Learn how to become a truly assertive person with this comprehensive guide 200 Strategies & Tips


Master the Art of Assertiveness: A Comprehensive Guide with 200+ Tips and Strategies

In this article you will learn the following

I. 36 Traits and Signs of Truly Assertive People

II. 27 Tips to Master Assertiveness

III. Also Learn the Following — by clicking the link given

1. 24 signs, behaviors and traits of Submissive personalities

2. 25 signs, behaviors and traits of Aggressive Personalities

3. 26 signs, behaviors and traits of Passive-Aggressive Personality

4. 11 signs, behaviors and traits of Passive-personalities

5. 42 Situations You Need to Be Assertive — Check Your response to the following questions

6. 21 Powerful WHYs — why should you be practicing Assertiveness — ask yourself — do you Want To Experience and have the following in your life — please note down all your YESes

7. 90+ Tips on Developing the Right Mindset & Understand the Fundamentals -before you can Start Practicing the Steps on How to be assertive

8. 6 Ways How We Acquire Non-assertive Personality

9. Understand Your Rights & the Consequences of Claiming Your Rights Understand your Basic rights in every Relationship — 11 ways to Create CLARITY About Your Rights

10. 40 Tips on How To Be Assertive

To learn about above 10 topics in detail please Read the blog — How to be more assertive — https:, , www.successunlimited-mantra.com, index.php, blog, how-to-be-more-assertive

Assertiveness is not just communication tactics.

Real assertiveness starts — from within -Only When you are able to have assertive internal conversations with yourself — you can practice being assertive with others.

Being assertive means taking control of your life and making decisions that best empower you.

Assertive people are comfortable in almost any situation — irrespective of how awkward or embarrassing that might feel to others.

Assertiveness helps you to avoid getting swayed by other’s diktats — especially of controlling and dominating nature people — against your better judgment.

You can have a most fulfilled and enriched personal and professional life — by practicing the art of assertiveness.

Assertiveness is also about finding a balance between your needs and others — when such a choice must be made.

You might have come across many aggressive people — getting their ways by being a bully — but this can’t be sustained for long — AND secondly, it can never truly make you feel great about yourself.

36 Traits and Signs of Truly Assertive People

1. Assertiveness is based on mutual respect — assertive people respect themselves and that is why they are able to respect others

2. Assertive people Respect their own boundaries and as well as those of others

3. Assertive people Refuse to accept shabby service, disrespectful treatment & negative behaviors from others

4. Assertive people can Listen for diverse & opposing viewpoints — and after weighing pros and cons choose what is best

5. Assertive people have the Ability to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly and directly — respectfully — without feeling bad y

6. Assertive people Use I statement to let others know how they feel [ they seldom use YOU statement which are invariably accusatory & blame statements]

7. Assertive people have the Ability to claim their rights & space

8. Assertive people Put stop to those behaviors of others that violates their rights or undermines their well-being — firmly and softly

9. Assertive people Go for discussions — which are focused on finding what is right [which is opposite of going for arguments which focuses on proving who is right — and the assertive people avoid getting trapped into arguments]

10. Assertive people avoid participating in gossip or rumor mongering

11. Assertive people Focus on finding win-win solutions

12. Assertive people Resolve conflict by clarifying doubts and misunderstand and also creating personal accountability for the stakeholders in any important relationships

13. Assertive people don’t resort to manipulation and coercive behaviors — they handle the issues in straight forward manner

14. Assertive people Focus on what is right and they Voice their opinions — rather than doing or saying what will make them popular

15. Assertive people Focus on being respectable

16. Assertive people are Fully comfortable in showing their vulnerability

17. Assertive people are also Comfortable in accepting their mistakes

18. Assertive people have the Ability to recognize, acknowledge and appreciate others’ strengths, contribution and value

19. Assertive people are Aware about their rights and not letting anyone deprive them of these

20. Assertive people are Able to say NO to any demand and pressure without wincing internally

21. Assertive people have the Ability to ask for apologies when wrong or when made any mistake

22. Assertive people have the Ability to deal with their own negative and uncomfortable feels

23. Assertive people Take complete ownership and responsibility for their actions, decisions and choices

24. Assertive people Choose people who support their core values

25. Assertive people Have the courage to Walk away from toxic, manipulative, mean and difficult people

26. Assertive people focus on Building very close, intimate healthier, more balanced relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and cooperation

27. Assertive people Have nil or minimal feelings of resentment, frustration, and stress — because of having very less expectation from others

28. Assertive people Are very clear about what they want

29. Assertive people Recognize other’s need and why it is justified

30. Assertive people have the Ability to remain calm when emotions run high

31. Assertive people are not afraid to confront and can express themselves with confidence and respect

32. Assertive people are generally humble — which comes from their being a person of depth and substance

33. Assertive people never try to dominate conversation by help add maximum value to the efforts of the group

34. Assertive people stand up for what is right and for people are unable to do so for themselves

35. Assertive people Develop genuine interest in others to understand what motivates them, trigger their anxieties, panic, fears and concerns

36. Assertive people are able to identify what is negotiable and what is not — In most situations and with most people

27 Tips to Master Assertiveness

1. Practice saying NO — to any demand or pressure which goes against your values, priorities and needs –start from the least threatening low-stake situations and people and then slowly raise and start tackle and address more challenging scenarios and more difficult people -where the risk of pushbacks from others is more — to gradually build confidence

2. After every important interaction — take time to reflect to Assess what you did was effective and which areas can be improved

3. Seek feedback from people you trust to get critical insights for opportunities for growth.

4. Initially for critical confrontations — create a script, rehearse it till you can say it naturally — then introduce variables on uncertain nature — then practice it again and again

5. If you can do role play with someone it is great BUT in ace no one is there — try play both the roles BY making your opponent’s role more difficult

6. Start small — try your new skills with your friend subtly before tackling a difficult person

7. Practice looking into the eyes of others — especially when confronting or challenging

8. Practice walking assertively and shaking hands with steely confidence

9. Learn to speak in a calm tone and diction — Maintain a considerate, non-threaten tone — State your feelings, wants, opinions, and needs in simple sentences

10. Learn to say what you feel — using I statements– these needs a lots of practice

11. Learn to be completely yourself — identify and discard any mask you might be putt on — don’t fake

12. Practice feeling comfortable with having uncomfortable feelings — it is alright as your feelings are not in your control

13. Find healthy ways to vent your feelings — so if you are feeling displeased about something — you need to learn how express — because hiding your true feels about something that displeases you can make you passive and may trigger passive-aggressive response which is a very harmful self-sabotaging behavior and thought pattern in long run

14. When you feel you are not getting a deal which makes it win-win — Think through that problem carefully before deciding — exploring and weighing various actions and choices

15. Learn to identify all major problems and consider all the possible solutions and outcomes — this way you would be best empowered to make not only informed and better decisions — you would also feel good about yourself

16. Identify what your needs are and how you want to be treated — this will help you understand your expectations in interactions with other people

17. Your most important Relationship-wise — Identify — what personal boundaries and space you need in each one of them

18. Then identify the benefits of these boundaries on your wellbeing, success and the health of those relationships

19. Experiment & find ways — how you will slowly create the other people to respect your boundaries — please understand that it is going to take a lot of time — so you need to be very patient — read my blog on how to set healthy boundaries

20. Healthy boundaries help you protect your self-worth, self-pride, self-esteem, etc. — whereas poor or Unhealthy boundaries increase your likelihood of your getting adversely affected by others’ feels, beliefs, and behaviors

21. Learn to Protect your physical and emotional space — State your own opinions in a respectful manner

22. Don’t be silent if you have something to say and it is important for you to say it

23. Learn to ask thought provoking deep and open-ended question if you feel intimidated to gain confidence

24. Use Cognitive-Behavior-Therapy by yourself [Self-CBT] to develop your assertiveness [please read by detailed do-it-yourself blog on Self-CBT

25. Learn to identify, reframe and redefine your negative thought patterns to facilitate a deeper assertive approach for healthier and meaningful interactions.

26. Learn to Identify your self-sabotaging and self-defeating behaviors — which may include fears, anxieties, feels of inadequacies, emotional-insecurities etc.

27. Confront and challenge your self-sabotaging and self-defeating behaviors — by using the NLP-Reframing techniques — substitute them with more balanced and realistic perspectives- enabling to a stronger sense of empowerment [ read my blog on anxieties, fear, reframing etc.].

Read the remaining article as per the following details

This article was originally published as “Master the Art of Assertiveness: A Comprehensive Guide with 200+ Tips and Strategies“ in https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links http://relationshipandhappiness.com/ [2nd] and https://www.quora.com/profile/Subhashis-Banerji [3rd]

#Assertiveness, #AssertiveTraits, #Situationswhereyoumustbeassertive, #AssertivenessBenefits, #DevelopingAssertiveness, #masteringassertiveness, #discoveryourRightsinRelationships, #AssertivenessTips, #assertivepersonality, #nonassertivepersonality, #submissivepersonality, #aggressivepersonality, #passiveaggressivepersonality, #passivepersonality, #howtobeassertive, #tipsforassertiveness, #signsofassertiveness, #assertivebehavior, #assertivecommunication, #assertivenesstraining



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