Want to Live Life Optimally Best Study DEATH
In this article you will learn about the following 10 deaths and their influence
1. DEATH of my 1st business startup — and its good-bad-ugly effects
2. DEATH of my 1st wife — and its positives as well as negatives
3. DEATH of my 2nd marriage — and its disasters and triumphs
4. DEATH of my father — the guilt and the realizations and the subsequent self-corrections
5. DEATH of professional -relationships — cessation of business
6. DEATH of my financial-nest
7. DEATH of few of my idols
8. DEATH of my earlier ideals and beliefs
9. 16 major milestones of my life’s odyssey so far — all types of outcomes from hugely-negative to highly-positive
10. 18 highlights of my journey as an employee — while working with GM, JC and Raymond and later as consultant, coach, counselor and mentor — the ups and downs
This article is only about living and life — even though I have used the word DEATH in numerous places.
DEATH plays very-very critical role in the quality of life that all of our lives.
DEATH is not always the DEATH of a human-being- DEATH of a person signifies the ultimate-end as far as that departed person is concern..
DEATH can also be the end of something — a phase, a relationship, a career, a specific type of life-style or breakup from your debilitating mental-emotional-physical shackles.
At times we might even pray for the DEATH of something — like that of a toxic relationship or of a bad-habit.
Depending on how each-person deals with their loss or disruptions through different types of DEATH — the lives of people gets impacted significantly and irrevocably for many people — it could be positive or highly negative
I have encountered various DEATHs in many-hues and shades of my life of 6 decades so far — it is very colorful and have instances of utter-misery & sadness to the feelings of complete freedom, jubilation and liberation.
Because all these DEATHs have contributed in their significant ways — to who I have become today — I have tried to show how the different types of DEATHs can impact your life through seeing the effects on me.
At the end of this — I have also given the chorology of events of my life from the time I finished my post-graduation — to give the readers — the details of mistakes made and meaningful things created — and the impact of these DEATHs — both positive and negative.
This article was prompted because of my mother’s recent passing-away.
Because I learned and self-corrected myself — looking back I have very less regret in how I took care of her and treated her vis-a-vis what I did for my father when I was alive.
DEATH of my 1st business startup — and its good-bad-ugly features
1. Starting a poultry-farm from my father’s total retirement-gains — which ended in total financial ruin — because of my not doing anything which was smart and prudent and also many-many foolish decisions.
2. This created a financial-emergency and i had to search for job and that started my corporate-career — which made me work with general-motors, Johnson-control and Raymond in the middle-east.
3. This phase as employee although started on extreme dire-circumstances — but actually brought financial-stability in my family.
4. And the money thus earned thus not only made my parents live comfortably but also helped us take care of the expenses for my two sister’s marriage.
5. And also created favorable circumstances which made way for — the next-DEATH & next big-disruptive-change.
DEATH of my 1st wife — and its positives as well as negatives
1. Within 15 days after I got the job with Raymond I got married.
2. But because my wife was a senior government-employee she had to get no objection certificate to get the passport and travel abroad.
3. So i had to go alone after staying with my wife for 12 days — during which she became pregnant with our daughter.
4. So by the time she was able to get the passport and i could get her visa to travel with me — my daughter was born — i came on leave — after 6 months of my daughter’s birth — to take them with me to the middle-east.
5. Within 10 days — my wife met with an accident and passed away — leaving 6 months old daughter.
6. This was the end of my corporate working-career — as i never went back to my job.
7. This was also the DEATH of my aspirations of migrating to Canada — for which the papers were already submitted and we were to appear for final interview.
8. Additionally i also had to face a court-case — initiated by my in-laws for my daughter’s custody — in the grieving-period.
9. To deal with my pain — i applied — got selected and was trained as a counselor — then counselled domestically-abused women
10. Because i could no travel and all the jobs i was offered had travel as part of the job-requirement — I took the franchisee of an American firm leadership management international and started selling their leadership program.
11. Although i lost all the amount — but i got connected with few small-medium business-owners — which started by expedition into consulting training coaching profession and did some very large projects successfully.
12. All the while raising my daughter and my niece with help of my mother and my sister and [my method of strict-parenting was not only wrong of parenting but also created more emotional-insecurity issues in both my daughter and niece although all it was with good intent only].
DEATH of my 2nd marriage — and its disasters and triumphs
1. After remaining single for 14+ years — I went to Singapore for a conference and met this woman who invited me for dinner and that led to physical-intimacy and marriage.
2. Initially it looked too good to be true — and in that euphoric-phase — I did take some most damaging-actions — that has caused not only emotional-scar but also impacted my daughter’s brilliant-career.
3. I uprooted and shifted my daughter from the best college of the best university of India plus the globally recognized chartered-accountancy to Singapore for ACCA — a professional course which does not have much respect and recognition globally and especially in India it is not recognized.
4. My dream marriage turned into nightmare — as her ill-treating and torturing my daughter — surfaced [I learned much later as I was in Singapore for 10–15 days every three months and my daughter was there 24x7].
5. My wife also started showing signs and symptoms of very unhealthy-narcissist behaviors — which was traumatic — although I sought medical-help — but as this disorder cannot be reversed — we went for divorce.
6. The triumphs were — my creating from scratch — a Singapore government recognize hotel management diploma institute and plus doing some very-large and financially-gratifying projects with Singapore it and Singapore governmental sector.
7. After coming back from Singapore — leaving every penny that i earned in Singapore — I had to deal with the break-up trauma.
8. Then to mitigate my pain i started online free counseling and mentoring portal success unlimited mantra and 1 year later relationship and happiness portal.
DEATH of my father — the guilt and the realizations and the subsequent self-corrections
1. After reflection post my father’s demise — only then i can understand — how he loved me and cared for me his whole life and that I never showed any gratefulness to him and how I hurt him by always being irritated with him [without trying to understand him and his loving-gestures].
2. Also later could understand in retrospect — how my daughter‘s behavior- did not stem from her not loving me but from her various pains that she was suffering and is still struggling with few — all these were caused because of my reckless decision.
3. Then i could also understand that she is very loving and also very mature — but is not expressive as she shows her love and care though subtle gestures.
4. I also realized that this is also a reflection of how the nature makes you experience the same feelings — that you have made others go-through.
DEATH of few other relationships — the pains and the changes
1. These made me start writing on Quora — where I got 2 million plus views
2. Then I created 250+ videos on YouTube on self-help
3. Almost all my sensual-relationships — ended in extreme pain — which made me start and create something meaningful and legacy in totally different fields — except the last one — which actually made me stop recording YouTube videos after 1 year of uploading 250+ videos
DEATH of professional -relationships — cessation of business
Þ Because of reaching 60 and not considered fit by most of the corporates [including those with whom i had professional relationship with all these since 2007 onwards till 2019 with a very impressive track-record].
DEATH of my financial-nest
1. Lost my savings from abundance to almost zero three times — after the DEATH of my 1st wife [when I did not work] — then after the divorce from my 2nd wife[had to leave everything with her]
2. And because no regular earnings at present for some times now — managing from the savings kept for twilight-years of life now
DEATH of few of my idols
1. I used to respect the two people who are among the most popular in India — Amitabh-Bacchan and Sachin-Tendulkar and all those who display similar traits
2. Now after seeing their attitude during covid19 plus their supporting fascists plus their being only focused on earning-money without very insignificant philanthropic gestures to make this world a better place — I have decided they are not someone I will look-up-to anymore
DEATH of my earlier ideals and beliefs
1. After seeing the miseries people suffered in India during covid19 1st and 2nd waves plus correlating with similar miseries since the beginning of human-life — both nature’s and man-made and specifically having seen the criminals-dictators-fanatics making people suffer beyond imaginations.
2. I have started questioning the existence of god.
3. Thereby I started supporting the living-gods like — Doctors-NGOs-good Samaritans
16 major milestones of my life’s odyssey so far — all types of outcomes from hugely-negative to highly-positive
1. I have tried to give entire story in sequence and although i have put under different questions — they are part of the whole story
2. Immediately after I finished my post-graduation — my father had to quit working because of his much troubling angina.
3. He got a lump-sum amount of rupees 1.5lacs from his employer in 1984 as gratuity for his life’s work — there was no other deposits or savings [or any other property or asset — for all 5 of us — me, my parents and two sisters who were in college and whose studies were still funded by my father].
4. Because he always wanted to start a poultry-farm — we decided to start a poultry farm and went to a place called Jhansi which has a cantonment and is surrounded by many big army-cantonment in nearby towns.
5. I assumed [under the arrogance of recent graduates — with know-it-all air] that because army is a big-consumer [under the arrogance of qualification — wrongly of-course] — we will be overnight-success and our business cannot fail.
6. We did not do any surveys or even talked to people in army who were supposed to be our target-customer — or other poultry-farm owners mistake number 1 in hindsight
7. Did not even doing the retail market study — my mistake number 2 in hindsight.
8. Then i invested almost 60% of the aforesaid amount in constructing the farm — [on a land owned by someone I knew — who said that he does not need this land and that we can have this land for free — I accepted with full trust — without signing any documents and agreements or contracts [what he said fully without even having any doubt that the words are fully reversible] — my mistake number 3 in hindsight
9. Then we started running the poultry farm — mind you none of us knew anything about what to do or have consulted any expert or taken any training my mistake number 4 in hindsight
10. We kept on experimenting — which proved to be very expensive financially for us
11. Then only after we invested in construction and got the chicks — and started running the farm — I focused on marketing — my mistake number 5 in hindsight [marketing should have been the first thing to do even before we thought of spending any amount]
12. Then when i landed in Jabalpur — where the army-tenders are floated — I found two things to my horror — one that there is a big-mafia [who threatened me openly to go back or face dire-consequences] plus that the cost the army is getting the supply is almost three-times our cost [because we fed the most expensive and balanced food to our chickens].
13. I came back and decided to go for retail selling — again the cost was more than our selling price and at last we started our own shop — but because of not knowing how to manage staff they stole us blind.
14. After 2 years our total deposit of money reached to Rupees 5,000/- with day-to-day expenses to take care and both the sister’s marriage also had to be managed.
15. When we asked for the money for our construction — the person who owned the land refused
16. Then I started applying and within 3 months manage to land a job with general motors in middle east — and I left my parents and sisters with Rupees 5,000/- total amount to manage their expenses.
18 highlights of my journey as an employee — while working with GM, JC and Raymond and later as consultant, coach, counselor and mentor — the ups and downs