Master the Art of Power of Silence for Powerful Leadership


42 Tips using the power of silence strategically and benefits of the power of silence

In this article you will learn the following

-What is the power of silence and what Silence is not

-42 Ways to utilize the Power of Silence to establish your authority, your expertise and your leadership -When You Are WITH Others

-11 Tips How to Practice and Master Intentional Silence — When You Are by Yourself

-30 Benefits of using the power of Silence strategically as a powerful Effective Communication Tool

Sharpen the Power of Strategic Silence

Does being silent and being quiet has the same meaningNO both have a completely different meaning — although some people use both these terms interchangeably.

Remaining quiet is when you must speak up BUT don’t do so — can have very negative long-term implications and impact.

Whereas choosing to respond by maintaining silence consciously to deal with situations and people while maintaining inner-calm -can have the most empowering and positive outcomes.

The power of silence has two broad categories

1. Using silence for your internal growth

2. 2nd use this as a strategic tool to handle different types of situations and people [especially the difficult, arrogant ones].

Let us first understand — what is the power of silence as a strategic communication tool [to deal with people whom we must manage effectively] — and what it is not.

You would be using the power of Silence — when you are listening with focus — without trying to judge them or without thinking about what fitting reply you can give -If you look at the words Silent and Listen — letters are the same.

Silence can mean [when you are with yourself] — having a relaxed and calm state of mind

When you practice strategic and positively empowering silence — you are fully present and actively listening to your partner without interruption — this is one of the most beautiful and caring methods to improve communication in a relationship — then the Silence does not become an absence of communication.

Silence can create a safe space for vulnerability and openness without any judgment to enable you to build wonderful relationships.

Silence can be beneficial in a relationship if you use it to create clarity and establish boundaries.

When silence is used to manipulate hurt or to punish others — it demonstrates cruelty.

The Power of silence is not about — giving silent treatment to people who are dependent on you to hurt and punish on purpose.

Power of silence also does not mean — that you let — the oppressors, tyrants, dictators, or criminals — do whatever they want — without any resistance [although in many cases you may not be able to resist outwardly BUT it is the will and the intent to resist — I am talking about].

The power of silence does not mean — keeping quiet when you need to assertively put your foot-down or challenge others — when they are trying to bulldoze you into submission.

The power of silence can be used as a very powerful tool — to challenge people who are using their authority and power and support-base — to try to bow you down.

The power of silence can be used as an excellent negotiation and selling instrument — if done strategically especially — when your proposal has solid value.

You can also use the power of silence — to stand up for yourself and for others and also to increase your soft-power — if you use it effectively and in the right-way.

The power of silence can be used to introspect and spend time — enjoying your own company meaningfully and in most enriching-ways.

Although many people are aware of the need to silence their minds to relax as well as learn effective ways to deal with difficult people — the biggest challenge is the mindset of equating sitting-idle while doing-nothing WITH wasting their time which in turn makes them feel guilty.

Benefits of sitting in silence can only be experienced — because unless you experience yourself when you start practicing tips given her yourself — just reading about them won’t make much sense to you.

To have all these benefits — you would need to learn and acquire the nature of being OK with

A. Not being invited

B. Not being included

C. Not being considered

D. Not being recognized

You may find that many insecure people in positions of Power and your seniors may feel threatened and rattled — because of your being talented, intelligent and accomplished.

This article is about giving you tips that can make you experience, learn, practice and master the power of silence — easily and effectively.

30 Benefits of using the power of Silence strategically as a powerful Effective Communication Tool

1. When you are able to create silence internally — it would increase your physical-mental energy to awesomely high levels

2. When you practice intentional silence — your — self-awareness, self-confidence, self-worth, self-esteem etc. — all get revitalized

3. Being with yourself enjoying your own company and visualizing can create fantastic clarity You can use the power of silence to build and nurture wonderful relationships

4. You can become the excellent leader — when you learn, practice and master the art of using silence internally as well as externally — by observing and listening more and using the findings to powerful use

5. You can use silence to emphasize any powerful point that has universal merits

6. Using silence will help you understand yourself as well as others

7. While using silence as a communication tool — you can come out with powerful, impactful words and arguments

8. When you use silence while interacting with others — your standing and worth in the eyes of others increases — The opposite is the people who use too many words — because soon people stop taking them seriously

9. You Will Have Fewer Regrets — because you may not say those words that jumps out of your mouth — especially when you are having an argument with a loved one — if you practice this you may be able to prevent further escalation

10. People may recognize you as a knowledgeable expert — as by speaking less you would have created an aura of mystery and intrigue around you

11. Practicing Silence Helps You Stay Calmer and reinforces your ability to be Patient rather than reckless

12. You are able to retain and maintain your focus as well as your energy

13. Practicing Silence would bring Your Stress Level Lower

14. You Will Be Perceived As A Great Listener

15. You can fine-tune your Intuition by testing your hypothesis about other people

16. Practicing Silence may help you focus and enjoy The Current Moment

17. Practicing silence gives YOUR BRAIN A BREAK to recharge and rejuvenate and also to de-stress

18. Practicing Silence in Relationships — would ease tension speed-up healing AND Cause less number of arguments

19. Practicing silence helps you appreciate and enjoy the moment

20. Practicing silence can Hone your powers to introspect deeply and Improve your social & emotional intelligence

21. Practicing silence will help you live your dreams

22. Practicing silence would increase the quality of your conversations and interactions and make them more meaningful

23. Practicing silence may help you regulate your emotions better

24. Practicing silence helps you regulate Internal noise and also helps you avoid the negative impact of External Noise

25. When you practice silence and use it to find solutions and visualize the future — it helps boost your creativity manifolds

26. Silence stimulates brain growth as it is relaxing — as Noise affects your stress levels by raising it

27. Practicing silence may improve your quality of sleep and lessen insomnia

28. Practicing silence would help you heal from past regrets, shames and guilt

29. When you practice silence and start listening with attention to people who are your loved ones or those who know more than you in any area — your problem-solving and decision-making become better and better

30. Professionally at the place of your work — it can also improve teamwork and collaboration — if everyone feels heard and valued.

42 Ways utilize the Power of Silence to establish your authority, your expertise and your leadership -When You Are WITH Others

1. Learn to speak powerfully only when you have very valid and logically sound points

2. Develop the habit of answering or talking — to make a compelling point

3. Develop the habit of speaking with purpose and clarity

4. Stop speaking at every chance

5. When you have a valid point but others do not agree — give the comparisons and why what you are suggesting is better — use the power of silence with a confident smile looking into the eyes of others

6. Kill the urge to explain yourself unnecessarily

7. But when you don’t know the answer — you must ask till you learn whatever is needed — without bothering about what others would think — if someone says that you don’t even know this — smile and say yes you don’t and then silence

8. When you face morons, jerks and assholes — never try to convince themit would be teaching a pig to sing which will waste your time and annoy the pig

9. Learn to identify jerks, morons and Identify idiots early — never try to change them as they will never change so don’t waste your time and energy

10. Never take any idiot personally — they might now be attacking you — they probably are just being idiots

11. Never argue with idiots — it will always backfire on you

12. Never try to explain your sound logic or try to reason with them — their idiot logic is all that they understand

13. Understand that it only takes another moron to please one idiot — if you are not an idiot yourself DON’T even try

14. Never expect idiots to appreciate your intelligence and your bright ideas — they feel they know it better and that you are the moron

15. Learn to never let any idiot trigger you into foolish actions and behaviors

16. Understand that depending on where you live, work and socialize — you would encounter few of them every day — unless it is important and unavoidable — don’t let them near you

17. Stop trying to answer all questions — answer those that have maximum impact to make your voice more potent

18. If you can learn to use the power of silence during negotiations — to unnerve your opponent — by making them wonder about your motives and goals

19. Compliment using your power of silence by also asking powerful questions

20. Learn to create a pause — before answering — wait 10 seconds before you respond

21. If you are a team-leader — don’t tell them what to do — instead ask and listen — you may find you are getting better output and cooperation

22. When you propose some new idea — engage your team to discuss — both sides of the deal — and then create the buy-in of the team by using theirs and your suggestions

23. To Empower Others — don’t tell — instead ask

24. If you want others to answer — wait for at least 15 second after asking questions

25. When you don’t want to answer some questions — smile and remain silent

26. Don’t try to over-explain — especially if you are not sure about what you are proposing — Ask the question and stop — so not to dilute the power of your message

27. While you are silent — focus your mind to listen and trigger new ideas — which you must note-down immediately

28. Use the power of silence to listen to build trust

29. When someone accuses you or blames you or criticizes you or gives you suggestions to improve — use the power of silence to contemplate these objectively — without getting annoyed or irritated with others — discard what is not helpful

30. Overcome your fear of being silent as an indicator of showing disconnection — if you use it well it will create close bonds and intimacy

31. Of course you have to find a balance between When to Speak Up and When to Listen In Silence — this is wisdom that will come from practicing silence consciously

32. You can use silence to show your displeasure about something against your core values

33. Tips to practice and give more power to the power of silence

I. Learn and practice the very powerful habit of reading in silence and contemplating

II. You may also listen to the masters

III. Learn to dance to a piece of music playing in your ears

IV. Learn to stop the urge to interrupt to make your point

V. Learn to listen with attention without judgment or without giving solutions to their problems — when your loved ones are angry and venting

VI. Use the power of silence during conflict — to make the other person cool down

VII. Learn the art of creating Deeper Intimacy in your most important Relationships

VIII. Learn to honor other’s Boundaries with respect, understand if and Silence

IX. Create Safe Spaces for your loved ones to become vulnerable with you

This article was originally published as “42 Tips using the power of silence strategically and benefits of the power of silence “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]

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