Manage and Control Your Time to be Most Productive and Effective


28 Tips to fly with the time by making your life most uplifting and productive

In this article you will learn the following

-28 Tips to fly with the time by making your life most uplifting and productive

-6 Situations where the Speed of time is dependent and relative

-5 instances when you find time passing very quickly

-4 categories of tasks you must give right priority in your life

How to Fly with the Time When Time Flies

How many of you feel that the life has passed you by — while you were struggling to manage the pressure of multiple deadlines — especially in your professional-career front — I know many who are in their 60s and have this with deeply regretful feeling.

Don’t let this be you.

All of us have deadlines — but — you also need to enjoy the journey of life instead of being busy in something of less value BUT of great urgency.

TIME AND MONEY are good exchange tools — you can EXCHANGE it FOR SOMETHING ELSE.

TIME can be exchanged for — relaxing, learning, relationship-building, making-money activities, building-value, creating something of value etc. etc.

BUT no-one can create, acquire, STORE OR SAVE time.

Yes you can make your time work better — by becoming efficient and effective in what you do — [SAY] — by investing your time in learning something to earn more or create a better career — OR you can misuse or waste it foolishly and worthlessly.

Many people after — they have wasted their time when there was opportunity — find that they don’t have enough time to do what they wanted to do for a long time.

Don’t let this be you.

In this article — we will explore — how you can consciously get control of the time available with you and how you turn it into a wise-investment- so that you are able to fly with the time.

Controlling your time is not about hacks and tools BUT about practicing right skills, habits, mindset and disciplined way of living.

There is this popular quote — which says — that Time-Flies BUT you are the pilot.

Many of us get caught up in the day-to-day existence and might lose focus on our passions and dreams — by not putting up the needed efforts, diligence and concentration — when it is required.

Because to be able to control time and make it work for you — depends on what you want to achieve in life and how magnanimous is your dream plus how serious you are about accomplishing it.

If you have this type of dream — you would find it easy to FLY with the time.

All of us need to remember that — with each passing moment our time in this earth is becoming shorter — it is up to us to create and live a life to be remembered for all the positivities we created OR to be forgotten because we lived a life of passing-time.

With a disciplined mindset — you may be able to control how you spend your time — at least most of the time.

To make this happen — you need to choose to spend your time on things which are most important and helps you create a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Time is like a river always moving by turning your present — into your past, every moment.

No one can take time for granted — because millions or rather billions of people found suddenly that they did not have time anymore — for something that kept on postponing.

Let this be not you.

TIME has same speed for everyone — although depending on your situation — it may feel different.

6 Situations where the Speed of time is dependent and relative

1. When you are going through tough times — time seems to slow down in such a way — that you feel it is not moving at all

2. When going is good — you feel that — time is passing so fast

3. When you are waiting for something or someone very eagerly — again time just does not move

4. When you are sitting with your sweetheart then time passes so quickly — But what some happens when you are sitting with your BOSS facing his/her music because you have made mistakes

5. Those who are [say] in their 60s, 70s, 80s — may feel that how fast they shifted from youth to old BUT at the same time may also feel that passing every-day is very difficult especially if they are living alone

6. Those who are in their schooling years — may want to become an independent-adult fast — BUT — may find time does not move as per their wishes

5 instances when you find time passing very quickly

1. When you are so involved in something that your focus is on the task and actions as well as enjoying that moment

2. When you waste time — with unhealthy habits and actions

3. When you have an inspiring, captivating and enthralling — larger than life dream — on which you are working and taking actions every day

4. When you are excited and filled with hopes about your present and future

5. When you are living in the moment — creating value for each moment

28 Tips to fly with the time by making your life most uplifting and productive

1. Clarify on what you long-term larger than life dream or goal is — sleep-over it — refine it — keep updating it

2. Understand the difference between meaningful sustainable goals — like having great relationships, building value for your loved-ones, making positive difference for the masses, living an emotionally and mentally and physically healthy life etc. AND means-Goals like power, name/fame/recognition etc.

3. Based on your larger-picture — by working backwards — create milestones of yearly, monthly and daily actions

4. Prioritize and Fit-in your big-dream actions into your Everyday tasks

5. Set time for reflection and review and improvising plans and actions

6. Plan for worst case scenarios and contingencies

7. Have a focused self-care plan in action on daily basis

8. Create disciple to finish what you start

9. Ration time Budget time judiciously — creating balance between short-term and long-term AND indulgent pursuits

10. Keep buffer time for most important life-goals — like spending time with your loved ones

11. Track and monitor and correct your time usage on daily basis — BUT ensure that you control time AND not getting into an automaton or robot

12. Figure out how you are currently spending your time -

13. Create a daily schedule by filling it with those activities that provide the greatest returns — and stick with it

14. Prioritize wisely — Evaluate your to-do list and make sure you organized it based on the importance of a task rather than its urgencyknow what is Important and urgent [Your 2nd focus area], Important but not urgent [your 1st focus area], Urgent but not important [your 3rd focus area — candidate for outsourcing], Not urgent and not important [avoid at all cost]

15. Important but Not Urgent tasks support the achievement of your long-term goals — whereas urgent but not important tasks are associated with the achievement of someone else’s goals

16. Group similar tasks together — Assign time limits to tasks

17. Build in buffers — Avoid the urge to multitask

18. Learn to say No

19. Be assertive

20. Delegate, eliminate or simplify or outsource or crowdsource

21. Create a block of time for yourself — it is not about catch up on the chores

22. Set healthy boundaries at work

23. Learn to be comfortable Try doing nothing

24. Find ways to be alone together with loved ones

25. Ask for help — from your family

26. Accept not doing things perfectly

27. Start doing things you’ve put off

28. 4 categories of tasks you must give right priority in your life

I. Basic Things you need to do to live normally — eating, sleeping, exercising, cleaning etc.

II. Things that you need to really focus on — spending time with loved ones, relaxing and enjoying life as it is, building relationship, remaining emotionally-mentally-physically, financially healthy

III. Things that brings growth and success to you — continuously learning, having and big dream and taking actions on that everyday

IV. Doing essential chores — like paying bills, renewing your passport/license, servicing your car, cleaning etc.

This article was originally published as “28 Tips to fly with the time by making your life most uplifting and productive “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]

#timeflies, #situationswhentimepassesquickly, #whyspeedoftimeisrelative, #howtoflywithtime, #howtoflywithtimewhentimeflies, #tasksyoumustprioritizeright, #howtoutilizetimebest, #howtocontroltime, #howtoinvesttimeproductively, #makingtimeyourbestfriend, #howyoucanexchangetimeformostworthythings, #makeyourlifeupliftingandfulfilling, #timefliesyouarethepilot



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