Understanding learning and dealing with depression


In this article — we will learn

  • -27+ profound basics to know, learn, understand and deal effectively with depression
  • -13+ Treatment options for depression — There are effective treatments for moderate and severe depression
  • -14 Natural treatment for depression
  • -27 Depression symptoms — if you have more than 6 of these — then please-please-please consult a qualified-experienced mental-health professional
  • -17 depression types — there are more types besides those mentioned here
  • -9 causes which contributes make people depressive
  • -60 Tips on what can you — yourself do about your depression
  • -30 ways on how can you help a loved one who is depressed

Even if you are not depressed — PLEASE READ THIS — as you may not know — BUT — you could one might save — someone’s life — you care for most.It is possible to manage symptoms with treatments and positive changes -such as lifestyle changes, medication, and therapy. There are lots of actions we can take to lessen the severity of our depression.

We can all make small but meaningful changes to our body, mind and environment — which are within our complete control.

This only means that each of us has the power to improve our quality of life — depression for most of the people can be managed effectively.

We also may need the right treatment — in case — what we do is not working — to add better value and expedite the recovery to a manageable level.

Please-please-please — ensure that whenever you seek treatment — you ensure — that you focus — on creating balance ofmedication, clinical-counseling, behavior-therapy PLUS most important taking actions on your life-goals.

And ensure that- there is a sane and very trusted person — who can take care of — your not being taken advantage by unscrupulous psychiatrists and psychologist — who may prolong the treatment [unfortunately there are few].

27+ profound basics to know, learn, understand and deal effectively with depression 13+ Treatment options for depression — There are effective treatments for moderate and severe depression

AND — sometimes the psychiatrists only use medications to treat — without CBT or any other therapy OR psychologists use only through therapy — which is dependence on only one part — and prolongs the suffering and increases the cost without really impacting effectively.

27 Depression symptoms — if you have more than 6 of these — then please-please-please consult a qualified-experienced mental-health professional 17 Examples of the types of depression — there are more types besides those mentioned here 9 examples which may contribute to make a person depressive

  • 1.Psychological treatments
  • 2.Behavioral activation
  • 3.Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • 4.Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) — psychotherapy may help a person manage their symptoms of depression
  • 5.Antidepressant medication like (SSRIS) and (TCAS).
  • 6.Psychosocial treatments are also effective for mild depression
  • 7.Antidepressants can be an effective form of treatment for moderate-severe depression but are not the first line of treatment for cases of mild depression.
  • 8.Depression is manageable using the major three aspects
  • 9.Support of and from Family-members and loved ones — although they need to be trained, counseled and educated properly
  • 10. Psychotherapy — which includes — one-to-one counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or talk-therapies.
  • 11. Medications — the psychiatrist on examining the patient may create a balance of medication to create proper supply of chemicals called neurotransmitters — few of them are — acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, glutamate, gaba, and endorphin — The balance between these neurotransmitters create a sense of well-being
  • 12. Brain stimulation therapies — Brain stimulation therapies are another treatment option. For example, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation sends magnetic pulses to the brain, and this may help treat major depression — If depression does not respond to drug treatment, the person may benefit from electroconvulsive therapy
  • 13. Natural treatment for depression
  • I.Food and diet — the following foods are not only healthy but may also have some effect on reducing symptoms of depression — Fruit, Vegetables, Fish, Olive oil
  • II.Vitamins — b-12 and b-6 are vital to brain health, Vitamin d is important for brain, heart, and bone health
  • III.Folate- broccoli, beans, lentils
  • IV.Iron- spinach, lentils, oysters, dark chocolate, poultry
  • V.Long-chain omega-3s (EPA and DHA)- fish, nuts, seeds, algal oil
  • VI.Magnesium- whole grains, leafy gains, almonds, cashews
  • VII.Potassium- bananas, organ meats, honeydew, sweet potatoes
  • VIII.Selenium- eggs, sunflower seeds, brown rice, poultry
  • IX.Thiamine- nuts, oats, beef, pork, liver
  • X.Vitamin a- liver, cod liver oil, goat cheese, kale, carrots
  • XI.Vitamin b-6- eggs, beef, carrots, sweet potatoes
  • XII.Vitamin b-12- beef, liver, chicken, yogurt, fish, eggs
  • XIII.Vitamin c- citrus fruits, kiwi, mangos, berries
  • XIV.Zinc- beef, shellfish, legumes, seeds, nuts

60 Tips on what can you do about your depression 30 ways on how can you help a loved one who is depressed — If you know someone who has depression #whatisdepression, #understandknowanddealeffectivelywithdepression, #treatmentoptionsfordepression, #naturaltreatmentfordepression, #bipolardisorderwithmani, #losinginterestinwhatyouenjoyedearliermaybesignofdepression, #areyousufferingfromdepression, #depressionsymptoms, #griefandsadnessarenotdepression, #typesofdepressions, #depressionisreal, #nevertakedepressionlightly, #whatfactorstriggerdepression, #whatyoucandoaboutyourdepression, #howtohelpyourlovedoneswhoisdepressed, #dealingwithdepessionyoursandyourlovedones, #seekhelpifyoufeeldepressed, #immidiatelytakemedicalhelpincaseofsuicidalthoughts, #learntomanaageyourstress, #doityourselftipstomanagedepression, #donotwithdrawsocially, #wehavethepowertoimprovequalityofourlife, #howtomanagedepressioneffectively, #managingdepressionthroughtCBT, #howtotreatdepression, #takecareofyourselfbetter, #exercisemeditateeathealthysleepwell, #challengeyournegativethoughts, #takeactionswhichmakesyoufeelbetter, #becomedisciplinedandfollowritualsandroutine, #findwaystolaugh, #connectwithsupportnetwork, #spendtimewithpeoplewhomakeyoufeelgood, #setgoalswhicharemanagable, #Challengenegativethinking

  • 1.Even though we have made so much progress in the medical and science world — still what causes depression is not fully understood.
  • 2.There are many possible causes and numerous factors which can trigger depression — as depression can results from a complex contribution from of social, psychological and biological factors.
  • 3.Adverse life events like — sudden-job-loss, long-time unemployment, death of loved one on whom someone was highly dependent, financial-ruin or certain abusive and violent relationship may develop depression
  • 4.Then the resulting dysfunction in life’s routine due to depression — can worsen the affected person’s life even more powerfully — making it a vicious cycle
  • 5.Genetic features
  • 6.Changes in the brain’s neurotransmitter levels
  • 7.Environmental factors
  • 8.Psychological and social factors
  • 9.Additional conditions — such as bipolar disorder

Originally published at https://successunlimited-mantra.com on December 8, 2020.



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