Want to strengthen and boost your attention-span, concentration, focus — try these 95 tricks


In this article we will learn the following-20 Negative impacts of having short attention-span -95 activities to strengthen-sharpen-boost — your attention span through behavioral-mental-physical habit-correction — You need to find what works for you and then practice — 10 Ways to meditate — you need to find what works for you because all types of meditation don’t work for everyone What causes short attention span — and how can you improve it. It is ok to find your mind wandering — time to time — when you should be focused on something very important. Staying on tough-tasks can be difficult for most of us at times.

How to improve attention psychology -How to increase your attention span and power of retention

It becomes particularly more challenging when you are getting distracted by various internal as well as external factors constantly.

Human brains have the unique ability to think something else while being engaged physically in some other activity.

Momentarily getting distracted is normal — and if you are able to bring back your focus on the priority of the moment and the important tasks needing your attention then you need not become too concerned about it.

But if you have a short attention span and have trouble focusing on generally and because of this have poor quality of life — then you must get to the underlying cause for this phenomenon and work on the solution.

20 Negative impacts of having short attention-span

Few medical-conditions as well as medications — can cause poor attention-span — like ADHD [attention deficit hyperactivity disorder] depression, learning-disabilities, certain injuries sustained in the head or other neurological and psychological issues.

95 activities to strengthen-sharpen-boost — your attention span through behavioral-mental-physical habit-correction — You need to find what works for you and then practice

In this article we will be focusing on improving and strengthening your attention-span — which does not have medical-reasons — although many of the tips would work even in medically-induced and triggered attention-deficit issue.

  • 1.Inability to finish even routine tasks
  • 2.Unable to absorb and grasp and as a result there of — unable to learn or retain anything
  • 3.Missing crucial information
  • 4.Missing opportunities or unable to recognize them
  • 5.Bad and negative impression
  • 6.Unfinished tasks — especially those which are imperative
  • 7.Below average performance — in whatever you do
  • 8.Difficulty in maintaining social-professional-personal relationships
  • 9.Unhealthy eating-sleeping life style and habits
  • 10. Neglecting self-care
  • 11. Poor communication skills
  • 12. Poor academic and professional qualifications
  • 13. Irritations-frustrations-sudden burst of anger
  • 14. Low self-respect and self-esteem lack of interest
  • 15. Inability to sit still
  • 16. Unable to maintain a train of thought
  • 17. Gets easily distracted — by even things that should not bother you
  • 18. Appears to be daydreaming
  • 19. Difficulty following instructions
  • 20. Inability to keep things organized
  • 1.For few people chewing-gum or chewing-pencil — increases alertness and lower stress
  • 2.For some people — listening to music while doing something important — makes them focused
  • 3.Paradoxically — doodling — works for some people — while listening with attention to something that you are interested in that is really important to you
  • 4.Maintaining hydration levels in your body — optimum intake of water or fluids which are healthy — dehydration can make your brain dull
  • 5.Keeping your potassium-sodium levels balanced — by having a balance of saline-sucrose intake
  • 6.Fast-walking and exercise — strong body will have strengthened brain — cognitive-control improves dramatically — after you have exercised
  • 7.Learn to meditate from the following 10 types — you need to find what works for you — all types of meditation don’t work for everyone
  • I.Sitting in calm-cool-quiet place — just focusing on the present — letting the mind wander as much without trying to control
  • II.Introspecting — getting in touch with yourself-your dreams
  • III.Sitting with the purpose of — free-thinking and different-thinking — to solve a pressing challenge or problem
  • IV.Sitting silently — just relaxing all your body and mind
  • V.Going for meditations based on yogic-exercises and breathing
  • VI.Starting with concentrated-conscious focus to take your mind to thoughtless state — where there are no thoughts going in and out yet you are aware of the surroundings [this would take at least 6 months to achieve if you really want this]
  • VII.Guided meditation under some professional — who can take you deeper within and who can make you visualize
  • VIII.Various types of therapies — like fragrance-therapy, massage-therapy, music-therapy etc.
  • IX.Sitting in the nature and becoming one with its various sound-smell-vibrations — this can be done in hills or wilderness with no distractions
  • X.Cutting yourself from all the gadgets — and living like a primitive — time to time at least once in 2–3 months if you can’t do this every fortnight
  • 8.Learn to cut-off the distractions and noise — even while sitting among bedlam — and think about what you need to do in near future
  • 9.Day-dream about — how you would like to see yourself in next 5–10–15 years and then make plans — schedule time for this activity on priority basis every day
  • 10. In the conferences and meeting — taking notes of what you liked and asking questions which you feel that is important but you don’t know the answer to keep yourself meaningfully-engaged
  • 11. Try to do few things time to time in a absolutely basic-ways — like people used to do when present technology was not there
  • 12. Time to time go and live in places — which does not have high-decibel noise as well as sharp-artificial lights and yes less levels of pollution
  • 13. Stop multitasking — unless absolutely essential — this one is the most destructive habits which shortens the attention span — you may feel great when you juggled multiple tasks — but your efficiency and effectiveness would be below-average
  • 14. Take break between the work — from the work — from the daily routine
  • 15. Make your brain take on challenging problems — which foxes it completely
  • 16. Learn to play — string or piano-type musical instruments
  • 17. Learn a new language — learn to talk like a native
  • 18. Try to express your feelings through pictures
  • 19. Learn to use the language of expressions in such a way — that even a person from different culture can understand you
  • 20. Create your very own attention-training-regimen
  • 21. Learn to listen to what your heart and inner-voice is telling you
  • 22. Try to interpret your frustrations and irritations and losing-control — into signals for changing habits — identify what changes you need to make to feel better in healthy and sustainable ways
  • 23. Try to create discipline in every part of your life — very small change at a time — in your sleeping habits, eating habits and life-styles
  • 24. Become curious and develop courage to ask questions — when you don’t know something and you must know that
  • 25. Listen to soft music
  • 26. Go Herbal and Go-vegan — once in every 15 days
  • 27. While creating to-do lists — take notes by hand using pen and paper
  • 28. Practice attentive listening — by asking questions regularly — and trying get the feeling what the other person is saying not through the words but expressing it otherwise
  • 29. Try to lip-read and guess — then go and verify
  • 30. Create your reading-plan — everyday read at least 30 minutes — anything that interest you
  • 31. Learn to stretch and relax your muscles — progressively — from toe to head
  • 32. Walk without actually looking — but taking all that is there in the surrounding — then later recalling and nothing down — after that checking how much you could catch — do this for fun
  • 33. Use visualization to future-pace and anchor — doing successfully whatever you are going to attempt in future
  • 34. Avoid news channels and limit your social media usage and exposure
  • 35. Take help and get cognitive behavioral therapy — to be aware of your inaccurate and imagined perceptions and assumptions and negative thinking- to respond to challenging situations and handle people in more effective ways
  • 36. Identify your stressors — identify which tasks, which people and which situation causes you the most worry and stress — develop the mindset of working on finding and implementing solutions — as they could be the most important things which you need handle on priority basis
  • 37. Divide big projects into — small-small steps
  • 38. Focus on implementing more than planning
  • 39. Make a list of accomplishments and milestones — for your further inspiration and motivation
  • 40. Don’t make your resolutions only on new-year eve — make them any day — but make yourself take that 1st step
  • 41. Identify your big-picture — keep focus and re-focus — till you get a sharp-crystal-clear and inspiring way-forward
  • 42. Then use this power and energy to start taking actions
  • 43. Learn to feel and deal with your emotions — especially the negative and disruptive ones
  • 44. Learn to manage your stress better
  • 45. Manage your energy as well as time — create your own deadline which makes you stretch but you still feel it doable
  • 46. Identify various healthy ways you can reward yourself on reaching a milestone
  • 47. If possible spend some time every week playing games in team
  • 48. Play memory games — like chess, scrabble and word-puzzle
  • 49. If feel tired — go something else and then come back to it — but make an inner-resolve to complete each important task that very day — it needs to be finished
  • 50. Get organized — your bed, your table, your work-area, your cupboard and your tool-box
  • 51. Have laze around time for doing nothing — feeling great
  • 52. Readjust your deadlines — if something feels too daunting
  • 53. Try to remember and recall things after you have come back from say shopping — note down minutest details
  • 54. Practice increasing your focus and attention span progressively and gradually — but whatever time-frame you have chosen stick with it
  • 55. Slowly increase the difficulty level by raising the bar
  • 56. Create solutions and plan for worst case scenarios
  • 57. Use various ways to consciously build your willpower
  • 58. What you can’t understand while reading — ask re-read the long and complicated matters slowly
  • 59. Follow new recipes — while trying out a new dish — completely going by the book
  • 60. Learning about a new gadget completely through the instruction manuel
  • 61. Play spot the difference and scavenger hunt — with a specific focus
  • 62. Try tongue twisters
  • 63. Identify what’s missing — in pictures specially designed for it
  • 64. Keep practicing
  • 65. Fight boredom. Make your targets of attention more engaging by making them into some sort of game. Enliven dull work by thinking of it in novel ways
  • 66. Find and develop a passion for something that stretches you
  • 67. Apply the 80/20 rule — work-hard but in smart way
  • 68. Introspect past mistakes to get your short-term hindsight learning
  • 69. Teach others — whatever is your strong-suit
  • 70. Share your stories and experiences — through writing blogs and journals
  • 71. Do the toughest task when you are most alert
  • 72. Respond to emails and messages that day itself — in a pre-scheduled time-slot only
  • 73. At times do things slowly deliberately — just to go through the process with complete awareness
  • 74. Every day ensure that you complete few tasks fully
  • 75. Create and practice energizing rituals
  • 76. Sharpen your senses
  • 77. Start relying on your 6th sense
  • 78. Feel your body-sensations and vibrations — time to time
  • 79. Learn to avoid overthinking — pay attention to only what is necessary
  • 80. Take power nap for 15–30 minutes at the middle of your work-day — if possible — to improve your brain’s exhaustions and to energize it
  • 81. Learn to sleep well at the same time
  • 82. Find what small things makes you happy — something every day
  • 83. Help others
  • 84. Network and make social-professional connections
  • 85. When you need fast boost in your energy drink or cola but don’t make it your addiction
  • 86. Find ways to have a good laugh
  • 87. Create a balanced and healthier life-style
  • 88. Try to remember by understanding avoid cramming or rote-learning — visualize concepts
  • 89. Relate new information to things you already know in newer ways
  • 90. Find different and new ways on how to improve what you do on daily basis
  • 91. Pay extra attention to difficult information
  • 92. Practice delayed gratification
  • 93. Experiment with new things just try it to experience and see what happens
  • 94. Learn to focus on one demanding activity — every day
  • 95. Go for disciplined sports like — dance, martial-arts, juggling etc.
  • 96. Go for collaborative activities — like dancing or acrobatics with a partner

#negativeimpactsofshortattentionspan, #whatcausespoorattentionandconcentration, #improveyourattentionspan, #stayontoughtaskslonger, #createfocusedattention, #sharpenandboostyourattentionspan, #increaseyourattentionandrentention, #righthabitsforhighconcentration, #getorganizedanddisciplined, #keeppracticingtoimproveyourfocus, #workhardinsmartway, #sharpenyoursensesrelyonyoursixthsense​

Originally published at https://successunlimited-mantra.com on April 1, 2021.



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