Supercharge Your Brain-Power Foggy to Focused 75 Actionable Tips to Unleash Your Superpowers
How to expand your mind to broaden your brain -Boost Memory, Focus & Creativity: 75 Powerful Techniques to Upgrade Your Brainpower
All the tips that are given below -as one-sentence advice — have detailed do-it-yourself articles among the 900+ blogs and 2000+ answers on my Quora page — unless they are completely actionable as they are.
These tips are given randomly and not in any particular order only because almost all of them are stand-alone practicable suggestions that I have found useful in my own life
1. Get mental stimulation all positively mentally stimulating activity — which creates challenges, an urge to learn more, creates hope, and gives you ideas about different solutions and possibilities– would help in building up your brain power
Learn to recognize and see through — propaganda, fake news, whataboutery, hypocrisy, cockwombleness, projections, tyranny, kangaroo courts, banana republic, and crony capitalism
2. Read books that push your boundaries create curiosity and stimulate your brain cells in a very powerful manner — mix your reading genre — some books you can start –Don’t say No when you want to say yes, Focus, Everything is negotiable, the art of asking the question, Thinking Fast and Slow, The Art Of Thinking, The Greatest Salesman In The World, 48 laws of power — find your list of books read them every-day
3. Identify and manage chronic inflammation
4. Get plenty of aerobic and cardio exercise Stay Hydrated
5. Try intermittent fasting — meaning at times avoid having lunch or have only green raw vegetables Never skip breakfast Eat your dinner at least 3–4 hours before bedtime
6. In your every diet — introduce — all or at least some of these — colorful fruits and vegetables for antioxidants, eggs, fish Omega-3 fatty acids, mostly found in fish, Vitamins, and minerals found in several different foods, and Brainpower supplements like L-Thiamine, Choline, and Lion’s Mane, etc.
7. Manage your diabetes, blood pressure/hypertension, thyroid, and lipid profile — get regular checkups from qualified doctors — don’t go for quacks
8. Avoid tobacco — both chewing/smoking, alcohol, and narcotic substances
9. Learn to manage your emotions, your stress, your anxieties, your emotional insecurities, your negative triggers — also Learn the art of turning your energy from negative emotions into positive power
10. Develop, build, and be active in meaningful social and professional networks 11. Socialize and mix with people from different backgrounds and cultures Develop friendships with people of different ages, races, and ethnic backgrounds 12. Train Your Brain to Be More Creative -Meditate, self-reflect, introspect, and spend quality time with yourself
13. Spend time and Engage with nature Get enough sunlight
14. Learn to breathe properly by practicing these breathing techniques — Diaphragmatic Breathing, Pursed Lip Breathing, Breath Counting, Box Breathing, 4–7–8 Breathing, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Ujjayi Breathing, Kapalbhati Breathing, Bhramari Breathing
15. Pay attention and make all your 5 senses highly observant
16. Practice sharpening your sixth sense and learn to try and trust your instinct when the stakes are high 1
7. Learn to be aware of your triggers — both the people and situations — that make you lose your self-control, focus, and concentration
18. Learn to practice NLP’s visualization — also know the difference between powerful visualization vs. wishful daydreaming -Visualize success and anything that you want Practice Multisensory Visualization
19. Activate your creative subconscious part of the brain through many of the techniques given in this article and 900+ articles related to this topic
20. Make learning your everyday mantra — Learn new, emerging, relevant, practical, and useful — skills and expertise
21. Identify habits that you need to acquire — then work on making part of your nature 22. Also, identify habits that you should leave — and work on those to get rid of them or make them powerless
23. Learn the fine art of reframing un-resourceful thoughts or thinking patterns into powerfully positive meaning
24. Have stimulating physical intercourse and love-making
25. STOP watching news channels, especially the INDIAN ones, and avoid watching useless soap-operas on TV
26. Travel Solo -Take Up hobbies like hiking, trekking, mountaineering, Swimming, or walking in nature
27. Learn to play a Musical instrument Learn a foreign language
28. Put pressure and make your memory great — for retaining and recalling at the right time
29. Practice Memorizing Things Test your recall Do simple calculations and math in your head Draw a map from memory Play memory games Try mnemonics
30. Use different games and activities to stimulate your brain like — playing chess or Sudoku, trying out and inventing new recipes Challenge your taste buds
31. Find a few problems and challenges — of your own as well as those that are not connected with you — and solve them by experimenting with unconventional 32. Learn the relaxing way to Sleep
33. Identify and explore many ways to relax and De-Stress — then make a list that works for you
34. Participate in high-energy team sports and activities
35. Learn the NLP’s eye cues — subtly learn how to know what people are thinking
36. Try reading people and then verify your hunches
37. Try a new hobby –master repairing or a new mechanical task — anything from knitting to tennis
38. Connect with new people who make you feel come alive Hang out with insightful people
39. Avoid and get rid of those people -who make you feel bad about yourself
40. Develop the habit of writing your life experiences and anything that interests you
41. Learn to make people Laugh — practice empowering cynicism and wittiness through wisdom and intelligent sarcasm
42 . Learn to make yourself perpetually curious by venturing into uncharted mental territories
43. Try to create a benchmark for whatever you are doing including any mundane and routine tasks by complete focus — Stop multitasking
44. Take breaks Make time for your hobbies
45. Focus on solutions Celebrate small wins
46. Practice gratitude Help others
47. Develop deep meaningful applied knowledge because only that Knowledge gives you power which you apply to stretch and move beyond your current capabilities
48. Watch meaningful and trustable Documentaries
49. Learn programming, coding, and simple shortcuts for Excel, word, and PowerPoint
50. Learn to enjoy and have fun with different types of puzzles and brain-teasers — Try your hand at those card games that make you guess and think BUT without money
51. Develop and build your vocabulary by using exceptionally stirring unique words — but ensure that it becomes a natural part AND not an act to impress others
52. Dance with your partner while listening to soft soothing music OR go for salsa, tap, hip-hop, or contemporary Zumba or jazz ballroom dance and tai chi
53. Make it a habit to Teach others any new skill you want to master
54. Drive a different route to a familiar place — Change your routine and get out of the rut — Try something new, do what you enjoy -Talk to somebody new every day
55. Learn to Listen to others with the only focus to understand others
56. Use both your failures and successes — to learn and apply the lessons in the future
57. Get involved in community work, Attending public lectures, conferences, and seminars
58. Develop the art of reading fast and comprehending the important points 59. Learn and use the learning in multiple places, situations, and people by improvising and customizing as per the situation
60. Embrace Diversity to develop a richer comprehension of the broader world to expand cultural awareness.
61. Try practicing flexibility and adaptability by being open-minded
62. Embrace New Ideas Challenge and Question Your Beliefs, perceptions and assumptions
63. Learn to have enough research and then challenge experts in informed meaningful ways
64. Adopt new Technologies to be the first users — find newer ways to add value to your tasks and the effectiveness of current technologies
65. Learn to hack your attention span, practice thinking like a child to learn faster, and habit of creativity on demand
66. Improve your language and communication skills
67. Use Brain-Boosting Games and Apps and use Creative Quick Fixes for simple tasks to enhance your Problem-Solving
68. Identify your long-term big picture and dream then set appropriate Goals using strategic, critical, and design thinking to plan
69. Get organized in your thinking and practice Revisiting new information in different ways to solve problems that look very tedious at first glance
70. Become clear in your priorities and Learn to focus on the most important things in life
71. Perform simple scientific experiments in your own home.
72. Identify and Fill your knowledge gaps — although nobody is expected to know everything BUT not knowing -what you don’t know and need it badly — can be a real pain in your life — having great awareness is a key to great growth and success
73 . Identify your biases and consciously force yourself to look objectively and break free
74. Keep yourself occupied, engaged, and productive meaningfully — as Boredom does more than just sap your energy–it can also dull your mind
75. Form and maintain close meaningful Relationships to enable you to learn new ideas, learn new subjects, and embrace new ways of living
This article was originally published as “75 Powerful Techniques to Upgrade Your Brainpower & to Boost Memory, Focus Creativity “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]
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