Learn how to think strategically and make better decisions with 60 tips on decision intelligence


Master Strategic Thinking: 60 Tips, 12 Steps, and 25 Ideas for Better Decision-Making

How to think strategically and make better decisions

In this article, you will learn the following

I. 60 Tips on How to Sharpen Your Decision Intelligence, Strategic Thinking to Help Making Effective Decisions

II. 12 Steps of Problem-Solving — Because Every Tough Decision That You Need to Take is a Problem to Be Solved

III. 14 Barriers to Decision-Making

IV. 25 Ideas How to Use 6 Thinking Hat Brainstorming Tool to Make Powerful Choices and Take Great Tough Decisions -9 basic reasons to use the blue hat + 7 questions for White hat + Why Red hat + 6 reasons to use Black hat + 5 reasons to use yellow hat + 7 reasons to use green hat

Irrespective of whether you are in a leadership position — you must make multiple decisions on an everyday basis — about — your life, your family, your business, your organization, your customers, your employees, your financial and social aspects, etc., etc.

The art of thinking strategically can make a difference between — a successful outcome or very expensive mistake.

Strategic Decision-Making is all about — identifying your decision traps and fallacies, assumptions, biases, mental short-cuts, and short-term thinking habits — and then charting practical courses of action.

Thinking strategically is one of the most important and one of the most essential skills — you need to sharpen, strengthen, and build on — this is mandatory in case you are the CEO or even if you are just starting out and have no idea how the future looks.

Strategic thinking involves — critical thinking, design thinking, creative thinking, the ability to ideate & innovate, the ability to recognize opportunities even in a desperate situation when no one can — and knowing how to take advantage of them.

If you look at your life today — What you have accomplished and who you have become — was the result of the decisions and choices, you made and actions you took — in the past.

And as per the same theory — whatever actions you take today and the decisions you make now — will shape who you will become and what you will have in the future — and you can Propel your life to reach the pinnacle of a fulfilled life.

60 Tips on How to Sharpen Your Decision Intelligence, Strategic Thinking to Help Making Effective Decisions

1. You can train yourself to make better decisions — by exploring choices, options, alternatives, and possibilities

2. Well-balanced & informed decision-making requires — making sense of ambiguity, identifying opportunities within a change or challenge, analyzing complex problems, exploring alternative points of view, and looking for unconventional solutions, possibilities, options, and choices.

3. Identify your objectives, goals, and vision — make them SMART

4. Create an order of priority from Must-dos to Would be all right if I get that

5. Identify what information you have & what information you need that is missing

6. Identify and challenge your assumptions about why you must achieve something to what you need to do

7. Identify what resources are available and what resources you need

8. Evaluate data & evidence and predict potential issues with your process so far — then course-correct it if you see any decision trap present

9. Find ways to acquire resources and obtain missing yet crucial information

10. Identify all the important internal and external shareholders

11. Create a communication plan to create buy-in from them

12. Arrange to brainstormed with your important stakeholders as well as customers — to fine-tune your ideas and make them more effective

13. Cloud source what you feel is unknown and you don’t have the bandwidth to deal with that yourself

14. If it is a VUCA or BANI situation — Examine probabilities and present impact choices to Mitigate over-optimism in project planning and prediction by making appropriate trade-offs — in your strategic plans

15. Learn to think creatively — find ways to experiment with non-conventional ideas

16. Learn the habit of challenging and questioning — every decision and solution

17. Stop accepting the first thought or solution that comes to your mind — Ask yourself constantly if is there a different, better, and more effective way to do this — you may not always get breakthrough ideas but the habit of trying to force an alternative way will help you train yourself to think ‘outside the box’

18. Make it your habit of making crucial decisions when you have say — about 2/3rd or 70% information

19. Train your mind to look at any situation from multiple perspectives — like from each of your 360-degree stakeholders

20. Train yourself to think big — Strategic thinking is all about the bigger picture, so you need to stop looking at the small details especially while planning -Block it out in your diary and be ruthless

21. Stay informed — observe the market — learn to spot trends, the disruptions taking place globally in other businesses different than yours

22. Be up to date with the global best practices, benchmarks, competitor performance, and customer habits

23. Learn to connect seemingly disconnected things — to make sense and generate ideas constantly

24. Identify gaps — among your business, product, or service and customers’ aspirations or expectations and needs

25. Use SWOT or SOAR to compare your strengths or weaknesses with your opportunities you will start to see where new ideas could help you achieve your potential

26. Develop the ability to see trends outside of your industry that you could ‘connect’ with your product or service, or your solution to help improve your customer or employee value proposition to give them great customer or employee delight

27. Start thinking from the perspectives of your customers and employees — then ask yourself -What could you do differently to help distinguish yourself from the competition

28. Then find ways to Assess your ideas in a smart way

29. Important tools that you should use — MECE Principal, Decision Tree, SFA Matrix [is a tool to score strategic plans on their suitability, feasibility, and acceptability]

30. Identify business models and then tweak them to create the most effective blend from different models

31. Identify technologies like AI, Gen AI, BI, and Big-Data analysis tools — that can help you make informed decisions quickly and more effectively

32. Get in the habit of running all new concepts through your chosen frameworks as a matter of course

33. Using these tried and tested models & tools will not only help you Embrace change BUT also may enable you to disrupt the market or business

34. Create a learner mindset & a learning organization

35. Ensure that your business, commercial, and financial acumen is at par with the best leaders

36. Have people in your team — who think strategically and challenge everything for the sole purpose of finding the best way

37. Find ways to deliver value to your stakeholder — which is way beyond their expectations

38. Learn to Ask Thought provoking Strategic Questions to elicit solutions you could never have thought of by yourself

39. Ask these questions to yourself and others

40. Learn to assess the situation objectively — practice Considering Opposing Ideas — then question your assumptions, and put your hypothesis through rigorous testing

41. Playing devil’s advocate with your ideas will help you preempt weaknesses and can also help you sharpen the logical skills you need to communicate and execute your strategy

42. Create habit of considering major parameters like — market trends, customer preferences, and competitor activity — use data analytics to gain insights into customer behaviors

43. Learn to build strong collaborations with — people, vendors, suppliers and organizations those who can help you scale up effectively AND to gain new perspectives and insights into complex problems to help you make more informed decisions and develop a more effective strategy for your business

44. Identify the actions that matter in the most important areas

45. Learn to read and identify as well as interpret — signals from your customers and employees — then figure out how you will respond for biggest impact

Read the remaining article as per the following details

This article was originally published as “Master Strategic Thinking: 60 Tips, 12 Steps, and 25 Ideas for Better Decision-Making “ in https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links http://relationshipandhappiness.com/ [2nd] and https://www.quora.com/profile/Subhashis-Banerji [3rd]

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