Why Being Unsettled is Good


Choose to Unsettle Yourself

It seems all of us wants to settled down in life– at least most of us or — many of us– RIGHT?

This mindset is the root-cause most of our woes, miseries, anguishes, distresses, despairs etc. etc. in our lives — and creates many negativities.

Because it works on the exact opposite principal of the Laws of nature.

The Nature is about continuous evolution — the fundamental of which is constant-change.

Although many of the unsettling experiences/incidences are pleasant — being comfortable-with and excited-about with the life’s unsettling hands — is the key to happier and less stressful life.

In this VUCA environment and disruptive-world — now being unsettled is the Settled.

Most of our popular folklores and the movies along with the fictional love-stories have sold us this crazy notion of living happily ever after.

All of us have bought this illusion hook, line and sinker.

We are conditioned to expect and keep looking for it throughout our life — and like mirage it normally doesn’t happen.

If you can examine this objectively — This happily-ever-after-life is as true — as all the women and the men having exactly same nature, thought-process, expectations, needs etc. etc.

Let us do a small test — Ask yourself which of the followings actually makes you fully at peace [please add whatever I might have missed]

1. Coming into puberty

2. Being a teen — an adolescent [ this goes for both the teenagers as well as their parents]

3. Shifting to a new town

4. Taking a new job/Losing your job

5. Finding your heartthrob — yes it can change your life unlike anything big-time

6. Getting married

7. Having kids for the first time or any number of times

8. When kids are getting married

9. When kids have their own children

10. Financial losses

11. Onset of old age symptoms

12. Loss of loved ones, Breakups with friend spouse, partner etc.

13. Getting promotion/a big raise

14. Getting a fortune being gifted o you/winning a lottery [yes-yes I know this is a very rare event and happens only to rarer people — it definitely won’t happen to you]

15. Becoming famous

Even though some of them are really very-very happy events — it would still take us through roller-coaster of emotional bell-curve.

Settling-down, living-happily-ever-after is a mental and emotional-fantasy.

When we are disillusioned with the expectation of this (UN)Reality — instead of welcoming change* we resist it, we fight it, we delay it till it can longer be postponed.

9 benefits of being unsettled

[throughout this article as in all my blogs in Success Unlimited Mantra — all the *marked ones mean there is a separate and detailed Do-it-Yourself blog on that topic]

1. If you are expecting a big trouble — and are prepared for the worst AND what happens is lessor — your stress*-levels would be withing positive*-levels

2. Because you pro-actively seek change* — change will never make you upset

3. As you always try to find better ways of handling newer and bigger-problems* — you may discover some-cutting edge solutions* those can even make business*-sense

4. You will constantly evolve to be a more capable and competent person

5. You will be able to spot the trends* sooner than others — and — if you can develop entrepreneurial*-mindset* — you would be able to create disruptions*

6. You will become a Game-changer*

7. You can live an extra-ordinary* life

8. You ae not scared to take Risk*

9. You are Yourself* or you can be You best self

38 ways on How to create the mindset of making most out of being Unsettled — for full read https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog/why-should-we-never-settle-in-our-life



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