Remember Choluteca-Bridge Story & Use the Law of Impermanence for Massive Growth


48 tips for creating a life of joy and happiness concept of impermanence

Before you start believing in permanence remember Choluteca-Bridge story

In this article you will learn the following

-48 tips for creating a life of joy and happiness by learning how to accept the impermanence of life

-Identify and learn to let go of the 17 cognitive-distortions for a fulfilling life

-Life-Lessons from Choluteca-Bridge

-The Choluteca-Bridge Story

In the recent memories — the intense Covid19 period experience — have made many people realize that nothing is permanent.

Disruptions, changes and impermanence — is what happens constantly.

BUT — If you believe that something can be permanent and you put your greatest efforts in building or creating that — you may be making a Choluteca-Bridge.

The Choluteca-Bridge Story

Choluteca-Bridge was built over the river Choluteca in Honduras — in Central America — a dangerous place because of natural calamities [especially storms and hurricanes] along gang-wars, crime and drugs-trafficking.

Choluteca-Bridge a 484-metre-long Bridge was built by a Japanese firm -this was designed to withstand the most powerful forces of nature and extreme weather conditions.

Like many of the things Japanese build — this Choluteca-Bridge too was a marvel of design and engineering and soon became the pride and joy for the residents.

But in the same year after it was thrown open to public — Hurricane-Mitch hit Honduras — which received equivalent of 6 months of rains in just 6 days making the river Choluteca flood the entire region — all the Bridges in Honduras were destroyed ONLY the new Choluteca-Bridge remain unaffected.

Storm was of such magnitude that created a phenomenon that rivers occasionally acquire — river Choluteca changed its course and started flowing beside the Bridge and not under it.

The Bridge was intact — BUT — both the roads leading to it and leaving this Bridge both side were completely swept-away in such a way that there was no sign of any road ever being there remained.

So the Choluteca-Bridge became a Bridge to nowhere and a Bridge over nothing.

Life-Lessons from Choluteca-Bridge

This story about Choluteca-Bridge — is so wonderful that it can teach us one of the most fantastic lessons of life.

If you can apply these lessons in your life then it can — reduce stress, eliminate unnecessary anxiety and can actually make you enjoy the journey of life.

World is changing so fast and in such unimaginable ways — that everything — the jobs, career, skill-sets, expertise are becoming redundant.

Managing to retain your job is a constant struggle and pain for many.

Old technology is becoming obsolete so fast — that businesses and individuals are struggling to just keep with the pace of change.

The middle class in India had a mindset of building and owning home -as it was considered permanent — as well as a great investment tool — in the current world — it is neither.

Most us may experience — changes which completely alters our life totally.

Many of the global brands and products — that were considered solid and were admired as visionary and leaders — have vanished in last 60–70 years.

You may find the problems your businesses exists to solve — those problems are no more of any significance as new problems have emerged which your current offering cannot solve.

Now-a-days — the term — life-time-guarantyonly means the life the manufacturers has determined for that specific product — which is maximum 2–4 years in most cases.

That is why it is imperative to learn — the importance of impermanence.

Imagine if all of us understand and accept that our life and its problems are not permanent — And instead of focusing on materialistic accumulations — we start focusing on building loving relationships with our most loved ones and find ways to create happiness, love care for them — then most probably our lives will become real blissful.

48 tips for creating a life of joy and happiness by learning how to accept the impermanence of life

  • 1.Get a photo of Choluteca-Bridge — Put in on a wall — as a reminder — that nothing is permanent
  • 2.If you can’t control what is happening — try to challenge and create actions to make your responses to uncontrollable situations more empowering
  • 3.Create acceptance for the truth that — in life everything changes, circumstances will change — therefore your perceptions too have also to get updated
  • 4.Accept that you will face upheaving changes — which may keep oscillating between bad to better and from good to worse — may help you your life’s ups and downs — better
  • 5.Start taking delight and enjoy when the time is good till it lasts
  • 6.Understand that — none of these — your job, your relationships, your hardships, your happiness, your health, your wealth, your power, your friend, your position, your business, your beauty, your muscles — are permanent
  • 7.Learn not to attach yourself with any of the above deeply — to avoid heartbreak and pain
  • 8.Learn to do your best — in any situation
  • 9.If possible — identify what you need to do to be best prepared — by expecting changes taking place in every aspect of your life
  • 10.Stop wanting things to stay exactly as they are — they won’t
  • 11.Practice becoming comfortable in uncertainty, chaos and disruptions
  • 12.Don’t let your EGO make you put your name on things — to leave a permanent mark of you — after you are gone it won’t matter to you at all and others will forget it sooner
  • 13.Welcome the new changes in your views and opinions to evolve and grow — you should proactively challenge your assumption and change it
  • 14.Understand impermanence and continuous change is the truth in life
  • 15.Understand that you like others will — grow old, lose job, may get fired from your job, lose your loved ones, may have financial loss, may have health issues, may get separated from your loved ones, may have an accident
  • 16.Understand that these things happens to especially when they least expect it
  • 17.Learn to get back into the action to bring back your life on the track — however different the destination of track become
  • 18.Learn to let go of your shame, regret, hurt, guilt, failures etc.
  • 19.Learn to discover and use the opportunities in impermanence and in disruptions
  • 20.Share joy make others happy
  • 21.Search and find newer meanings to your life and enjoy life
  • 22.If possible nurture the habit of gratitude — be thankful -everyday
  • 23.Stop comparing with anyonecomparison is always unfair and happens between an apple and potato
  • 24.Learn to stop being jealous of others
  • 25.Stop hatemongering and gossiping
  • 26.Stop living in the past — find joy in the present
  • 27.Treat your most important relationships and loved ones — with the most love and care that you can give
  • 28.Care for your own self too
  • 29.Create healthy routines and empowering habits of mind
  • 30.Surround yourself with good people
  • 31.Get rid of toxic, manipulative, difficult, controlling, difficult people
  • 32.Learn to deal with these people if you can’t get rid of them or avoid them
  • 33.Seek out people who inspire you to be your best self
  • 34.Encourage others in their hard time to keep going
  • 35.Use your fear to do what to love to do
  • 36.Don’t let your fear stop you — draw on your inner strength — acknowledge your victories -work on your strengths
  • 37.Experiment with life try new ways to make your life better and more satisfying
  • 38.Develop the power of acceptance for your loss, your mistakes and failures as well as past — learn to move on instead of resisting
  • 39.Accept what had happened stop fighting to change others
  • 40.Learn to understand impermanence regularly-understand that most of us don’t know the true nature of reality, we may mistake the material world for the true reality as something permanent and unchanging — AND that we mistake our ego for our true self when it too is a field of change and is constantly transforming
  • 41.Learn to meditate and introspect to evolve by expanding your awareness about your own self
  • 42.Practice the habit of becoming disassociate and cultivate detachment
  • 43.Use the concept of impermanence to nurture healthy relationships
  • 44.Understand what is and what is not possible in a specific relationship — understand that — there could be things — that may have a beginning and an end AND also those that have no beginning and no end plus those that have no beginning BUT have an end and lastly those that have a beginning, but no end.
  • 45.Understand in the relationship — there would be a beginning and an end of many things — things would change from moment to moment as it may go to go up and down — it may not bring ultimate happiness to you — this relationship is not the only relationship that you have in your lives and your life may go on regardless of this relationship ending
  • 46.Adjust correct and reduce expectations- from yourself and others
  • 47.Become aware and acknowledge the changes which are taking place — then accept the change — embrace the wisdom of the learnings from the experience -recognize you’re growing stronger
  • 48.Identify and learn to let go of the following 17 cognitive distortions — to avoid negative thinking — as the cognitive distortions makes your mind believe negative things about yourself which are not necessarily true
  • I.Mental filtering -ignoring all positives in a situation and focusing only on the negatives
  • II.Polarization or all-or-nothing thinking
  • III.Overgeneralization — taking an isolated negative event and turn it into a never-ending pattern of loss and defeat
  • IV.Discounting the positive — dismissing positives as something of no value when you do think of positive aspects
  • V.Jumping to conclusions by interpreting an event or situation negatively without any evidence supporting such a conclusion — based solely on your assumptions
  • VI.Catastrophizing — imagining worst possible conclusion in every scenario, no matter how improbable it is with what if internal dialogue
  • VII.Personalization believe that you are responsible for something negative and making yourself feel guilty
  • VIII.Taking everything personally
  • IX.Blaming without corroboration and without contemplating all the involved factors
  • X.Control fallacies -you feel you have no control at all over anything in your life or in control of everything in your and other people’s lives
  • XI.Fallacy of fairness measuring every behavior and situation on a scale of fairness — believing you know what’s fair and what isn’t, and it upsets you when other people disagree with you
  • XII.Blaming — this distortion comes from believing that others have the power to affect your life — more than yourself and hence try to make others responsible for how you feel
  • XIII.Living with Shoulds & Musts -Shoulds statements are subjective ironclad rules you set for yourself and others without considering the specifics of a circumstance
  • XIV.Believing your own emotional reasoning as the only truth
  • XV.Fallacy of change — expecting other people will change their ways to suit your expectations or needs
  • XVI.Global labeling — when you judge and then define yourself or others based on an isolated event -the labels assigned are usually negative and extreme
  • XVII.Thought of always being right -you see your own opinions as facts of life and you will go to great lengths to prove you are right
  • This article was originally published as “48 tips for creating a life of joy and happiness concept of impermanence “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]
  • #creatingjoyandhaappiness, #CholutecaBridgeStory, #cognitivedistortions, #disruptionschanges, #impermanence, #whyimpermanenceispermanent, #letgoofideaofpermanence, #lessonsfromCholutecaBridgeStory, #lifelessons, #abridgetonowhere, #yourlifeanditsproblemsarenotpermanent, #understandwhatwillnotremainalways, #fulfillinglife, #blissfullife



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