Mastering Art of Powerful Simple Communication and Presentation


60 tips How to Master the Art of Simple Impactful Communication

In this article you will learn the following

-60 Tips for creating impactful, retainable and recallable communication

-13 tips The art of storytelling in corporate communications

Have you come across people who use too many words to explain a simple concept.

Why many of us — go on a long-winded way when explaining something.

Why it is difficult for many of us to be precise and concise — even though we may know and appreciate the kiss-method [keep it simple and short] of communication.

Some of the reasons which may make you over-explain and over-talk — could be — lack of self-confidence, insecurity, fear, anxiety, lack of clarity and lack of practice and preparations.

Surprisingly — sometimes too much talking can even be due to having over-confidence.

When we talk too much — we dilute the significance, the gravitas and the impact — of even most important topics.

60 Tips for creating impactful, retainable and recallable communication

1. Research adequately through real-time interactions with your sample target audience — to discover what is the most important reason for them to listen to you

2. Identify in how many different styles — you can create curiosity, interest and suspense while narrating your story [word story is used here to mean — all communications, presentations, talks and interactions]

3. Identify all the different ways — successful communicators — create impression of awe

4. Explore what all the tricks, techniques, tools and styles — you can incorporate naturally in your communication

5. Identify what different types of Most-Powerful-Opening you can go for

6. Identify what different types of memorable and impactful closing you can go for

7. Identify how you can build connection with your audience and how can you keep them engaged throughout

8. Learn ways to challenge them and to make your audience come out with their own action plans to become better

9. Create multiple ways to pivot your style, focus and theme — if what you thought would work — did not work

10. Stop having too much expectation from your audience — to avoid feeling frustrated and bad about your performance and guilt

11. Learn to deal with failures and rejections — which will be there all the time

12. Always create learnings from your failed interactions and communications

13. Even when you deliver very well — Go through microscope — to find out what else you could have done and how you could have made this communication the greatest talk that you ever gave

14. Don’t get stuck with perfection — instead focus on excellence

15. Focus on how you can create unparalleled value-addition to your audience — whether it is 1 on 1 or in a group — face to face or virtually or even through written communication

16. Find ways to become unstuck -when you get stuck — uses your vulnerabilities

17. Create multiple scripts for your delivery

18. Prepare and practice a great deal — the Golden rule of practice is that for a delivery of 10 minutes — you must practice for at least 20 hours post-your all preparations

19. Find out what real-time examples you can use to impress your audience

20. Find out what data, figures, charts, videos, audios, movies etc. You can use to create lasting powerful impressions

21. Experiment with different styles, methods and tools — experiment — change and improvise constantly

22. Always have few alternate sets of delivery to replace your planned script

23. If you are going to be communicating for long with your audience — keep an ever expanding bouquet of games, riddles, puzzles, energizers etc.

24. If possible start with a story or a riveting quiz

25. Make all your interactions fully participative — even if it is 1 on 1 interview

26. Identify and refine what can be done better and then keep on improving

27. Choose the right mix of channel, medium and mode to interact — like I had to do a full day workshop for a group of people — who were a mix of visually-impaired as well as those who had challenges hearing and speaking

28. Update your story and scripts — once you get the feel of the audience

29. In your stories always include challenging-issues and even some ridiculous solutions — to trigger the creativity

30. Create and use conflict among the audience to make them fully involved

31. Speak naturally — tell your story the way you speak with your friends

32. Use lots of visuals

33. Make your presentation easy to relate with

34. Create disruptive surprises

35. To make people take actions — highlight the benefits and scary losses

36. In the start — if you are using a story — make people assume that they know the story and then create such a wonderful different perspective they could not have imagined — to make them pay attention to you

37. If you story can be told in 20 minutes — complete your presentation in only 12 minutes to make it very powerful and impactful to make your audience wanting more

38. Present different points of view — especially the opposing ones and then show why what you are suggesting is better option

39. Be absolutely clear about what deliverables you want to achieve through your presentation

40. Be clear about what types of objections may come — and develop powerful response to them

41. Have a clear structure in how you go

42. Use your personal experiences to engage your audience

43. Spend time in observing good storytellers and incorporate in your own development

44. Build suspense gradually and strategically

45. Use planned conflict to get the audience find better solutions

46. Invite their perspective and challenge the participants to see which one is better

47. Encourage discussions to find what is right — avoid creating arguments and fights on personalities

48. Never overload your audience with too much information

49. Use touch, move and inspire method

50. Never play know it all experts — project yourself as humble learner

51. Don’t repeat same point

52. Remove excess words from your speech

53. Ensure that you cover the important stuff first — be creative with your chronology of delivery

54. Have few powerful punchline to create suspenseful-tension

55. Leave your audience with a sense of awe

56. Practice and practice some more — with friends and family — get feedback from most objective experts

57. Ensure that your story is entertaining, believable, educational, organized, memorable and which moves your people

58. Master the art of asking thought-provoking, inspiring and self-introspecting questions

59. Never go for exaggeration and manipulation — don’t try to put your audience down

60. 13 tips The art of storytelling in corporate communications

I. How your business adds value to the customer, the community, the society, the country and helps the growth

II. What problems the organization’s proposition solves

III. What motivates the employees and leadership

IV. Why your organization offers most effective solutions

V. What is your niche and why your organization is a leader in this niche

VI. How your organization resolves disagreements, disputes and service-product failures

VII. Why your organization is considered as expert

VIII. Create emotional appeal in your narration, presentations and story-telling

IX. Keep your core message — very-very simple to understand

X. Learn ways to build authenticity, trust and respect

XI. In your stories focus on what your customers care about

XII. Strive to forge a meaningful connection between your brand and your customers

XIII. It is alright to highlight the risks

This article was originally published as “60 tips How to Master the Art of Simple Impactful Communication “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]

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