Starting Conversation with Powerful People
Your degree of comfort with being-yourself decides how free you would be communicating with others AND the Quality of your relationship, success and popularity.
If you want to become a Master-Communicator — then you have to constantly work on sharpening the finer aspects of communication* like –
1. Asking-questions*
2. Empathy*
3. Listening* [with intent to understand and not reply]
4. Resolving-conflicts* through open-dialogue*
5. Courage-to-express*-yourself, Assertiveness*
6. Having-Discussions*[rather than arguments to prove yourself right and also to show-off how smart you are] etc.
{all the *marked ones have detailed DIY blogs in “from the heart of Subhashis” in “Success Unlimited Mantra”}
If you have polished refined the subtle art of the aforesaid finesse — then
1. The world will look up to you
2. You would attain an enviable and unparalleled Personal-power*.
3. You would attract and build relationship* with right type of powerful* people
4. You would get help from the right people
5. You would have meaningful relationship with those who matters and are power-to-be You will be yourself*[this is the best gift you can give to yourself as well people closer to you
6. You will also have lesser degree of anxiety* and stress*
7. Your personality will that be of Sophisticated-Classy-Sassy one
On the other hand, if you don’t focus on polishing your communication and conversational-intelligence — you would not be able to build trust, rapport and connectivity with people.
It is possible that You are already a natural conversation-starter and being and extrovert you love meeting and connecting with new people -BUT — are you comfortable with walking up to someone powerful at an event — and start talking and leave a lasting-impression.
The process of starting a conversation in any of the meeting, gathering, event or even with a stranger starts with breaking-ice to make both parties comfortable with each-other.
And if you are an introvert and shy — it is definitely advisable if you have a collection of [well-thought of + practiced + tested] — icebreakers.
Most introverts are misunderstood, ignored or not considered weighty — as far as their abilities, skills and competencies are concerned.
This article is about creating a bouquet of situational questions as well as conversational topics — you must create your own — these are just example starters.
The best ones are those which are spontaneous and directly from your heart.
A big mis-conception among the masses about introverts and Shy’s is — that they don’t enjoy the company of people.
They enjoy the company of people as extrovert do — but they need me-time* to re-energize themselves.
The challenge for introverts is not having a conversation — BUT — initiating the interaction.
Whether we are an introvert or an extrovert — all of us can remember and recall awkward moments in initiating and maintaining conversations.
Pre-requisite of a great conversation starter
1. Curiosity element
2. A topic that is non-threatening or non-judgmental [to involve the insecured/ low-self-esteem people]
3. A subject — where all can participate
4. Element of controversy — are — good conversational starters — as long as they don’t hurt or attack anyone in anyway
5. Should have broad scope of answering to solicit engaging responses
6. Non-routine, non-conventional topics
Sample Conversation Topics — Professional Networking Events
1. The Global Scenario Affecting That Particular Industries
2. Technological Changes
3. The disruptive trends
4. The cultural in various organization
5. The challenges you are facing
Questions/Topics for DATING and/or with Strangers
[Just don’t mix the dating questions with the other people] — for full read