Want to become smarter stop trying to outsmart others
In this article you will learn the following
-80 SMART MENTAL Tricks -How to deal with extremely smart people — by becoming smarter yourself
-21 ways How to Outsmart People — Outsmarting Someone in an Argument or negotiation
Don’t try to outsmart anyone because of following 3 basic reasons
a) You can’t beat fools as they are so creative and ingenious in their own turf
b) You can’t beat real-smart people as they won’t even engage with you in your this ego-game
c) If you openly start competition with the types who are also trying to outsmart others — then you may get into lots of unnecessary self-created stress and few temporary-highs — unless you want to be someone who is a little too smart for your own good.
If you want to be smarter and be real-smart — focus on being a life-long learner and admirer of superior qualities in others.
Create opportunities which by design — makes you the least knowledgeable person in any meaningful gathering that you choose to be in.
Throw your EGO out and surrounding yourself with people who are smarter, more intelligent, more powerful, more knowledgeable and master-experts — than you are — can make you feel awful and can increase your emotional-insecurity time to time — UNLESS — you are very comfortable with who you are and really learning for growth.
Accept this — No One Is Smarter Than everyone — ask yourself have you come across people who are individually more intelligent and more capable than an entire team — not possible.
How many times you are with people and know more than each individual person there — very-very rare — unless you happen to be a nursery teacher.
That is the reason why the world’s best leaders use the collective-power of their teams through involving them in decision-making and problem-solving by delegating.
This creates for better decisions than if they had made themselves.
But when you approach assuming that you know something no one else knows in given a situation and that you more intelligent than others — you will discover to your horrors [like I have many-many uncountable times] that this might turn-out to be a most stupid, most damaging and dangerous thing for you.
When we try to outsmart others — it becomes a no-win stressful-competition where there is no reason for competition.
And because you have created this competition inside your mind — you need to win by any means — this thought-process itself can be enough of stress.
Trying to outsmart others also have huge cost — you will lose opportunities because of your focus on something that has no value at all.
If you are looking to feel like a victor or champion — pick the competition of beating your yesterday with a superior today and making yourself grow in ever sphere.
Gain a deep understanding of the basics of success, growth, relationships, business, networking and what makes people decide etc. and use these to create long-term strategies to gain business, professional and personal success.
Because then you will master the rules of the game and use it to your advantage and will be the one who is winning where it matters most.
If you apply the above perspective — you will eventually become the smartest in the room — as the person focused on learning will outsmart the competition hands-down.
80 SMART MENTAL Tricks -How to deal with extremely smart people — by becoming smarter yourself — given randomly and all single line advices have detailed do-it-yourself articles in my 900+ blogs in both the websites
1. Stop expecting to be the smartest person everywhere you go
2. Accept that you cannot always be the smartest person — Get over your need to always be the brightest and best
3. Instead identify, Recognize and Acknowledge your strengths — Focus on what you are good at and not what you lack
4. Stop comparing yourself with others -it so self-destructive especially if you already have a very low self-esteem or self-confidence
5. Smart people are people just like you — only they have spent a great deal of time learning, polishing, practicing and mastering few qualities and skills that you are in awe — in them
6. Find out your passions and interests — spend time doing that
7. Take hobbies that make you stretch yourself beyond your comfort zones while created great memories and stories to cherish
8. Create stories to share from all the points given in this article and from your triumphs and big failures
9. Become great in story-telling — smart-people have this knack of telling wonderful mesmerizing stories from their past
10. Nurture yourself by doing all that you really enjoy, such as swimming, yoga, reading a book, taking a hot bath or taking a drive through the mountains
11. Make self-care your priority
12. Meditate, Exercise and do yoga
13. Learn to breath and practice different types of breathing everyday while doing your tasks
14. Find activities and methods which boost your moods
15. Take challenging tasks to boost your self-esteem -
16. Identify all your weaknesses as well as all your positive strong qualities — then practice to accept yourself fully
17. When you accept yourself fully and when you feel good about yourself — you feel be yourself when you are with much-smarter and very-intelligent and most-powerful people
18. Start the practice of — taking actions from your area of influence and control
19. You may not be able to control people do or say but you can always control how you react
20. Don’t try hide your ignorance or run away — in case you find you really don’t have any clue — instead accept what you don’t know
21. Ask when you don’t know something
22. Ask questions whenever you are confused
23. Learn to master the art of asking questions — tough questions, open ended questions difficult questions — from everyone
24. Understand that it is in your power to ask question and others may always refuse
25. If you are asked questions you can’t answer — go find the answers — Take responsibility for figuring out what the correct answer is
26. Always Ask smart people for tips — these can boost your perspective big-ways
27. Always appreciate and Acknowledge when someone does something in an admirable way you hadn’t thought of before
28. Learn to recognize positivities and good qualities of others and give sincere appreciations
29. Ask for and Accept feedback in right spirits
30. Criticism can be rough — learn how you handle criticism and rejections
31. Show interest in lives of smart people — Ask about their hobbies, their challenges, their struggle on the way to the fame
32. The more you interact with the smart people and the more you learn from each interactions — the more smarter you will become if you start applying these learning in your life as well
33. Treat smart people as equals — Be respectful and polite — give the them the same consideration that you as per your values give to others
34. Learn to recognize the difference between real-smart and braggers, fakes,
35. People who are emotionally-secure will always make you feel better about yourself
36. Learn to discern between self-confidence and arrogance. It’s ok to take pride in your work or what you are good at.
37. Keep practicing what you learn — it takes time and patience with persistent efforts to become great in anything — and Everything gets easier with practice
38. Read a lot — Choose diverse material — This is how the experts became experts — by studying, practicing and becoming good at what they do
39. When you absorb and retain a lot of useful information — you can easily bounce ideas off of during discussions and meetings
40. Focus on quality over quantity and excellence over perfectionism
41. Focus on yourself and what you can do to improve
42. Try your best and give your 100% efforts all the time — and then ignore the outcomes
43. Be alert to learning anything which can make your skills updated with the latest and most needed
44. Learn to recognize your routine thinking solutions — instead look for multiple options, possibilities and alternatives
45. Learn about the capabilities of your opponent better than you know your own — and brainstorm how you can convert their strengths into their weaknesses — and your strengths stronger
46. Have people who are also as keen on creating excellence — avoid mediocre and average
47. Don’t be in a rush to get short-term gains — for long-term great accomplishments — have a strategy and implement then wait for your plan to take effect
48. KNOW THE MEANING OF INTELLIGENCE — read my article about 42 types of intelligence