How to go from Being Mean to Magnanimous
Through my journey of life [which is a collage of numerous happy, painful moments and all other emotions in-between] — I realized there exists two scales which have the most profound impact on almost all the aspects of our life as well as the quality and the duration of the different phases.
These scales are
- 1.Meanness-to-Magnanimous scale
- 2.Sad-mad-glad of mental-emotional state
This Meanness to Magnanimous scale is what decides — which mental-emotional state, we would be on a given moment.
I also discovered through my endless self-introspections plus through counseling, mentoring and coaching thousands of people that
- 1.Irrespective of whether we are being mean intentionally or unintentionally we get the following emotions AND unresourceful-mental-emotional-states
- I.Anger, Throwing Tantrums
- II.Controlling others, Arrogance,
- III.Jealousy, Envy
- IV.Sulking
- V.Hate, Feelings of revenge, Holding Grudges
- VI.Doubt
- VII.Fear
- VIII.Anxiety, Hopelessness, Depression
- IX.Stress
- X.Relationship issues, Conflicts, Fights
- XI.Failures. Oblivion
- XII.Accusing, Blaming, Fault-finding, Making Excuses
- XIII.Being Defensive, critical and hard to please and Emotional manipulation
- XIV.Withdrawal and denial
- 2.On the other hand — when we are being Magnanimous [this does not usually come on its own — it needs solid practice] — we get the following feelings and Resourceful-mental-emotional-states
- I.Happiness
- II.Feelings of abundance, Gratefulness, Gratitude
- III.Sense of Security
- IV.Bliss
- V.Love
- VI.Hope, Faith
- VII.Intimate and meaningful relationship
- VIII.Success, Growth
- 3.Our being in unresourceful or resourceful state is very-very Dynamic — AND — is directly related to how we move through bottom rung [being mean] to the top level [being magnanimous] — emotionally and mentally
- 4.If we can focus on and constantly disciple ourselves to be in the magnanimous resourceful state consciously — we would be successful, happy and satisfied
- 5.This is a very obedient servant- AND -in some people’s cases can become THEIR MASTER [it affects you mostly in negative ways]
Possible ways of Applying Magnanimity — for full read “How to Not to be Mean” in Success Unlimited Mantra’s blog section “From the Heart of Subhashis”