Surviving the Toughest Phase of Your Life Post Corona-Covid19


How to prepare for a tough life of very long-haul ahead

I can guarantee you this — that it is going to be a very-very long-haul — with only your resolve, determination, and continuously pivoting and changing and relearning — may — make you remain afloat.

That is not so say it will be easy — in fact — you can remove the word EASY from your life’s dictionary at least for the near future.

Nothing profound, worthwhile or meaningful — was ever easy accomplish — now it has only become very-very tough — as THE WORST IS YET TO COME.

There is a popular saying “prepare for the worst and hope for the best” — HERE I AM SAYING THAT — Prepare for the worst AND mentally ready for it to be worstest.

Sounds like pessimistic approach — but in today’s approaching economic-catastrophe — this looking and preparing for the most unthinkably bad situation — may turn out to be a great strategy to remain sane and in control of your life as much as possible.

Even if you are among those businesses or profession or jobs — which seems secured — complete volatility, complexities, uncertainties and ambiguities of this world around you ]on which you are dependent on] — will impact you sooner or later.

Maybe before this corona-covid19 hit us — your life was good, maybe not perfect — but it had its own charm of fun and joys and satisfaction.

Now because of this corona-covid19 pandemic — you might have lost your job or your means of livelihood, your business or your total financial-reserves or someone you love, or your home, or maybe even your health.

Financial-dooms to relationship-failures to business-bankruptcies to job-losses to education-becoming-redundant — are some of the possible chaos you may face yourself or your loved-ones would — this would be overwhelmingly applicable to INDIA — as the signs are already becoming loud sirens.

The most-fittest of us too may succumb — but the bestest among the fittest would not only survive but become even more stronger.

We may also find ourselves fully unequipped to deal with all that are impacting our lives and livelihoods and basic survival itself — from multiple perspectives.

Life can be downright impossibly-difficult at times — and this one of those rarest of rare phenomenon.

But instead of getting rattled, shattered and devasted by the shock whenever it hits you — don’t you feel that getting yourself mentally, emotionally, financially and skill-wise ready and fit would be a better choice.

Would you like to be among the survivors and trendsetters — then please read on.

— — — — — — — In this article you can find the right strategies to deal with the chaotic world post corona-covid19

A. 49+ Tips for Healthy Mindset Changes at Personal Level

B. 11 Toughest Challenges You as a business head — will face when the nonessential businesses can reopen

C. 34 Tasks as a Business Head You Must to Do Immediately

D. Please also read my previous 6 articles on What to do if you have lost your job, CEOs biggest challenges, Changing roles of top leaders etc. for additional practical do it yourself tips ALONG with other DIY articles on all the major words used in this blog — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -

49 Tips for Healthy Mindset Changes at Personal Level — given in random order

1. If you have been hard and fallen flat — naturally you would take some time to get up — don’t fight with this urge to immediately rise and start the first of the long list of battle that you must fight to win this war.

2. Because even you get up and start running — there are circumstances beyond your control in the world — which may not support your speed.

3. Understand that nothing great will happen soon — so you have to identify and list all your reserves, energies, wits, skills, competencies, will-power, strengths, weaknesses, challenges, the support-network etc. etc. — then consolidate them together

4. Then look at the future — what best you can do — this can never be one choice — BUT — you need to generate long-lists of all possible actions that are within your area of control and influence

5. Sleep over all your options, possibilities, alternatives -again and again — till you find those which sets your heart running

6. Then do the soft testing of your ideas with your loved ones — telling them to find holes in your concept, idea or dreams

7. Stop looking at the clock — because we are right now in a weird timeless zone — whether it is Sunday or Saturday — Does it matter

8. Also stop trying to figure out how long this crisis is going to last

9. This is not the time to have a hourly tracking of progress you are making

10. This is the time to set small, incremental goals daily goals to maximum weekly ones — only when you have accomplished successful and attained the milestones that you had set for this period — you go for the next stage

11. Celebrate with your loved ones even the smallest of your wins

12. You need to accept the fact that You’re not the only one who is going through this crisis — but only You can create plan and execute a strategy to keep you going and also supporting your backers

11 Toughest Challenges You as a business head — will face when the nonessential businesses can reopen

1. Employees would be are nervous about their future if not about getting infected

2. How many and whom would you call and whom would you let go

3. Even if all these you manage to sort out — your customers are not likely to return en-masse

4. Then you will have the most important mother of all question — whether it is worth re-opening

5. How will you pay to employees, vendors, suppliers, utilities, your-debtors

6. How will you collect outstanding that others owe you

34 Tasks as a Business Head You Must to Do Immediately

1. Acquire knowledge — reskill — both yourself as well as your team

2. Rapidly recover revenue — — it will not be enough for companies to recover revenues gradually as the crisis abates- speedy action in this case is the most important aspect

3. Get into Start-up mindset- take action, experiment and improvise

4. Understand what customers will value, post-COVID-19, and develop new use cases and tailored experiences based on those insights

5. Identify and prioritize revenue opportunities — This may include sustained campaigns to win retain loyal customers, reallocating spending to proven growth sources; reskilling employees creating flexible revenue generation models, digitizing and automating processes

6. Maintain a sense of possibility which can become your competitive advantage.

7. Develop an agile operating model — meaning putting a new operating model built around the customer and supported by the right processes

8. Accelerating end-to-end value-chain customization

9. Reinvent and create new value through a far greater responsiveness to your end customers

10. Focus on growth and innovation to increase customer life-time value

11. Build a Business Continuity Plan

12. What’s my burn rate and runway — for all the points in each category please read “How to Prepare for a Tough Life Ahead” in Success Unlimited Mantra’s” DIY Blog section “from the Heart of Subhashis”



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