Redefining Redesigning Recreating Your Future for Post Corona World


Redefine Redesign Recreate Your Future Right Now

How many of you believe, feel, assume — that your life would be as it was [before this became absolute global disruption] — in the Post Novel Corona Virus Covid19 World [when the cure is found, vaccine for future is invented and the virus gets stopped totally].

After the lockdowns, the self-isolations, social-distancing, working from home or no work at all, salary and wages cut OR no salary or wages for many people.

One thing you can be certain of — it is wide-spread misery in almost all of the third-world countries and even in the most economically strong economies people would be up against the insurmountable challenges.

Unless you are in the 1% of the group that holds world’s 95%+ wealth AND also those who have well-paying secured jobs — then you may not need to worry — off course there will be impacts on you — in most aspects you can still live comfortably.

BUT — for all others — it would be nightmarishly horror story full of newer and newer miseries.

These would range from financial ruination to career and professional cessation to relationship break-ups to psychological and health issues and expenses.

Although in some people’s cases — it can be a better and improved financial, professional, relationship state.

THEREFORE IT IS MANDATORY THAT WE REDEFINE, REDESIGN AND RECREATE OUR FUTURE NOW — this has to be done absolutely without any Assumptions, Presumptions, Pre-conceived and hitherto established norms and practices.

We can’t even use our past experiences as our guidelines and references — because there is no precedence of this in history save few mythological tales.

All of us have to transform ourselves — from ground-zero, from scratch — in the following areas

1. Our mindsets, attitude, beliefs

2. Our habits

3. Our expectations from life and future — as future would no longer be what it used to be

4. Our taken for granted and assumed way of things

5. Our niche, expertise, our skills, our knowledge, our exposure, our experiences — many of which would become irrelevant

6. How we perceive ourselves, our work, our relationships etc. etc.

This blog is for those people — who are right now busy themselves in the process of identifying the BEST out of the worst and thinking about turning this unprecedented crisis into a huge opportunity — ETHICALLY.

Before we go further — let us see what will or has changed AND what remains same.

What changes you can expect — Negative Ones

1. The way you work and where you work — organizations and schools/universities have already found and are in the process of polishing [in addition to MOOC courses] — the ways to make people work from home, students learn while sitting at home. A big financial and other headache saving way

2. If the above happens — the demand for actual physical office space would go down tremendously — creating a crisis in the real-estate and construction

3. When work from home happens — a major business of transport and local conveyance would overnight shrink

4. Hotels, airlines and all the associated work with travel industry are definitely going to take beating — as people for some time to come would travel only for most essential

5. Work from home culture will also make many jobs redundant

6. The manufacturing sector — because the consumption will go down — would get into cost-cutting, downsizing and automation in big ways — creating even more job losses

7. When the business and industries and manufacturing take hit — the banks — from where these businesses have taken loans WOULD FOLD AND CRASH — as these industries would default in their payment

8. If banks collapse — then the common man whose savings are kept in these banks — too would become financially bust and destroyed and will turn into pauper overnight

9. When the people don’t have money — they will only buy the most essential and most basics — then the consumption would go down AND THAT WOULD LEAD TO THE ECONOMIC BOOSTERS GETTING CHOKED — so the countries would crash too

10. With all the above happening — the stress will take its toll on the — relationship, the health etc. etc.

11. The expenses would shoot up for medical and allied needs ALTHOUGH the income has either become much lessor or dried up completely

12. Domestic-violence/Divorce rates, suicides, breakups, crimes on the street, scams — would become all time high

13. Some jobs and business would have no longer any meaning

What changes you can expect — Positives ones

1. The essential items needed for human survival would have good growth

2. The products/businesses those help other organizations save money — like Robots or Apps or Software — will see extra-ordinary growth

3. Few of the service industries will see unprecedented growth

4. Medical and its all the allied Industries will bloom further as people will be more concern about their health

5. The demand for the maintenance people — in the immediate aftermath of Post-Corona world will be all time high — like say for lumbers, electricians, mechanic of every type

6. There will be demand for people who are equipped with the skills in these areas Plus people who are expert in multiple skills will be in demand

7. Farming may see big growth

8. In the education sector — the only course which would be in demand — those which makes either a person immediately employable OR opens avenues for him/her to earn money on their own

9. The start-ups which can recognize the hidden opportunities in this human-crisis — would upscale and grow with fantastic speed

The things that won’t change — You can be fully sure few things that won’t change

[all of these following have separate do-it-yourself blogs in Success Unlimited Mantra’s blog section “from the heart of Subhashis” as well as in our other website relationshipandhappiness dot com]

1. The basics of happiness

2. The basics of success

3. The basics of relationship

4. The basics of growth

5. The basics of peace of mind

6. The importance of soft-skills

7. The importance of life-skills

8. The importance of planning, decision-making and problem solving

9. The importance of persistence, consistency and follow-through

10. The importance of Discipline and Determination

11. The importance of self-care

12. The importance of helping others grow

13. The importance of learning the skills to handle stress, anger, frustrations etc. etc.

14. The importance of learning continuously

15. Importance of having and living your core-values

16. Going for change pro-actively

17. Developing your very-own niche

18. Importance of creating value for others

19. Importance of living your life with happiness

20. Importance of creativity and innovations

21. Importance of working towards creating peace of mind

22. Ditching the need for mindless competition

23. Importance of Communication — both with others and internal with yourself

24. Focus on the most meaningful and ditching insignificant

Add to your list — as the aforesaid are given to catalyze your thinking


Learning to act by predicting the future. Based on the above points — DO THE FOLLOWING — for full read “Essentiality of Redefining Your Future Right Now” in Success Unlimited Mantra’s blog section “from the heart of Subhashis”



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