Wake-up calls in your life Warnings to notice and take actions


45 important wake up calls of life you should not ignore

In this article you will learn the following

-45 Important Wake-up Call Signs

-26 tips How to recognize, identify and utilize wakeup calls

-18 Ways to recharge mentally and emotionally

-16 things that you FEEL or Do — which might create situations necessitating wakeup calls

Do you know all of us consistently get wake-up calls throughout our lives.

Most of us do not pay any attention to the wakeup calls till it becomes a major crisis.

Why — because in the initial stages of crisis — the problems are so insignificant that they don’t disrupt your life and neither do they create any nagging irritation — so you are happy to ignore them.

Most problems — when ignored have a way of snowballing into great pain-causing intensity and erupting with monumental volcanic power.

So what are the wakeup calls — Wakeup calls are warning signals and decisive reminders — that something in your life is drastically wrong or in the way you do things — or about something happening around you — which needs your immediate attention.

These calls may come — in your profession, in your relationship, in your children’s life, in your health or your financial life.

Wakeup calls are the subconscious messages sent to us as a flashing thought to make us pause and reflect and create course-correction measures to change whatever is making us stuck.

A wake-up call is an indicator of approaching catastrophe to review our perspective and to see things from different points of view to create appropriate mitigation plans.

Many times you may find numerous crisis — might be happening together in almost all aspects of your life — remember the quote “trouble never comes alone” and the famous Murphy’s Law.

Many time when some atrocious events takes place in your life — the resulting disruption can make you question what the hell you are doing with your life — if this happens then the wakeup call becomes a meaningful transformative phase.

Paying attention to the Wake-Up Calls can change the quality of your life — as the purpose of wakeup calls is to awaken you to make you take timely actions in some very crucially important area of life.

It is easy to ignore wakeup calls — as most often — they come as a gentle whispers or as a flashing thought that disappears quickly.

Very rarely — you may find that you not only recognize these signal and take action in time [before it strikes and causes a major crisis].

Not recognizing and ignoring the wakeup calls for long — would take you to a point of no returns, ultimately — where your life may get paralyzed and stuck — and unless you take actions to change — you may promote self-destruction.

A wake up call may come in the form of something unpleasant — an unexpected death, a breakup, a sickness, or some sort of loss.

The Power of Wakeup Calls — you may find that — few changes have happened in your life only because you ignored these wakeup calls till it was too late — and then the strong-arm tactics of the providence took over.

Understand that — Nothing in your life happens all of a sudden — barring natural calamities, accidents and some deaths.

I can guarantee that you will discover in hindsight — after you have ignored some major wakeup calls and have gone through the complete cycle of turmoil — that you have had numerous and consistent warnings which you chose to disregard — before your life got so dramatically altered.

Wakeup calls can also change — What seemed important before becoming least important by completely changing your priorities.

Whether a wakeup call becomes a boon or a bane depends on what you are willing to learn from it and whether you are ready to make big changes in your life and lifestyles.

Sometimes ignoring the wakeup calls may force you to hit bottom — which could be the best thing to happen to you — if you take right measures — post crisis phase.

16 things that you FEEL or Do — which might create situations necessitating wakeup calls

1. Most of us feel [when we are young] — that we won’t age and grow older — so we keep taking things for granted and keep abusing our bodies

2. Many of us feel that we have unlimited time on this earth — and consequently we delay taking action towards our dreams and as a result they just remain wishful-thinking

3. We don’t spend meaningful quality time with our loved ones — as we assume that they will be there

4. We ignore the signals that our body is giving us

5. Many of us feel that [especially when young] — exercise is not needed

6. Many of us ignore mental exercises [even if we do physical exercises]

7. Many of us remain trapped in our un-resourceful mental-emotional habits

8. Many of us wait for the right time to start something — instead of start taking actions

9. Many of us focus on pursuits that are glamourous and of temporary value — instead of building a blissful, peaceful and contended life with less dependence on materialistic needs

10. We try to prove how exceptionally smart we are — by trying to win every argument

11. Many of us do not see the warning signs of relationship issues enabling taking actions in time — to prevent escalation of situation — totally out of control

12. Many of us let a minor annoyance make us lose our self-control and take damaging actions — without realizing that ignoring it could have given you better outcome

13. We try to change others to our ways of thinking — till we manage to destroy what could have been a valuable relationship or proposition

14. We automatically assume when someone says something that rubs us negatively — as indication of their bad intent and hostility or jealousy

15. We let misunderstandings and breakdowns in communication to continue and live feeling hurt and angry — without taking steps to sort out the conflict

16. When others mess up — we blow our top forgetting how many times we have messed up in life that too royally

45 Signs to know if it is your Wake-up Call — you may get recognizable wakeup calls — in the areas of your health, your relationships, your profession, your finances and your social states

[Sometimes you may think that these signs are simply your figment of imaginations — they could be — but if they persists you must take remedial actions]

1. You feel tired for no reason

2. You feel out of breath without any efforts or activity

3. You feel fatigued

4. You feel sleepy whole day but can’t sleep

5. Night you are unable to sleep

6. You don’t care about your job and start taking extra-long lunches -leave work early — delay submitting/completing your job — criticize the bosses and management — suddenly call-in sick

7. You fight and argue a lot with your partner

8. You have had or approaching breakup

9. You feel emptiness and void

10. You are scared to get yourself tested

11. You stop socializing

12. You start ignoring the friends

13. You think about ending your life

14. You don’t care about how you look

15. You don’t realize but talk negative most of the time

16. You wait for things to happen

17. You stop trying for improvement

18. You go for senseless purchases

19. You are in fast approaching being in debt-trap

20. You spend more than you earn

21. You have not saved for the rainy day

22. You can’t concentrate

23. You don’t have must enthusiasm for the future

24. You are working in a job which no longer interests you and you are only going through the motion

25. You just don’t care if you lose your job

26. You make mistakes in dealing with people

27. You constantly make mistakes in your job

28. You antagonize people who can help you grow

29. You lack social support system

30. You make excuses

31. You blame others for all what is wrong in your life

32. You don’t take responsibility for your life

33. You have acquired unhealthy habits

34. You feel stuck and unexcited

35. You feel anxious and depressed most of the time

36. If your life is on auto-pilot

37. If you never put yourself first as you try to please others all the time at the cost of your loved ones

38. You have become someone you don’t recognize

39. You are working other’s goals

40. You have An unexpected health issue

41. You have lost a loved one quite some time before but yet to come out of grieving

42. You lost your job

43. You have lost your financial nest

44. You find you are not succeeding life for long — failing continuously and making mistakes after mistakes

45. You constantly struggle to get through the month

46. You continuously fail to save money

47. You are 30 and have not set up a retirement plan

48. You are carrying a mountain of debt without a life insurance

26 tips How to recognize, identify and utilize wakeup calls to create profound changes in your quality of life in every respect and in every aspect of life

1. Understand that in the end it is you vs. yourself — as far as your life is concerned — the responsibility of improving your life is only yours — you can chose to ignore these wakeup calls and defeat you or you can create meaningful metamorphosis within yourself as well for your loved ones

2. Understand that the Wake-up calls are simply reminders of — what you value most — and what you have been ignoring — make it a point to review constantly so as to never lose sight of what actually matters to you and loved ones in long-term

3. Stop giving a damn about how others think you should live your life — and start living the way you want to live

4. Know that the wake-up call comes for all of us — but it is not about wakeup calls — but actually about what you do and how you respond by taking long-term measures that is important

5. Try and let the suffering and pains in your life to make you more understanding, more compassionate and wiser — instead of making you bitter and angry

6. Learn to listen to what your body and what your subconscious is trying to tell you

7. Set your priorities right — focus on the most important things that really-really matter for you

8. Start living your life — being who you truly are — this will completely change the trajectory of your life

9. Listen to the voice within you- through meditative introspection, contemplation and reflection

10. Sit in the silence — let your mind wander without trying to regulate it

11. If it is important — by all means chase wealth and fame BUT ensure that you are giving more priorities to love, relationships,

12. Listen to your instinct -When something does not feel right, it usually isn’t — Learn to notice and become aware and to interpret your emotions

13. Look to your negative emotions as guides — to create changes in your life

This article was originally published as “45 important wake up calls of life you should not ignore” in https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links http://relationshipandhappiness.com/ [2nd] and https://www.quora.com/profile/Subhashis-Banerji [3rd]

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