Low Personal Standards Make Us Struggle in Life


80 ways to raise your personal standards and benchmarks

19 disadvantages of having poor personal standards

1. We compromise and tolerate poor service from others

2. We tolerate things we should not be

3. We suffer from low self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-respect

4. We lack belief in ourselves

5. We become pushovers — anyone can walk over us

6. We make bad choices in relationships

7. We don’t have will-power — strong enough to say no

8. We become submissive

9. We often break promises and resolves we make with ourselves

10. We have a great need for validation from others

11. We show-off to create a false impression

12. We are constantly concerned about what others think about us

13. We want others to admire, recognize, appreciate and resect us — and we will do anything to get it

14. We become habitually lazy and procrastinate

15. We are generally disorganized

16. We work within our comfort zones and don’t stretch to go beyond to achieve more

17. We seldom have big dreams

18. We feel good being part of the crowd — being in limelight terrifies us

19. We don’t excel in anything and we feel comfortable in mediocrity and being average

In this article we will learn

- 12 reasons why people struggle life-long and are in perpetual crisis one after another

- 15 ways our personal standards and benchmarks — creates the life we live

- 8 basic fundamentals about standards, benchmarks and milestones

- 19 disadvantages of having poor personal standards

- 18 benefits of having high personal standards

- 29 ways How to set standards, benchmarks and milestones

- 19 tips to identify and living your core values

- 12 minimal standards to set for yourself

Standards relate to choices and our choices decides the quality of our life, our success our happiness and our contentment from our close relationships.

For many of us our past decisions and their outcomes dictates the standards we have set for ourselves in present and interestingly we make our future decision based on our current standards.

Setting good standards is imperative for living a very satisfying life.

29 ways How to set standards, benchmarks and milestones

1. Create parameters to measure — then start measuring yourself — then start taking actions to improve one bit a time — the most challenging is to create meaningful and sustainable improvement.

2. Then as mentioned earlier — our standards have to be regularly updated — to make them relevant and useful with the changes and trends

3. Taking action — benchmarking is a part of goal setting process — and they can add value only when we take action on them

4. 19 tips to identify and living your core values

I. Are you learning new things, exploring new places, and experimenting with new ideas

II. Are you questioning and challenging your assumptions, beliefs and limitations and putting efforts to course-correct them

III. Are you building habits that lead to sustainable continual improvement

IV. Are you utilizing your potential more and more or just operating within comfort zones

V. Are you allowing yourself to be happy with where you are right now with what you are doing

VI. Are you becoming the person you are proud of

VII. Are you exploring possibilities, opportunities and preparing yourself for unexpected challenges

For full article please read “80 ways to raise your personal standards and benchmarks” in Success Unlimited Mantra’s blog section “from the Heart of Subhashis”



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