Sharpening Your Brain and Intelligence Stop Brain Decline


70 tips to keep your brain alert, sharp and brilliant

In this article you will learn the following

-Why rejuvenating, recharging and invigorating your brain on everyday basis is the most important thing that you have to do

-70+ tips to keep your brain alert, sharp and brilliant and preventing mental-decline and mental-degeneration

Many of the things that we don’t use — actually deteriorate in their value, power and effectiveness [very much similar to the unused machinery which becomes rusted and unusable]

1. Money kept in cash as well as in simple savings devalues

2. Unused your intelligence, skills, competencies, expertise, talent — diminishes

3. If you have acquired knowledge which you don’t use it simply sit as a burden in your head delivering no value whatsoever

4. If you don’t consistently and with focus use your potential regularly, it gets lessor and lessor

5. All the time that you have wasted is lost forever

6. Your unused potential decays

In some cases -what is not used is abused, exploited or ill-used — like in India people encroach or illegally occupy other’s properties and assets.

If you have knowledge, potential, skills, talent, intelligence and brilliance — it could the biggest tragedy of your life [and in few instances for the] — if you don’t make judicious use of these gifts to create a most powerful growth and progress story.

Use it, or you will lose it — principals most applicable in keeping your brain functioning optimally by engaging it to solve complex challenges through finding simple yet more effective ways of doing thing or moving forward and through learning new skills.

Just like the innumerable advantages of physical exercises the benefits of planned and disciplined cognitive engagement — is more far-reaching for people transiting from their 30s onwards [although youngsters too would get solid benefits in their academics, profession, social as well as in other areas of life.

Why mental abilities of people take hit who are going from their 30s to their 40s and so on — one reason is that — instead of acquiring and learning newer abilities and skills — you are mostly using the abilities that you acquired earlier in life.

Meaning in other words — you keep doing what you have always done and in the exact ways you have always done.

And because your brain does not get sufficiently challenged with new information — it eventually begins to deteriorate and starts losing its earlier capabilities as well.

Most of us to a large extent- operate on autopilot mode without really being consciously engaged in whatever you are doing — as it is said that now a days — only machines are learning.

Only by providing your brain with appropriate stimulations on a regular every day basis — you would be able to counter and reverse this degeneration.

To reverse your brain-decline as well as general-functional weakening — you have to proactively engage in meaningful, interesting and worthy pursuit.

In other words you have to have seriousness of purpose — in whatever goals you choose for yourself.

Besides this you also need to have people in your circle — to give you feedback about how you are doing as well as having significant rewards to reinforce the changes and also to inspire you to continue taking actions.

You also need to raise the bar on a regular basis in the difficulty levels of what you do — then only the brain will change and you will see your performance go to higher and higher and higher and higher.

For the benefits to accrue — create a discipline to learn, practice and do something hard yet meaningful — for at least 30 minutes every day — but please ensure not to overdo — as you may find that the resulting benefits are not as great.

You have to also keep in mind that your focus has to be always on the most important thing that also matters most to you.

You can choose various ways to — make your brain struggle by giving it tasks that earlier you would use a tool for — these tasks could be say — doing calculations in the mind, testing your reasoning abilities, identifying your aptitude, training your memory for accurate recall, sharpening your reflexes as well as your creative problem-solving abilities.

Be in the company of and connect with — people who are mentally alert, sharp, highly intelligent and highly agile — it plays very important role in strengthening and sharpening your brain-power and consequently your physical and emotional well-being.

To get the real sustainable changes — your continuous and consistent engagement in all of these activities [including the tips given below] is mandatory to maintain your brain power.

There are studies which suggests that learning newer skills adds more value — than only solving crossword puzzles.

It is of paramount importance that the activity you have chosen has element of novelty and make you exposed to sustained levels of challenge.

For measurable and visible changes in your mental and emotional states — You need to learn new crucial skills through experts in a structured and disciplined way.

Learning new unique skills may delay dementia and or Alzheimer [although scientist have yet to validate this claim].

It has been established by science and medical research that — your brain continues to make new neurons throughout life in response to intense mental activities — and you might get back a few of the brain functions — should you choose to actively pursue these activities while having fun.

Your brain changes physically, functionally, and chemically — as you acquire any new meaningful and innovative — ability or skill.

It is proven thing when we stretch beyond our capabilities in the realm of unknown and uncertain by challenging ourselves — your potential and well as abilities gets strengthened.

Of-course — your lifestyle plays a serious role in the mental and cognitive deterioration.

70+ tips to keep your brain alert, sharp and brilliant and preventing mental-decline and mental-degeneration — most one line tips have detailed do-it-yourself blogs in my two websites as well as on my Quora answers

1. Start keeping track of your appointments and to-do lists in your head — instead of using apps and gadgets.

2. Start testing your memories — by remembering — the birthdays, the anniversaries, mobile numbers and so on — of the people close to you

3. Learn to become a great observer — whether you are walking, sitting in park or even when relaxing

4. Develop the art of being curious — develop and practice childlike curiosity in all new things you come across

5. Never accept the first explanation that comes to your mind — challenge and train your brain to come up with alternative views and possibilities

6. Be in the nature — and make efforts to note and enjoy all that is good — the smell of flowers, the greenery, the fresh air, the bird-chirping, the squirrels running

7. Go for awareness-meditation — while in nature — feel all the sensations that your different parts of your body have including how your breath is going in and coming out

8. Lie-down close your eyes — let your body relax and breathing ease — be aware of what is happening around you — without paying any attention actively

9. Go for fast walk and run for as long as you are comfortable — all the while enjoying

10. Identify one habit that you would like to get rid of — do something on this everyday

11. Identify one habit that you need to inculcate — take one action every day towards this

12. Identify one area of improvement that you need to work on

13. Unless it is completely impossible — try to exercise for at least 20–30 minutes every day plus walk for at least 45–60 minutes

14. Identify what one new skill you need to learn to make you employer friendly — find ways to learn and practice learn, discover and find your purpose — it has to be something that at your current age also excites and inspires you into action mode

15. Learn to manage your emotions

16. Let go of grudges as well as the idea of taking revenge on those who harmed you

17. Start operating from your areas of control and ignore things beyond your control

18. Practice gratitude

19. Pause to notice and enjoy the simple things — having tea while enjoying the sunrise

20. Schedule regular family meals

21. Go for safe outdoor sports

22. Take action — you must act — taking actions liberates you and makes you free to enjoy life — That is where your freedom lies -as you continue to act, more ideas will come. When you act, the ideas will come — create situations that force you to act — situations of such extreme demand that trigger both an internal and external enthusiasm and drive — the bolder the action, the greater the shattering of subconscious patterns

23. Creativity follows creation — when you act, you’ll get an inflow of thoughts and ideas — you will then need to turn those ideas into tangible creations for the use and benefit of other people

24. Have healthy and regular sex as sex is fun — and you should be having as much of it as you can — don’t miss out on the many well-documented emotional, mental and physical benefits of having regular and satisfying sex

25. Make a list of experiences you’d like to have — challenge yourself to try something new each day

26. Identify strengths and areas where you would like to grow -make sure you’re seeking what you really want

27. Create a self-care plan

28. Practice self-compassion

29. Show yourself some love — instead of pushing yourself to keep going and try harder — take a break and give yourself time to recharge when you need to finish an assignment

30. Maintain the right balance between focusing on yourself and focusing on others — giving most of your energy to other people leaves may leave you with little for yourself which in itself can trigger brain deterioration

31. Spend time doing things you love

32. Stop comparing yourself with others

33. Examine your values especially when you are having tough time — as it is you may lose sight of your personal values — review revisit and recreate — to reconsider the specific qualities — refocus your attention on who you are and who you want to become — explore ways to incorporate them into your life in meaningful ways

This article was originally published “70 tips to keep your brain alert, sharp and brilliant” in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]

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