Transform ‘I Don’t Know’ into Leadership Strength: Essential Tips for Professionals
40 Ways to Say — “I Don’t Know” -With Confidence, Credibility, Class Intelligently in Professional Manner
How to Say I Don’t Know Intelligently & Professionally without diluting your credibility
Fancy ways to say I don’t know -What to say when you don t know the answer
How to say I don’t know professionally in an interview
In this article, you will learn the following
40 Ways to Say — “I Don’t Know” -With Confidence, Credibility, Class Intelligently in Professional Manner
16 Ways to professionally say “I don’t know” in a job interview — READ MY 30+ Blogs ON HOW TO ACE ANY INTERVIEW
15 Reasons that may prevent you from admitting that you don’t know
It is very dangerous and counterproductive to Pretend- that you are competent, proficient, or expert and have in-depth knowledge about something — WHEN YOU ARE NOT.
There are situations when you are supposed to know — BUT DON’T KNOW.
Many people who are not secure about themselves and HAVE HEALTHY CONFIDENCE — feel uneasy, uncomfortable, and scared — to admit that they don’t know — in public.
For some people — saying that they don’t know can trigger a very unresourceful negative emotional state.
The trick to inspire motivate and lead others — is to be fully comfortable with who you are — when you are not the most skilled or most knowledgeable person in the room.
Only highly secure people can admit confidently that they don’t know something — openly and without becoming defensive about it.
Of course, there are consequences of admitting — that you don’t know.
But you also need to understand that not knowing is okay only when you sincerely make an effort to learn what you must know.
To lead successfully you must be willing to examine your own incompetence, lack of skills, and gaps in knowledge and — then find ways to acquire them as fast as possible — from the best in the world.
Many leaders often overestimate how much — their followers expect them to know — and this phenomenon can sometimes trigger the Dunning-Kruger effect.
You are not expected to know everything, but you must show your team members that you are willing to help and also that you are willing to learn the answer.
As a senior leader having a fundamental understanding of a few relevant and necessary technical knowledge will always be helpful to you.
There is no substitute for continuous learning and keeping yourself updated with the latest and relevant knowledge, skills, and expertise.
You also need to have a few techniques up your sleeve to handle a few unexpected situations — where admitting that you don’t know directly might not put you in a favorable light.
This article is about learning about the practical statements that you can use as they are — in a situation where you must admit you do not know what you are supposed to know in your given or chosen role.
40 Ways to Say — “I Don’t Know” -With Confidence, Credibility, Class Intelligently in Professional Manner
1. Avoid the Dunning-Kruger effect — when you are Confident about a certain subject BUT don’t know a lot about it — read my blog on how to recognize and avoid this
2. Use Fact & Logic Justifying Why You Don’t Know — you can say something like this — “If only I knew that — followed by a logic” [that has to be the fact] — like — this information being privileged and you don’t have the privilege of access.
3. Humorous response — “If we knew that we would all be billionaires or we could all be sitting in the Caribbean beaches Sipping whatever” [this response implies — that the answer can be anyone’s best guess — because it is unknowable or unknown at that time].
4. Hot potato diversion response — “Your question raises an interesting point and although it could change the world — if only we knew about X — could anything be done about it” [using this response you are allowing the group to discuss other meaningful issues and then transit to any tangent you want to talk about related to this topic or any others subject].
5. Whataboutery Diversion question — [this highly negative yet effective technique is used by unscrupulous politicians and their crony bureaucrats, manipulators, and con people] — This at times helps you confuse others and make them think in completely other directions TO FORGET ABOUT YOUR lack of knowledge about anything — read my blog on Whataboutery.
6. Using Grandstanding Techniques — To project how great you are AND what you don’t know does not matter or is insignificant — [again this highly negative yet effective technique is used by unscrupulous politicians and their crony bureaucrats, manipulators, and con people — who use it to impress others with how righteous they are with their holier-than-thou attitude — read my blog on Grandstanding]
7. Accepting that you don’t know in such a way that puts you on a pedestal — This technique can be used when someone asks your opinion on an unfamiliar matter — you can say — “I haven’t read anything on the study you’re referring to, but I’d love to know more about those possibilities” OR “I’d love to know more about that!” OR giving it a humorous twist by making and statement like — “I would myself get into that business if I win a lottery of few million dollars”.
8. The coach’s way of asking questions — you facilitate finding answers and knowledge sharing — you may say something like this — “I don’t know about this BUT let me ask someone in this room who may know — this technique makes you look confident, gracious, and generous.
9. Graciously and Nonchalantly Admit you don’t know — and then ask what the best way is to learn this — from whom or where
10. Show a serious interest and curiosity about other’s questions about which you don’t have much clue AND appreciate their attitude of discovery as well as the validity of their question — then you can admit that you are not competent or proficient
11. With genuine seriousness engage people to facilitate finding out the right information and knowledge — Even if all you do is send them to the right person to seek their clarifications
12. Never never never — try to downplay, ignore or shut down the speaker — any of these may eventually make you look foolish, arrogant, and irresponsible.
13. Showcase through your behaviors, words, and actions that you are turning this — You don’t know — into an opportunity for exploration, discovery, learning, and facilitating growth and progress.
14. There will be many phases in your life — When You Don’t Know but You must Know -because your role requires that you do know.
15. Network to build good relationships with people with more experience and those with subject matter expertise — to find the most authentic answers
16. Enroll people who are established experts as your mentors — you can choose whether to go for a formal mentorship relationship or an informal one
17. Make this your mindset — whenever you come across situations when you must know BUT don’t — to honestly admit to yourself that you don’t know and also that you are going to find out and learn
18. When you are faced with a situation in which you need to get the answer- go to the best experts — for this think about who in your network has more knowledge on this topic or can connect you with someone who does.
19. Master the art of Asking Questions — humor-inducing questions, thought-provoking, introspection prompting, creativity triggering
20. Invite collaboration to request the person asking for some information to work together to discover the information needed jointly
21. Sharpen, strengthen, and polish — one of the most important leadership abilities — problem-solving and resourcefulness — which goes far beyond the value of your being an expert on a certain subject.
22. As a Senior Leader it will be less about your technical knowhow and expertise and What You Know — in fact what matters most is your ability — you manage experts, how to ask great questions, and how to bring the best out of your people, developing experts and developing other leaders.
23. You also need to let go of your inner insecurity which prevents you from admitting you don’t know
24. 9 Ways to say no politely How to nicely say NO -Be straightforward — Briefly explain yourself — Bring up an alternative — Express gratitude for being asked -Be assertive but respectful — Don’t beat around the bush -Understand the power of influencing tactics -Seek advice from others
25. 16 Ways to professionally say “I don’t know” in a job interview — READ MY 30+ Blogs ON HOW TO ACE ANY INTERVIEW
I. Acknowledge that you don’t have the answer while demonstrating your willingness to learn and problem-solve & Focus on your desire to learn and adapt — you can say something like — “That’s a great question, but I’m not familiar with that specific detail right now, however, I’m eager to learn more about it” OR that “You haven’t encountered a situation like that before, but you would approach it by — outline a method of learning” OR “I haven’t dealt with a situation like that before, but I would start by asking these questions.”
Read the remaining article as per the following details
This article was originally published as “40 Ways to Say ‘I Don’t Know’ with Confidence, Class, and Credibility: Mastering Intelligent Professional Responses “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]
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