, complex characters and plots and can last for hours

9. Making yourself too busy and avoiding relaxing

This article was originally published as “70 tips to develop healthy coping skills “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]

#recognizingmaladaptivebehaviors, #Creatinghealthycopingmechanism, #howtodevelophealthycopingstrategies, #signsofunheaalthycopingskills, #howtoknowyourmaladaptivebehaviors, #dealingwithcrisissetbacksdisruptions, #dealingeffectivelywithdisruptivechanges, #effectivecopingskills, #creatingabatteryofhealthycopingskills



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