Master the powerful art of ignoring people and things
What’s the secret to living a peaceful and fulfilling life — You must Master the Art of Ignoring. In this article we will learn
- -15 Basics Clarifications about the Art of Ignoring and Developing the Right type of Thick-skin
- -Choosing the Correct Hard from 10 Areas — as Life is tough most of you would agree
- -39 things you need to learn to ignore and develop a thick-skin for — that is neither bother about these OR let them bother you
- -19 things what you should never ignore
- -68 ways to Learn and Master the art of ignoring and developing thick skin strategically
15 Basics Clarifications about the Art of Ignoring and Developing the Right type of Thick-skin Choosing the Correct Hard from 10 Areas — as Life is tough most of you would agree
I have given two tough choices in the following 10 areas [you can add yours to this list] — It will be tough and hard in both the choices — But if you want your life to be more satisfying, more fulfilling, happier and more successful — you need to choose the right-tough.
- 1.Maintaining relationship is tough — living alone and lonely is even tougher
- 2.Blaming others, making excuses, justifying is easy — taking ownership and full responsibility is very tough
- 3.Relaxing and having fun is easy — Discipline is tough
- 4.Being obese is easy as well as tough — exercising to remain fit is tough
- 5.Not expressing is easy — expressing yourself honestly is tough
- 6.Asking tough questions is tough — not asking and living in ignorance is easy
- 7.Spending is easy — earning and saving is very tough
- 8.Working hard is tough — finding means to avoid work is easy BUT needs creativity
- 9.Taking risks and making mistakes and failing is tough and accepting these is tough — regret of not doing is tougher
- 10. Getting into argument is easy — avoid proving yourself right is tough
39 things you need to learn to ignore and develop a thick-skin for — that is neither bother about these OR let them bother you 19 things what you should never ignore 68 ways to Learn and Master the art of ignoring and developing thick skin strategically
#whatisartofignoring, #whyweneedtolearntoignorecertainthingsandpeople, #masteringtheartofignoringstrategically, #howtodevelopathickskin, #whytodevelopathickskin, #lifeishard, #whyshouldbechoosethecorrectbattle, #whatweshouldnotbotherabout, #whatweshouldnotletbotherus, #developingthepositivetypeofthickskin, #whomandwhattoignore, #whatwhenwhomdon’tignore, #avoidgettingemotionallyoverwhelmed, #handlecriticismcalmly, #givingsilenttreatmenthurts, #whenwegetignoredwefeelhorrible, #createblisscontentmentandhappiness, #facingrejectiontherightway, #avoidpleasingothers, #stopbeingdefensivewhencriticized, #dotherightthingstoptryingtobepopular, #developthickskinwithoutbeingobnoxious, #Workonyourselfesteemselfconfidenceselfworthselfpride, # secretoflivingpeacefulandfulfillinglife
Originally published at on October 27, 2020.