Manage resistance to change in your organization effectively


In this article — you will learn

  • -7 broad ways people react to change
  • -12 advantages and benefits of resisting change
  • -31 reasons why employees resist change
  • -49 Strategies for dealing with ours and other’s — resistance to change

Reducing ours and others resistance to change

Change rarely is the major problem — but resistance to change is usually the bigger challenge.

How we manage change can further complicate and turn it into a major obstruction.

Most of us prefer stability comfort-of-routine and dealing with known rather than disruptive changes in all aspects of our lives.

Our automatic response to most changes happens with suspicion, anxiety and fear — [especially for all those changes which are in the realm of unknown].

This quote is slowly becoming true for me — the older I get — the wiser I become about embracing change rather than resisting it.

Acquiring this understanding and wisdom — has taken me the entire life — making this as most expensive way to learn.

Therefore I am trying to explore and create a list — on how we can — reduce our own resistance to changes and how we can manage more effectively the resistance of others to change.

The only truth [if we can call this as one] is that — changes will keep on happening — whether or not we want it and we cannot stop it.

Resisting change — only increases our miseries and sufferings — unnecessarily — especially in those cases — where we have to ultimately embrace this change.

Openly accepting the change, working on self and changing-self by learning and unlearning through being flexible — continuously — will become your most profound strength.

Our reaction to change usually is highly entrenched in our core.

Managing change has always been difficult — because it is so easy to mishandle execution of plans hastily configured.

And there can’t be one — perfect way to introduce and manage change. Resisting change in some situations can trigger a great development and paradigm transformation. 7 broad ways people react to change — could be any of the following as well as the ones I could not identify

  • 1.Who always resist change
  • 2.Who resist change initially as a knee-jerk — but then become part of the change
  • 3.Who drive change, experiment and explore options
  • 4.Who seek out change proactively
  • 5.Who acts as cynics — create worst case scenarios — then create solutions
  • 6.Who weigh the risks, explore options and then choose what is best and how to go about it the most effective ways
  • 7.Who assess risk — then go for research, find what is working and then enlist help to drive the change

12 advantages and benefits of resisting change

  • 1.It forces us to relook and go-through the whys more carefully
  • 2.Which results into not only fine-tuning the strategies but also may change our perspective on the benefits and essentiality of this change
  • 3.We will be able to take care of important points missed — they would in any case
  • 4.It would make us ask the question — would this change drive significant growth
  • 5.Is this change really worth the efforts, time, energy, the chaos and also the money
  • 6.It would ensure that we use the scarce resources — only into most meaningful initiatives and projects
  • 7.This would also help create more-robust planning, implementation and execution action-steps
  • 8.Our communication to the major stake-holder — would incorporates — the natural objections and resistance issues
  • 9.It would make us ready with most appropriate game plan to facilitate — smooth roll-out of change initiatives
  • 10. Our focus would also become laser-sharp and we would avoid few costly mistakes
  • 11. When we go through the change with this fine-comb — our own fears — too would become less impeding
  • 12. Our managing change-initiative would be much-more effective and productive

31 reasons why employees resist change

  • I.Unknown
  • II.Failure
  • III.Being laughed at
  • IV.Appearing incompetent
  • V.Inadequacies
  • VI.Not having the skills, knowledge, expertise, experience and exposure
  • I.Job
  • II.Power
  • III.Position
  • IV.Control and influence
  • V.Threat to status-quo
  • 3.Lack of faith in themselves
  • 4.Lack of trust on seniors, team-members
  • 5.Apprehension of not getting support
  • 6.Not convinced with the why of change
  • 7.Find conflict with the change and self-interest
  • 8.Ineffective communication
  • 9.Misunderstanding the change and its impact
  • 10. Misinterpretation of the cues
  • 11. Lack of self-confidence
  • 12. Unrealistic timelines
  • 13. Undue pressure from bosses
  • 14. Less tolerance to change
  • 15. Dislike management, leadership and organization
  • 16. Common values and customs of their groups.
  • 17. Cave-in to peer pressure
  • 18. Find it convenient to continue doing something — same way as they have always done
  • 19. Don’t want to learn
  • 20. Find learning difficult
  • 21. Don’t want to give away their responsibilities to others — even when they are moving up
  • 22. Adamant about processes and customs
  • 23. Risk averse
  • 24. Deep-rooted insecurities
  • 25. Lack of awareness about why changes are being made
  • 26. Fear of how change will impact job roles
  • 27. Failed attempts at change in the past
  • 28. Lack of visible support and commitment from managers
  • 29. Poor timing of introduction of change
  • 30. Not got the buy-in of major stake-holders
  • 31. Pushing change down the throat by force

49 Strategies for dealing with resistance to change

  • 1.Identified potential sources of resistance — both expressed and hidden
  • 2.Create specific strategies to address all major concerns
  • 3.Select the correct change management models & tools
  • 4.Killing all the rumors effectively — by transparent communication and actions as well as involving the stakeholders
  • 5.Lead from the front — demonstrate your own conviction in change
  • 6.Create clear channels of communication
  • 7.Check for understanding
  • 8.Involve everyone in problem identification and creating solutions
  • 9.Making brand ambassadors — for implementing these solutions
  • 10. Providing all the resources, authorities and empowerment
  • 11. Give them control over decision-making as per their levels
  • 12. Train and educate — through all means — digital, 1-on-1, groups and through external experts
  • 13. Support and facilitate — as transition is difficult for everyone — and most people associate change with cutbacks and lost opportunities
  • 14. Communicate new opportunities for growth, learning and advancement
  • 15. Counsel and mentor
  • 16. Create new leaders — if the existing leaders try to sabotage the process
  • 17. Change the change — and pivot fast — in case methods don’t work
  • 18. Communicate the logic for the change — have a plan for those who will be negatively affected
  • 19. Create robust plans to fill people’s skill and competency gaps
  • 20. Resolve conflict immediately
  • 21. If you are facing internal resistance — ask yourself what it is you’re resisting — be specific and honest
  • 22. Focus on what you can control and let go of what is beyond your area of influence
  • 23. Create strategic-plans to overcome the losses
  • 24. Identify what lessons from this change will be useful in future
  • 25. Identify all the major benefits of change
  • 26. Brainstorm yourself as well as in team — asking what you would do if you wanted change to work
  • 27. Help the employees identify what’s in it for them to make the change
  • 28. State the problem using examples
  • 29. State the importance of the change — highlight the individual as well as larger long-term benefits
  • 30. Check, verify, ask and listen to the employee and look for misunderstandings
  • 31. Give clear expectations and get their commitment — if employees commit to adapting to change, they are considerably more likely to follow through.
  • 32. A good portion of resistance disappears when employees are clear about the benefits the change brings to them — let the individual employee know the positive impact on their own career or job this change will bring
  • 33. Ask and listen attentively to the employees — create a feedback and improvement loop
  • 34. Make those people as change leaders that people already trust.
  • 35. Create realistic and implementable timeline — map out every action and set deadlines so that you have a general idea of how long the entire transformation will take.
  • 36. Never implement change in on go — implement them in stages.
  • 37. Consider the opinions of all employees on whom the proposed change will have an effect.
  • 38. Do change right the first time
  • 39. Leverage the right technology
  • 40. Ditch prejudices regarding current and past generations — Instead encourage fellowship
  • 41. Recruit individuals who seemingly are attuned with your organization culture
  • 42. Do change right the first time — failed attempts to change aspects of your business process will have a negative effect on how employees view future initiatives.
  • 43. Do readiness assessments
  • 44. Listen first, talk second delegate change
  • 45. Get excited show them the data — make it about employees
  • 46. Provide information in advance
  • 47. Make only necessary changes — don’t fix what is not broken
  • 48. Increase engagement by asking questions — use social media and storytelling
  • 49. Don’t be afraid to change your mind — some changes don’t turn out as well as others — nothing is gained by forcing your team to accept a change that is not working or needed

#wayspeoplereacttochange, #benefitsofresistingchange, #whyemployeesresistchage, #strategiesfordealingwithchange, #effectivechangemanagement, #howtorolloutchangeinitiative, #howtobringdownresistancetochange, #howtoreduceourownresistancetochange, #changeisnotthemajorproblem, #mishandlingchangecomplicatesproblems, #reasonswhyweresistchange, #wereacttochangewithfearanxietyandstress, #facingchangeisalwaysbetterthanresistingchange, #identifytherootcauseofresistance, #askifthischangeisreallynecessary, #acquireskillsandknowledgetoadapttochange, #killrumosearly, #checkandverifyunderstanding, #ifchangeisnotworkingpivotfast, #clarifyexpectations, #gettheircommitments, #givefeedbackandseeksuggestions, #askandlistentoemployees, #Dochangerightthefirsttime, #provideinformationinadvance, #don’tfixwhatisnotbroken, #makeonlynecessarychanges, #don’tgoforchangeforthesakeofchange, #don’tbeafraidtochageyourmind

Originally published at on December 1, 2020.



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